Reviews Opel Corsa 5 doors 2000 - 2003

Opel Corsa 5 doors2000 - 2003 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of CORSA 5 doors.

Engine minimum Repair Cost Problems
Transmission EasyTronic transmission control unit may fail, which requires replacing the entire transmission (the cost of repair from 20 thousand rubles)
Management and suspension system In conditions of bad roads, malfunctions may arise with a steering rack after 50 thousand km.
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other minimum Repair Cost Problems
Body resistance to corrosion There is no data
* Information are collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-13 14:10:38

Twice in one day I was overtaken by such a nuisance: at a speed of 20 km / h, when the braking in the usual mode, the car immediately leads. I immediately seemed that the left front wheel was blocked. Even with emergency braking, the car used to never leave for the SM. Can the reason for the brake fluid replacement?

To answer
2012-07-13 15:23:49

When the car "takes" to the side during braking, it is most likely one of the wheels inhibits stronger than the second. Perhaps brought the system. In this case, you must have a failure when you click on the pedal. If this is not, then during the stop, check the wheels for heating. Much slows down the one that will be hotter. Only as BE do not burn.

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2013-12-23 19:27:26

On the heated engine, working at idle began to light up the oil pressure light. Tell me the reason. THANKS.

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2014-01-04 00:36:53

help please, good advice. Opel Meriva 2005 GV 1.8 isitronics. Problem: transfers do not switch on the 2nd and the signaling device is glowing with the letter F. In the serv. The bookkee is indicated that serious problems with automatic transmission. It is possible to order a used. But how to make sure that the problem is exactly in the automatic transmission, and not something else, for example, in the clutch disk?

To answer
2014-01-04 00:37:24

help please, good advice. Opel Meriva 2005 GV 1.8 isitronics. Problem: transfers do not switch on the 2nd and the signaling device is glowing with the letter F. In the serv. The bookkee is indicated that serious problems with automatic transmission. It is possible to order a used. But how to make sure that the problem is exactly in the automatic transmission, and not something else, for example, in the clutch disk?

To answer
2014-01-04 00:38:20

help please, good advice. Opel Meriva 2005 GV 1.8 isitronics. Problem: transfers do not switch on the 2nd and the signaling device is glowing with the letter F. In the serv. The bookkee is indicated that serious problems with automatic transmission. It is possible to order a used. But how to make sure that the problem is exactly in the automatic transmission, and not something else, for example, in the clutch disk?

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2015-09-15 21:02:22

hello where you can find on Opel Corsa 2003, 5 times, Hchbeck, white with guns two doors front and rear doors, tell me where you can order, thanks in advance

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2016-01-04 17:26:06

Good evening! Help please !!! The oil drives. I did not say anything to the service (I don't really say anything) I said that Sapun.What can I do and what does this problem face? I'm afraid to make a car?

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2016-01-04 17:27:13

pardon Opel-Corsa 1.4 2007.

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