Opel Corsa 5 doors 2000 - 2003 hatchback

Baby from Ryusselshaim
OPEL: Russian debut in the se segment B seriously taking up the promotion of its European vassal of the Opel brand on the Russian market, GM is gradually expanding the model range of a German company. Work is underway to certify the Zafira minivan, and the appearance of the Frontera SUV is not excluded. The first swallow in the updated Russian line of Opel was Corsa hatchback, who debuted in the market ...
Corsa trump cards
Corsa's trump cards // Opel Corsa Opelian bestseller Corsa is experiencing third youth. It seems that the small generation low -iority will become an even more tidbit for buyers than before. It’s a little Opel sin to complain about the inattention from the public. Over the eighteen years of Corsa's life, 9.5 million fans around the world have gained 9.5 million. From the end of 1982 to 1993 sold ...
Original transmission for a small car
The choice of a car is a purely individual process. You can choose according to any criteria, starting from the color of the body or power of the motor to the degree of equipment or the value of the cost of maintenance. Naturally, in this case, one has to take into account another very important, and sometimes, unfortunately, the dominant factor is the cost of the car. After all…
Four dimensions
You can treat Chris Banlal's experiments in the field of BMW sedans design, but he seems to be right in one. We really live in an era of entertaining design, and the fair sex now more often has a temptation to choose a car based on what it looks. Even if contrary to the arguments of the mind and considerations of practicality. Paragraph of love ...
Big surprise
Despite the rather solid age, the second generation of Corsa is still extremely popular, and not only in Europe. Since 1993, about 6 million cars were sold in 80 countries (Corsa was produced at 11 factories in five continents). However, seven years - a bit too much for such a successful car, and aging ...
The highest score of average sufficiency
I have long suspected that the consumer properties of the most massive cars slowly but surely move to a certain common parameter of medium size. Judge for yourself: the main ergonomic constants that form the basis of the general layout of the car (and, therefore, forms), the development of the workplace of the driver and the entire interior, are well known today. Technical characteristics are also brought together ...
Diesel tomorrow
Inexorable statistics indicate that in 2000, 32% of the European car market was occupied by diesel models. The pattern of one of the results of the century is confirmed by ten years of growth of this indicator. In Russia, unlike Western Europe, there are very few diesel cars. The fault of this is the well -known quality of our diesel fuel and the prices for repairs of the fuel pump. Local dealers ...
Women love flowers, rich men with taste and small feminine machines. Opel loves women, and therefore, alive flowers replaces Astra, the taste for rich men appears in the form of Omega, and the worthy means of transportation is called Opel Corsa. The fact that the new Corsa could give us unforgettable sensations, we knew even before the test. O…
If you are small, then this does not mean that you are bad and no one needs. A small car can cause great love, for example, if it is Ford Fiesta or Opel Corsa. Ternist the path of small classes on Russian roads. Here in Europe is another matter, there are kids in Tabor. Any brands, models and ...
Wede and drive
Women and resorters love him. Women consciously, for compactness. Kurortniki is forced, for the availability in the rental offices of the entire Mediterranean. This is Opel Corsa. On the Opel Corsa of the previous generation, I happened to ride very fairly on the roads of Spain - I twice took it at the box office during summer vacations. Based on the cheapness -...

Video test drive Opel Corsa 5 doors 2000 - 2003

Video Crash tests Opel Corsa 5 doors 2000 - 2003