Reviews Hyundai Accent 4 doors 2003 - 2006

Reviews Hyundai Accent Sedan2003 - 2006 collected from the masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of the reliability and features of operation Accent Sedan.
Engine Resource timing belt on the petrol engine 1.5 - 50 thousand km (Timing Belt Kit - 1908 rubles .; work - 1.7 labor hours)..
Transmission minimum Repair Cost Problems
Control system and suspension Source front struts and the stabilizer bushings - 20 thousand km (stabilizer sleeve - 92 rubles aligning - 513 rubles;. Work - 1 normo-hr.)..
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other minimum Repair Cost Problems
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-11-28 10:29:55

Cars, of course, something as simple as a drum and not very comfortable, but for 7 years vledeniya and 270 kilometers I have never stood in the way, all the repair was limited to the replacement of consumables ... And now chooses his car 600-900 thousand, read reviews and the impression that this money only 1 trash: even the box and the engines are broken and it is run at 50 thousand

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2013-02-13 14:10:35

Torn timing 1.5 ... if the valve is bent?

To answer
2013-02-13 15:04:35

Definitely !!!!! Perhaps piston struck! At my Kiryukha eager-cylinder head can not be how to reset!

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2013-02-13 15:09:24

It's a shame that the timing I have 7 thousand. Ago. How do I find someone to present a hundred or store where you bought the belt, the checks will keep me in September. Or no chance?

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2013-02-13 15:12:02

Who can faced ...

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2013-02-13 19:12:57

According to the normal need to order those. examination, which should determine the cause. Or improper installation, or poor-quality belt. But Russia is unlikely at the end it turned strebovat damage, even in court.

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2015-01-18 22:06:53

no power is supplied to the fuel nasos.predohraniteli whether all some sort of pump control datchk tselye.est?

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