Reviews about Hyundai from experts

Data on typical malfunctions Hyundai collected from specialists from service stations, based on their experience in repair and maintenance of large amounts of Hyundai cars

Hyundai faults

Each brand in one degree or another is subject to various kinds of faults and, damage to their cars. Hyundai is no exception. In the special section of Bibipedia collected information on typical hyundai faults.

In summary tables, common difficulties associated with the engine, brake system, gearbox, startup system, air conditioning, brake system, electrician, body and pendant Hyundai. Excel, Hyundai Galloper, Hyundai Santa Fe, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai XG, Hyundai Getz, Hyundai Accent, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai Tucson. Hyundai Sonata.

From the section you can find out that in Hyundai Sonata 2001 -2004. Possible interruptions in the operation of the sensor of the rotation of the drive shaft of the transmission, so the engine control lamp can be outdoor. Due to bad aerodynamics on the roof of Hyundai Galloper 1991 -1998. Over time, the chips begin to form chips, which later rust. For other faults, read in the section.

Here you can familiarize yourself with the approximate prices for parts and the cost of work on repair Hyundai.. Knowledge of basic hyundai problems And their symptoms will help to reveal in time, and troubleshoot. We recommend to explore the section before buy Hyundai. A certain brand or year of release.