Reviews Audi A4 B6 2001 - 2004

Reviews Audi A42001 - 2004 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of operation A4.
Engine Often fails the turbine; Symptoms of malfunction: oil in a nozzle (turbine - 13 000 rubles; work - 3.5 norms-hours). On the diesel engine 2.5 TDI often fails the control pump (fuel pump - 7086 rubles; work - 0.8 norms-hours) and nozzle (nozzle assembly - 10 684 rubles; work - 0.5 norm hours).
Transmission Possible failure variator gearbox (multitronic). Symptoms of malfunction: the car is trring by jerks. Sometimes clutch malfunctions in a manual box.
Control system and suspension Resource suspension 50 thousand km (levers: upper - 2 700 rub x 4; lower - 5,000 rubles x 4; work - 4 norms-hour).
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Over time, wipers fail (slow down). Often refuse ignition coils (ignition coil 1216 rub; work - 0.1 normal hours) and windows (windows - 3224 rubles; work - 1.6 norm).
Body stability to corrosion No data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-08-18 16:35:25

I would have added here: treacherously tying a black matte coating buttons, and under it a terrible white plastic

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2012-09-04 10:40:04

So I wanted this car, as small and not small, looks cool. But I don't want problems with the box at all.

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2012-12-14 21:46:44

I have 2 such cars. I love them very much. Well, the buttons and the ker with them. I have 3.0 sports 250 hp How it rides it is just n .... a car awesome for nothing. and 2.0 eats oil and x .. with her. This is a car for lovers. You can not understand ...

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2012-12-17 02:06:30

Guys, tell me, please! Such a problem: the contact from the heating of the rear window fell off. Printed it with conductive glue - does not work, although the current goes. I was pretty - again fell off. What to do? Maybe someone came across ...

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2012-12-17 13:15:56

I saw in the store for 500 rubles a whole kit for heating the rear window was sold, maybe replace the factory to such a kit if it does not work with the repair of the original.

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2012-12-20 18:22:09

Hello everyone! Guys tell me what to do I'm not going to do. I don't know this problem. I don't know such a problem why but after several orders (I work in a taxi) the stove stops warm and the air flow goes cold and not warm. Over the hood Solid, filled with air, open the tank cover where the Tosol will work slightly and everything comes to normal. Forced blowing, it does not work, it should work at 80 degrees, well, when the radiator boils down. Tosola. I surveyed all the packed out, the raised where it does not flow ... The next morning the same garbage. I was already fitted to work only on one Tosol. Tell me if you know what the problem is. \u003cbr/\u003e \u003cbr/\u003e

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2012-12-21 14:15:49

Perhaps the heater radiator is scored. Also, with such symptoms, you need to check / replace the thermostat, and be sure to find and eliminate the flow of the coolant.

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2012-12-25 00:12:33

If there is no crack at the barrel then you need to replace the cover of the barrel, the puddles will no longer

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2014-01-12 03:37:45

may pump? I had it. It worked fine on the cold, after the watches of the two use began to warm up and usually throw the toosol through the expander. He sinned into the air in the system, what just did not do, and the face went up on the Estocade and gas, anew toosol poured so that the air did not get into, in short, worked for Tosol. The autopsy showed that the impeller on the pump after heating began to turn. Now I ride and smile))) at the same time changed the rollers and the timing belt

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2015-10-23 21:28:44

it flows pump

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2013-02-04 16:57:36

hi all. I want to take A4 2.0 Multitronics How to check the gearbox so that there is no accident on emergency symptoms

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2013-02-04 17:43:25

Hello, Lyokh. 1) get the dipstick, look at the oil, smell it and lose his fingers. The perfect option if the oil is a reddish shade (says that there is no need to change the oil), without a mouse smell (if there is a smell means problems sampled, the smell is very sharp, if it is, then you will understand), when rubbing, the oil should be uniform without any either particles. If there are particles or smell, then it is better to give up from buying. 2) Check on the go in all modes, there should be no strong jerks and jersekov. Special attention to switching from the first to the second, usually precisely at the same time the switch appears first

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2014-06-10 15:24:14

I want to take A4 (B6) mechanics, advise what engine is reliable.

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2014-07-05 13:13:07

Beri 1.6i

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2014-07-15 22:49:30

i want 4 1.8 tons for how much you can buy in the norm of the state of the body B6.

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2014-08-20 20:50:51

In paradise not 400 tr. For 300-350, you will not find in a nhaood state. Three months ago, after painful searches, I found my crumb. I have never had any problems with anything. No noise in the cabin and out. Box Variator - Switching the gear can only be noted on the tachometer. Handling - above all praise 80 km / h in a steep turn - this is not speed for it. Comfort on the foreheads - above all praise, I did not go to Zade - in the 2nd they say comfortable, but in 3m already in no way, narrowned. Skalted already in the area - 7

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2015-05-26 17:34:33

the fuel sensor does not work, from the beginning showed on the turn, poured a full tank and fell on red no longer rises. What can I do?

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2015-11-16 20:00:02

another problem, the car sometimes does not start when normally sleave, stuck and if after 10-15 minutes you will not start up, and it starts at the cold start at once. Please help who came across

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2016-07-09 23:30:28

i have A4B6 2002 GV Volume 2 automatic transmission, brought from Lithuania immediately made it replaced the timing, oil and consumables. But one problem surfaced - you turn on the rear speed, and the car is not eats, the lever moved across the lever. For a hundred started to breed that the control unit was covered, the price of almost 2000 $ tell me what could be actually and what can be done?

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2016-11-06 22:35:54

Block repair 15000r and everything works 8905 744 50 95

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2016-11-06 22:36:04

Block repair 15000r and everything works 8905 744 50 95

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2017-04-15 09:50:45

AUDI A4 (B6) maintenance regulations (2001-2005) (A4 8E)

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