Reviews about Audi from specialists

Data on typical Audi faults are collected from specialists from service stations, based on their experience in repair and maintenance of a large number of cars Audi
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Problems with the heating system in Audi are often occurring. For example, a car salon warms too slowly or not warmed at all. Such a malfunction may be associated with a valve breakdown (or several valves), which regulates the amount of coolant circulating in the system. In this case, you just need to disassemble the control valve and make it clean, which usually saves the situation.

In the case of a cooling system, it must be prepared for the summer - clean the system radiators, check the operation of the fans and the level of antifreeze (it is recommended to change it every two years), as well as if necessary, supplement the coolant level.

Very relevant and common is increasing as oil consumption. Many motorists consider it a serious malfunction, think about the replacement of the rings and even overhaul. But, absolutely should not hurry in this matter. First you need to simply check the ventilation system of crankcase gases.

Typical Audi is the ignition system malfunction. This is usually expressed in twitching machines on acceleration, and at idle goes - floating turns, increased fuel consumption, and sometimes shots in the exhaust pipe. In this case, the ignition coil is required, because it can be the cause of these troubles. And usually behind breakdown of one coil, others fail.

A malfunction in the power supply system is also common, which occurs uneven engine operation, poor start, unstable idling, power drop. All of these faults occur due to bad operation of the throttle node, which is an important element of the power system. The throttle assembly in modern cars is controlled electronically, has a high-precision stepper motor that can change the position of the throttle valve. Despite the fact that this provision changes only on the share of MM, such a malfunction delivers a lot of trouble by the car owner.

Well, the question of the resource of the drive chain in the gas distribution mechanism is still typical. Typically, the chain replacement interval is approximately 150 thousand mileage kilometers. The basis for replacement can serve as a characteristic rustle in the operation of the motor. If the case is running, then the engine power may fall, and fuel consumption will increase.

These are the faults are the main and typical of the Audi model class cars. Nevertheless, for their excellent qualities and reliability, Audi is very valued by motorists and such connoisseurs is becoming more and more.

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