Test Drive VAZ 2110 1995 - 2007 Sedan
Our brand does not give up

Getting ready for municipal
Motivation Good care about the domestic manufacturer read, about yourself. And the domestic consumer, then we are with you? So it buys! So, the balance price and demand is not broken yet. Note, not violated on average in the country. In the Far East and in the Kaliningrad region, the position of our brands if not crushed in the fluff and dust, then no threat to competitors represent. Local has long made their choice, and reconcil from foreign cars, even used, our new people seem to have nothing to force.
However, AvtoVAZ thinks otherwise. Judging by the statements of the leadership, a large-scale intervention is preparing for the Far East to return the market in the Lohn of the Russian Auto industry. For the exercise of such an ambitious plan, even the cost of transporting cars VAZ is ready to take over. Rather, we have a transport component in the price of all their cars.
Our locomotive, go ahead!
Echelons are ready for loading. What is intended to be a carpool to close the enemy, what kind of secret weapons are developed in its depths?
Reply to this and some other questions should have a new project behind the wheel called our brand. Task to buy the latest serial cars of three main auto plants (VAZ, gas and IL), evaluate the quality of manufacture, the state of the machines at the time of sale, the level of service, to conduct the instructions of the running, check the compliance of the stated parameters actual, come on cars in Vladivostok and try them there sell.
Alongorally find out how much trouble to contain Russians away from the places of their production they say in Primorye and there are no spare parts for them. Is it easy to coordinately created in Russia and for Russia cars the longest road in it? Foreign cars collected from us, last summer passed this route without loss.
Cat in a sack
Buying a car from an authorized dealer suggests that in exchange for its money, a citizen will receive a product that is fully appropriate to the declared parameters, good and suitable for operation.
Provide this is designed to pre-sell without it for sale of the car is prohibited. The conscientiousness of the masters largely determines the further health of the machine and the best characterizes the seller's attitude to the buyer. After all, the last to some extent always takes the cat in the bag. That most, whom the seller has already spoken, prepared and masterfully packed. The client when buying simply cannot carefully examine the goods on it need time, some tool and professional knowledge. Yes, and should? After all, the firm guarantees. To look at the cat will have to be later, and well, if it is a decent mousetry. On the other hand, the Advarger is still not a revision of the quality of the manufacture of the machine and is not able to neutralize all mines laid by the manufacturer.
... So, the case made cars purchased. Now is the time to get to know them closer.

Year of release 2004.
Date of sale 26.03.2004.
Seller LLC Rusavtogaz, N. Novgorod
Price * (with delivery to Moscow) 195,000 rubles.
In addition to the modernization of the running part of the Volga, carried out in 2003 (the cordless pendant of the front wheels and the transverse stability stabilizer in the rear suspension), there were changes in the appearance of the machine, lighting and body equipment.
Significantly updated the front: modern stylish block headlights with smooth glasses, combining the optics of the near, long beam and direction indicators, the new hood at the same time with the grille, wings, bumper with chrome. In the doorway, new handles and silent Czech castles are painfully.
At the same time, the fitting of body panels remained far from perfection. The lower edge of the front of the hood is very sharp easily can relax the palm. It should be glued to the rummer on the edge, for example, cut along the hose or the Zhigulevsky trunk seal. The gas tank plug is iron, on the chain. Now she, of course, will not lose, but the paint from the wing is absolutely necessary. Instead of antenna (in our configuration it is not) From the wing sticks out a rubber plug Decoration questionable.
Rubber molding linings disappeared on the doors. Perhaps without them more beautiful, but is it better? In the tightness of parking, the doors will definitely scratch.
The most pleasant changes in the interior. New front seats are much more comfortable former and not so cumbersome. Finally, the ignition lock moved to the side surface of the steering column. Now it is not necessary to look around between the knees.
New steering wheel, steering switches, electric mirrors are undoubtedly much better, but they are not able to cover the proletarian origin of the 3110 family.
At first it seemed even if the plastic of the salon became not so stench. But the first our date with the car was a frosty spring in the morning. The sun began to launch the Sun, filling it with poisonous miasms: with closed windows, already the eyes of the pinch.
Remove, or rather to dig a cigarette lighter from the nest of a male hand is not easy. Already begun two racksserts to quit smoking or make a special stock. The first is more useful, the second is easier.
As for pre-sale preparation, the positions listed in the service book are within the normal range, but no one checked the contents in the coupon in the exhaust gases. Oil bearings of the hubs of the rear wheels are completely empty, and the transverse tilt of the axis of rotation of the left and right front wheels differ by 4.5. Multimito ...

Year of release 2004.
Date of sale 11.03.2004.
Seller LLC Rostokino-Lada, Moscow
Price * 200 780 rub.
Of the latest changes, dozens, we note the plastic lining of the door thresholds, they protect the metal of the body from stones and sand flying from under the front wheels, and an additional stop signal. There is still no protective mesh for the bottom of the radiator and pierce it with a branch on the forest road is still easy. The cabin lighting plander is so weak that it is necessary to look at the roadmap before the hood in the light of the headlights or use carrying. Traditionally, the heater works with the cool.
A few puzzled the arches of the front wheels: for some reason they are wrung, like a washing board. What is this method to give rigidity to a thin sheet of metal or marriage stamping? In the former machines, we did not meet this.
Since AvtoVAZ prohibits the sale of its cars without pre-sale preparation and write about it in the service book, there is a marker, with a seal and an unintelligible signature. Preparation itself was reduced, apparently to visual control. That is, what came from the factory, it remains. Otherwise, than to explain the density of the electrolyte in the battery 1.24 g / sm instead of the last 1.27 g / CMZ, which is not working the lock of the right front door and the unregulated angles of the front wheels? The battery, we, of course, were recharged, the corners led to normal, the castle was repaired. Just why was the door in the inner cavity ... the husk of seeds?
Whether the door was used at the factory for some time as a serving table, whether the master from Rostokino-Lada, when I put the music, accidentally wake up reliably unknown. In fairness, we note neither cigarettes nor beer traffic jams, no fish scales in the doors, and the husk is completely dry and cannot initiate corrosion.
Adjusting the valve gaps of the engine into the list of pre-sale events is not included, so it is useless to demand it from the seller. On the other hand, drag through the entire city in the warranty to lose day. We will cope! Balance and wheels on the steering wheel feel characteristic vibration.

Year of release 2004.
Date of sale 11.03.2004.
Seller LLC Rostokino-Lada, Moscow
Price * 116 800 rub.
Each subsequent IL, who fell into the editor, is better than the previous one. And at least there is still a lot of hidden reserves, the tendency is pleased. The elements of the body are framed by uniform slots (the gaps are called smaller gaps), when the machine is wiping the machine with a white cloth, the latter is no longer painted in the color of the body (and it also happened). New seats have become even more convenient, although the former were quite worthy. Gray and black combined plastic torpedo looks much more respectable than last year's monophonic, and even some more stinks in the sun, but no longer creaks. A new combination of instruments such a car is not at all for the rank too good. Sorry, there was no place in it a signal lamp of the air damper how much extra gasoline burns it useless!
About what is done as it should, to tell nice, but not interesting because the car is paid money for the car. Therefore, we will focus on what you should not pay.
Noise insulation is already spared from the roof and will soon hang on the ceiling upholstery. Pedals demanded a small wiring otherwise pushing them separately was quite difficult. Kosos worth the steering wheel, but before reorienting it, check the corners of the front wheels. An alignment of 9 mm at a rate of 30.9 mm, and the collapse of each wheel turned out to be his own. Longitudinal tilt axes of rotation of wheels 026 and 033, and in the manual 230.
Parking brake cables are still underway under the rods of the rear axle and on the off-road they can reflect stones. Stretching them on top of the rods and problems will not.
Under the hood there is no revolutionary change, except for a new block of knife fuses, a small deflector in front of the radiator and a new air filter. But the hated rubber sleeve of the fence of warm air from the collector in place and still fills the salon with the aroma of burner rubber
Since a dozen and Izh are bought in the same company, we do not have to expect different approaches to pre-sale preparation. The voltage in the on-board network even when the consumers are turned off, it does not rise above 13.6 V, and should be within 13.914.6 V. Underway of the battery is provided. The reserve is empty, but in the hydraulic drive of the brakes of the air with an excess! Of course, all this can be eliminated by small blood, and how to be with a buzzing rear axle gearbox? After five minutes of movement, it warms up so that they will not touch.
The next step is to bring machine to a state suitable for operation, run-in and instrumental measurements of the most important characteristics. Then, probably, we will get to know the warranty repair. What will come of this, we will tell in the next room driving.
Vladimir Arbuzov
A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"