Test Drives Jeep Grand Cherokee 1999 - 2003 SUV

Cherokee is a modified TCILOKI, translated - just people speaking in another language (so called this tribe included in the group of horses, adjacent Indians). The chokes (or tciloki) themselves called themselves the Ani Yun Wiya - completely unpainted, but very proudly - the main people. Let's start with the fact that we will repeat: we ...
Wide opportunities
At the end of May, DaimlerChrysler Corporation conducted the official presentation of the new Jeep Grand Cherokee - in the Czech Republic, in the vicinity of Brno. We had the opportunity to participate in this event, and we did not fail to use it - despite the fact that this car was already familiar to us. Once again ride a good car - ...
Grandian general purpose SUV
If someone is not up to date, which means the phrase of Jeep Grand Cherokee, then this is probably a person not only not interested in cars, but also far from civilization as a whole. The legendary SUV, the hero of a huge number of jokes, is simply beautiful, according to most of our compatriots, and a prestigious car that has become a symbol of wealth ...
Conservative and radical
In the early 90s, Mitsubishi Pajeri Jeep-Gran Cherokee were perhaps the most popular imported oscidence. On the courtyard of the 2001 Eve, the third generation of Pajero and the second Gran of Cherokee. Outwardly, both have changed a lot, inside the Japanese a completely new filling, the American is the stronghold of healthy conservatism. Mitsubishi Pajero Third Generation was represented in the fall of 1999 and ...
Brothers Uncle Rimusa
At the distance of the three most popular American oscidence in Russia: fast, faster and cunning. Love a fairy tale! You did not know in childhood to read the fairy tales of uncle Rimus? I highly recommend: Joel Harris wonderful writer! The most elevant thing is the adventures of brothers rabbit, fox, wolf, bear and others can be read at any age. There is no ...
Large Troika in Russian Polesie
US Motherland of Jeeps. And, by itself, all three American concern put a whole range of SUVs to the market. The subject of our attention was the class, where two models are completely fresh Chevrolet TrailBlazer and Ford Explorer of the 2002 model year, and the third Jeep Grand Cherokee is called new so far. At the whole ...
Under a friendly lever ...
Jeeps like everyone or almost everyone. Those who wish to buy these cars are not just a lot, but a lot. But, unlike a foreign buyer, our, as a rule, chooses a car with a gasoline engine. Although diesel, as it seems to us, is more naturally associated with a heavy and power SUV, rather than with a frivolous small car. The main argument of supporters ...
Jeep Grand Cherokee (1992--1995 release years)
His profile could be seen in escorts of important officials, in a criminal chronicle, at the entrances of solid offices. Russia loved and hated Jeep Grand Cherokee.grand Cherokee was made in four versions of the configuration: Base, Laredo, Limited and Wagoneer. The next Spartan, basic - called the idea of \u200b\u200bthe chic urban SUV and, not finding ...
Torque truth
Those who forward are pulling only two wheels out of four will praise themselves to hoarseness. The same who moves in space on all four immediately, will argue which of the principles of the full drive is better. Humanity has long been tailored on the laurels after the invention of the wheel. Realizing that two wheels are better than one, it invented the arba. ...

Video Test Drives Jeep Grand Cherokee 1999 - 2003

Video crash tests Jeep Grand Cherokee 1999 - 2003