Hyundai Sonata 2001 test drive - 2004 sedan
Dinner is served!

Kia Magentis is almost the same Sonata, only in a slightly modified body. The remaining nodes and units are taken from Hyundai Sonata. Both cars are newcomers in our market, but the whole difference between them is the assembly place, appearance and $ 12 thousand, which the buyer must give for something. The question is for what?

Once a business class. Giving me the keys to Sonata, the company manager proudly noticed that this is no longer a family sedan, but a real business class.
Where is she, that thin line that separates a boring family sedan from a varnished paradise of a business class sedan?
On the example of Sonata and Magentis, the difference is clearly manifested as a acidic environment on the tongue of litmus pieces. These cars are so identical inside that a driver who is constantly transplanted from Hyundai to Kia and vice versa, haunts Deja Wu syndrome. With one difference: in Kia begins to torment the inferiority complex, and in Hyundai, mania of greatness is actively blossoming.

Although both cars are packed quite decent. Let's start with Magentis. Full electric package. Air conditioner. The steering column adjustable in height. Electronic disconnected course of course stabilization. Adjusting the driver's seat is mechanical, but their range is enough for a person of any height and complexion to get as much as comfortable as possible. Very competent glove compartment and additional pockets for bottles-stacked and other little things so necessary on the road. And the most pleasant and topical trifle is a socket separate from the cigarette lighter. It is so convenient to connect a charger for a mobile phone into it!

In Sonata, everything is the same, in the same places. A primitive triple-computer with uncomfortable control has been added to the digital counter-run meter. Of the noble functions of life support, there are heating seats and climate control instead of a trivial air conditioner. There is also a pillow for the front passenger. Yes, even a hatch. Next - a continuous deja vu. But, attention, here it is a line between family and business sedan.
Magentis is decorated with cheap plastic in combination with cheap plush. Thank God that at least the color is chosen in tone. The only leather details for which you can hold on to Plesir is the steering wheel and selector of the checkpoint. But the skin on the steering wheel is clearly a second grade, and the gearbox lever is just the same as on Sonata. Wherein...
... doors, seats and torpedo details are finished with very good skin. Honestly, very good. Almost Marrorn. On the doors, beard and the central console, inserts from plastic under a very noble tree are scattered. All this impresses a person with weak nerves - that is why at the beginning of the note I remembered the mania of greatness. Nevertheless, this is already a business class. Even if the whole business revolves around the network of commercial kiosks. But there is something else in Sonata, that raises its image to a height unattainable for Kia. Why Magentis remains a family car, and Hyundai is already a real sonata for a novice businessman.
Two is a new head. According to the prevailing tradition, to install engines with a volume of less than 2.5 liters in business class cars-Moveton. As if all businessmen, having escaped to the operational scope, will play the brothers Schumacher in one person. Moreover, you can’t even catch up with the falling dollar on Maclaren, and you can’t even take away from fate even on Lamborghini. But the law is the law. A prestigious car should tear from a traffic light.
So, on Sonata a new 2.7-liter V6 engine with a capacity of 178 hp, the cylinder block of which is made of aluminum. During its development, a new technology of maximum filling of space was used, lowering the overall level of noise and vibrations. For example, the air conditioning compressor was first fixed directly on the cylinder block.
I will tell you honestly - it is impressive. On the idle, the feeling is such that there is simply no motor. A couple of times I even mechanically pulled the starter, not paying attention to the arrow of the tachometer that shouted directly - there is a motor, there is! But it is not at all visible by the vibration of the gearbox lever and is not heard trivial. Sounds penetrate the salon only after 4 thousand revolutions and resemble the sound of a working turbine on Saab. I applaud the Koreans!

On a more democratic Magentis, a 2.0 liter engine is installed. Naturally, it sounds more stupidly and pulls his body more lazy. You can wait for a good returns from him only when the tachometer arrow constantly hangs behind a line of 4 thousand revolutions. In short - the tops do not want, the lower classes cannot. Whereas 2.7 on Sonata is easily picked up from the bottoms - it is enough to promote it to 2.5 thousand and you can brain in the rear bumper Mercedes and Audi. Moreover, xenon is included in the standard equipment.
By the way, about fate. Security issues are thought out on Sonata very seriously. For the first time, Hyundai used an intellectual sensory system on a car of this class. It blocks the operation of the passenger airbag in case of its absence or zero risk to life - thereby not excess damage to the car is not applied. Magentis cannot boast of such a system. What happens - the life of the family is cheaper than life, say, a business partner?

Three - take care of yourself. But both cars go frankly badly. I do not mean accelerated dynamics, but simply the comfort of the driver and passengers. We have a test plot on Vrubel Street-two bedridden policemen made of mysterious plastic, which even molecules of even museum trucks can be launched. So, at the editorial Focus at a speed of 80 km/h, I fly these policemen without the slightest damage to the car and my own body. Somewhere under the belly of a car you can hear the suspension, and that’s all.
Both Koreans could not stand this exam. The sensations from a meeting with a passive police can be described like this. First, the front suspension jumped. Then - the rear, and at that moment the feeling appeared that the car was heavily dug under the ass. Obviously, business wishers. Fulfilling this acrobatic study, both cars creaked plaintively with almost all the inner panels and touching the side mirrors touching.
On the direct, in the performance of a simple exercise, the rearrangement, which is an elementary sharp struggle with a steering wheel to the left and right, it turned out that the Sonata and Magentis body began to threateningly roll too early-when you still do not expect this from a solid car. Naturally, there is a real danger of their breakdown in the side skid.
The brake system liked Kia more. She was more predicted. ABS on Sonata works, to put it mildly, strange. Sometimes, when you do not expect this at all, for example, on a rather dry asphalt. Sometimes it does not work at all, for example, on a highly dusty coating - the car simply slides over it, like on water. In general, this is strange - the study of the engine compartment convinced us that the nodes in the brake system were used identical.

Four - take care of the money. Not in rhyme. But it is quite fair. The new Sonata was developed in the bowels of the design bureau in the United States. It looks much more solid and more beautiful than the fourth sonata from Hyundai. But I am a subjective opinion - much more to my native, Korean design Magentis. Especially its front, which elusively resembles Cadillac.
I remind you to the snack: the difference in the price between these two cars goes off scale for $ 10 thousand and the right choice will undoubtedly be Kia, despite the weaker motor and a simplified version of the interior decoration. They are still meeting on clothes. And it is not necessary to kindly sit business partners in your car. It is better to put them at a table in a gorgeous restaurant - just on the saved $ 10 thousand with a tail.
Text Nikolay Kachurin, photo Alexey Ilyin
The Hyundai Sonata V car is provided by Rolf-South, (095) 755-5505, Kia Magentis-Autotor, (095) 927-3915. Insurance is carried out by Ingosstrakh, (095) 956-5555.
Model/Modification Hyundai Sonata v Kia Magentis
Hyundai Motor Company/Korea manufacturer Kia Motors Corporation Autotor Korea-Russia
Type sedan sedan
Number of doors/places 4/5 4/5
Gasoline type with electronic injection gasoline with electronic injection
Front location, transversely in front, transversely
Working volume (cubic meter) 2675 1997
The number/location of the cylinders 6/V-shaped 4/row
Power, kW (L.S.) at about. 131 (178) at 6000/min. 100 (136) at 6000/min.
Moment (nm at about./Min.) 250 at 3750 180 at 4600
Front front drive
The gearbox is mechanical, 5-speed mechanical, 5-speed
The front independent on double transverse levers, the transverse stability stabilizer is independent of double transverse levers, the reptile stabilizer
The rear independent multi -leaf stabilizer is independent multi -link, the reptile stabilizer
Type gear rack with a hydraulic booster gear-rake with a hydraulic booster
Min. The diameter of the turn (m) 10.5 10.5
Front/rear circular ventilated/disk ventilated/drum disk
ABS 4-channel 3-channel
Length/width/height (mm) 4747/1820/1422 4710/1820/1410
Equipped mass (kg) 2700 2700
Wheel base (mm) 1439 1320
Tires 205/60 R16 205/60 R15
Dynamic characteristics
Maximum speed (km/h) no data 207
Acceleration to 100 km/h (sec.) No data no data
Fuel consumption (l/100 km, city/highway) no data no data
The price in Moscow is $ 30 thousand $ 17.8 thousand.
Source: "Autopilot"
Hyundai Sonata 2001 - 2004
Hyundai Sonata 2001 test drives - 2004
Hyundai Sonata 2001 malfunctions - 2004
Hyundai Sonata malfunctions: Detailed informationSonata 2001 - 2004 | |
Engine | ![]() |
Transmission | ![]() |
Control system and suspension | ![]() |
Brake system | ![]() |
Air heating and air conditioning | ![]() |
Launch and charging system | ![]() |
Electric components and so on | ![]() |
Corrosion body stability | ![]() |