технические характеристики Subaru Impreza wrx sti 2001 - 2003 Седан

Технические характеристики Subaru Impreza wrx sti 2001, 2002, 2003: мощность, расход топлива на 100 км, вес (масса), дорожный просвет (клиренс), радиус разворота, тип трансмиссии и тормозов, размеров кузова и шин

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (lp)/about Cylinders Twisting, Nm/(rpm) Type of the fuel system Тип топлива
2,0 Turbo 1994 195(265)/6000 B4 343/4000 Многоточечный впрыск Petrol

Drive and transmission

Modifications type of drive Type of transmission (basic) Type of transmission (optionally)
2,0 Turbo 4x4 (Полный привод) 6-МКПП

Тормозная система и усилитель руля

Modifications Тип передних тормозов Тип задних тормозов Power steering
2,0 Turbo Вентилируемые диски Дисковые вентилируемые there is

The size of the tires

Modifications The size
2,0 Turbo 215/45 R17


Modifications Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm The track front/back, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm Trunk volume, l
2,0 Turbo 4404 1730 1435 1491/1496 2525 155 399

Car weight

Modifications Equipped mass, kg Maximum mass, kg Lifting capacity, kg
2,0 Turbo 1470 1900 430


Modifications Maximum speed, km/h Acceleration time to 100 km/h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
2,0 Turbo 238 5.5 0.33

Fuel consumption

Modifications В городе, л/100 км По трассе, л/100 км Средний расход, л/100 км Выброс СО2, г/км Тип топлива
2,0 Turbo 16.7 9.5 12.1 290 Petrol

Цены Subaru Impreza wrx sti 2001 - 2003 в России (Обновлены 22 апреля 2016 года)

Модификации по г.в. Total cars on sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
Average price s
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total on sale with automatic transmission Average price s
Manual transmission, rubles
Total on sale with manual transmission
16 585 043 473 199 7 614 469 10
2 л 10 565 140 474 476 7 599 143 8
16 546 869 469 479 6 561 610 10
2.0 л 6 512 024 - 6 512 024 6
16 644 611 502 191 6 658 845 10
2 л 10 661 688 560 567 6 670 619 10

Видео краш-тесты Subaru Impreza wrx sti 2001 - 2003

Комплектации Subaru Impreza wrx sti 2001 - 2003

Test drives

Штрихи к портрету
The authors of the modernization of Subaru Impreza WRX know how to make a few strokes more attractive about the help of several strokes. As you know, Japanese cars are always at the peak of technology and fashion. This is good. However, the inevitable consequence of this pleasant quality is rapid moral aging. This is bad. A classic example of this situation can be Subaru Impreza ...
Chaos of possibilities
For the uninitiated: STI is Subaru Tecnica International, a sports department of the Japanese company (like Motorsport GmbH in BMW), which is engaged in the preparation of particularly charged versions and the release of their limited batches in particular, for homologation of racing cars. I will remember the meeting with Subaru Impreza WRX for a long time. Not a car, but a thermonuclear reaction, and even ...
We are good!
There should be a lot of good car, like a good person. In order not only to go well, but also to carry a lot - like BMW 325xi Touring and Subaru Impreza Wrx Wagon. A full -wheel drive sedan is a rather rare thing. This is the raisins of the automobile world. It is produced for amateur and is not in active demand. ...