technical characteristics of Peugeot 406 1995 - 1999 sedan

Technical characteristics of Peugeot 406 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999: power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (mass), road clearance (clearance), radius of the turn, type of transmission and brakes, body size and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (lp)/about Cylinders Twisting, Nm/(rpm) Type of the fuel system Type of fuel
1.9 TD (75 hp) 1905 55(75)/4600 L4 (in -line location) 135/2250 Indirect injection Diesel
1.9 TD (90 hp) 1905 66(90)/4000 L4 (in -line location) 196/2250 Indirect injection Diesel
2.0 HDI 1197 81(110)/4300 L4 (in -line location) 250/1750 Direct injection Diesel
2.1 td 2088 81(110)/4300 L4 (in -line location) 250/2000 Indirect injection Diesel
1.6 1580 66(90)/6000 L4 (in -line location) 130/2600 Multiple injection Petrol
1.8 1761 66(90)/5000 L4 (in -line location) 148/2600 Multiple injection Petrol
1.8 16V 1761 82(112)/5500 L4 (in -line location) 155/4250 Multiple injection Petrol
2.0 16V 1998 99(135)/5500 L4 (in -line location) 180/4200 Multiple injection Petrol
2.0 Turbo 1998 110(150)/5300 L4 (in -line location) 235/2500 Multiple injection Petrol
3.0 V6 24V 2946 143(194)/5500 V6 267/4000 Multiple injection Petrol

Drive and transmission

Modifications type of drive Type of transmission (basic) Type of transmission (optionally)
1.9 TD (75 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
1.9 TD (90 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
2.0 HDI Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
2.1 td Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
1.6 Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
1.8 Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
1.8 16V Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP 4-ACPP,
2.0 16V Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP 4-ACPP,
2.0 Turbo Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP
3.0 V6 24V Front-wheel drive 5-MKPP 4-ACPP,

Brake system and steering wheel amplifier

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.9 TD (75 hp) Ventilated discs Drum there is
1.9 TD (90 hp) Ventilated discs Drum there is
2.0 HDI Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.1 td Ventilated discs Disk there is
1.6 Ventilated discs Drum there is
1.8 Ventilated discs Drum there is
1.8 16V Ventilated discs Drum there is
2.0 16V Ventilated discs Disk there is
2.0 Turbo Ventilated discs Disk there is
3.0 V6 24V Ventilated discs Disk there is

The size of the tires

Modifications The size
1.9 TD (75 hp) 185/70TR14
1.9 TD (90 hp) 195/65HR15
2.0 HDI 195/65HR15
2.1 td 195/65HR15
1.6 185/70HR14
1.8 185/70HR14
1.8 16V 185/70HR14
2.0 16V 195/65vr15
2.0 Turbo 205/60VR15
3.0 V6 24V 205/60VR15


Modifications Length, mm Width, mm Height, mm The track front/back, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm Trunk volume, l
1.9 TD (75 hp) 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
1.9 TD (90 hp) 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
2.0 HDI 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
2.1 td 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
1.6 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
1.8 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
1.8 16V 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
2.0 16V 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
2.0 Turbo 4559 1760 1400 1501/1481 2700 203 430
3.0 V6 24V 4559 1760 1400 1504/1481 2700 203 430

Car weight

Modifications Equipped mass, kg Maximum mass, kg Lifting capacity, kg
1.9 TD (75 hp) 1275 1802 527
1.9 TD (90 hp) 1275 1802 527
2.0 HDI 1385 1950 565
2.1 td 1390 2015 625
1.6 1215 1825 610
1.8 1220 1720 500
1.8 16V 1250 1875 625
2.0 16V 1290 1915 625
2.0 Turbo 1310 1867 557
3.0 V6 24V 1430 1925 495


Modifications Maximum speed, km/h Acceleration time to 100 km/h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.9 TD (75 hp) 164 17.9 0.3
1.9 TD (90 hp) 177 14.5 0.3
2.0 HDI 191 12.5 0.3
2.1 td 190 12.5 0.3
1.6 175 15.3 0.3
1.8 181 14.6 0.3
1.8 16V 194 12.4 0.3
2.0 16V 203 11 0.3
2.0 Turbo 210 10.3 0.3
3.0 V6 24V 232 8.2 0.3

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l/100 km On the highway, l/100 km Average consumption, l/100 km Extrication CO2, g/km Type of fuel
1.9 TD (75 hp) 9.3 5.7 7 185.5 Diesel
1.9 TD (90 hp) 9.3 5.5 6.9 182.9 Diesel
2.0 HDI 7.3 4.5 5.5 145.8 Diesel
2.1 td 9.5 5.7 7.1 169 Diesel
1.6 11.7 6.6 8.5 - Petrol
1.8 11.8 6.4 8.4 199.9 Petrol
1.8 16V 12.2 6.7 8.7 207.1 Petrol
2.0 16V 12.9 6.9 9.1 216.6 Petrol
2.0 Turbo 13.9 7.5 9.8 233.2 Petrol
3.0 V6 24V 15.9 8 10.9 276.1 Petrol

Prices Peugeot 406 1995 - 1999 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars on sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
Average price s
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total on sale with automatic transmission Average price s
Manual transmission, rubles
Total on sale with manual transmission
7 170 611 - 6 169 319 7
1.6 l 6 211 654 - 6 211 654 6
25 194 385 209 085 7 192 900 22
1.6 l 6 192 405 - 6 192 405 6
1.9 l 6 147 514 - 6 147 514 6
2.0 l 6 181 891 147 514 6 190 485 6
62 198 005 193 167 9 198 710 49
1.6 l 8 156 957 - 6 156 957 8
1.8 l 33 206 157 243 717 6 205 186 33
2.0 l 7 208 228 193 699 6 226 411 6
3 l 6 225 495 - 6 225 495 6
72 208 352 217 469 10 206 704 63
1.8 l 46 206 657 233 474 6 205 763 46
2 l 21 210 938 227 703 8 200 447 10
2.1 l 6 256 555 - 6 256 555 6
3.0 l 6 230 884 - 6 230 884 6
48 225 623 221 058 10 226 854 37
1.6 l 6 216 782 - 6 216 782 6
1.8 l 25 226 486 242 110 6 225 691 22
2 l 21 223 355 219 321 9 226 235 10
3 l 6 226 630 179 591 6 320 690 6

Video Crash tests Peugeot 406 1995 - 1999

Complete PEUGEOT 406 1995 - 1999

PEUGEOT 406 1995 - 1995 - 1999

Driver and passengers

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