specifications Nissan Primera Sedan 1996 - 1999 Sedan
Specifications Nissan Primera Sedan 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999: Power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (mass), road clearance (clearance), radius of turning, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires
Engine characteristics
Modifications | Engine volume, cm3 | Power, kW (hp) / about | Cylinders | Torque, nm / (rpm) | Type of fuel system | Type of fuel |
2.0 TD. | 1974 | 66(90)/4400 | L4 (inline location) | 177/2400 | Indirect injection | Diesel |
1.6 16V. | 1597 | 73(100)/6000 | L4 (inline location) | 136/4000 | Multipoint injection | Petrol |
2.0 16V. | 1998 | 96(131)/5600 | L4 (inline location) | 173/4800 | Multipoint injection | Petrol |
2.0 16V GT. | 1998 | 110(150)/6100 | L4 (inline location) | 181/4800 | Multipoint injection | Petrol |
Drive and Transmission
Modifications | type of drive | Transmission type (basic) | Transmission type (optional) |
2.0 TD. | Front-wheel drive | 5-MCP | |
1.6 16V. | Front-wheel drive | 5-MCP | |
2.0 16V. | Front-wheel drive | 5-MCP | 4-automatic |
2.0 16V GT. | Front-wheel drive | 5-MCP |
Brake system and power steering
Modifications | Type of front brakes | Type of rear brakes | Power steering |
2.0 TD. | Ventilated discs | Drum | there is |
1.6 16V. | Ventilated discs | Drum | there is |
2.0 16V. | Ventilated discs | Disk | there is |
2.0 16V GT. | Ventilated discs | Disk | there is |
Tire size
Modifications | The size |
2.0 TD. | 185/65HR14. |
1.6 16V. | 175 / 70TR14 |
2.0 16V. | 195/60R15 |
2.0 16V GT. | 195 / 60VR15 |
Modifications | Length, mm. | Width, mm. | Height, mm. | Front track / rear, mm | Wheel base, mm | Road clearance (clearance), mm | The volume of the trunk, l |
2.0 TD. | 4430 | 1720 | 1410 | 1471/1450 | 2601 | 140 | 490 |
1.6 16V. | 4430 | 1720 | 1410 | 1471/1450 | 2601 | 140 | 490 |
2.0 16V. | 4430 | 1720 | 1410 | 1471/1450 | 2601 | 140 | 490 |
2.0 16V GT. | 4430 | 1720 | 1410 | 1471/1450 | 2601 | 140 | 490 |
Car weight
Modifications | Curb weight, kg | Maximum mass, kg | Load capacity, kg. |
2.0 TD. | 1270 | 1735 | 465 |
1.6 16V. | 1185 | 1670 | 485 |
2.0 16V. | 1215 | 1740 | 525 |
2.0 16V GT. | 1225 | 1745 | 520 |
Modifications | Maximum speed, km / h | Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with | CD (frontal resistance coefficient) |
2.0 TD. | 174 | 14 | - |
1.6 16V. | 180 | 12 | - |
2.0 16V. | 205 | 9.6 | - |
2.0 16V GT. | 218 | 8.8 | - |
Fuel consumption
Modifications | In the city, l / 100 km | On the highway, l / 100 km | Average consumption, l / 100 km | CO2 release, g / km | Type of fuel |
2.0 TD. | 8.6 | 5.7 | 6.7 | 178 | Diesel |
1.6 16V. | 9.6 | 5.9 | 7.2 | 165 | Petrol |
2.0 16V. | 10.7 | 6.3 | 7.9 | 189 | Petrol |
2.0 16V GT. | 10.9 | 6.4 | 8.1 | 193 | Petrol |
Nissan Primera Prices Sedan 1996 - 1999 in Russia (Updated April 22, 2016)
Modifications in G.V. | Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) | Average price, rubles |
The average price of S. Automatic transmission, rubles |
Total for sale with automatic transmission | The average price of S. MCPP, rubles |
Total for sale with manual transmission |
1997 | 38 | 195 843 | 204 710 | 8 | 194 247 | 35 |
1998 | 62 | 215 170 | 231 704 | 9 | 211 402 | 49 |
1999 | 31 | 234 765 | 244 106 | 8 | 231 379 | 22 |
Video crash tests Nissan Primera Sedan 1996 - 1999
Hardware Nissan Primera Sedan 1996 - 1999
Test drive
Wife divides cars to boys and girls. I used to laugh at this, but agreed with such a life position, seeing Nissan Primera 2000. The previous version of Nissan Primera belongs to a strong half. Beautiful, reliable, but devoid of the main thing that we appreciate in women, Sharma. It is impossible to be attached to it. So for years. ...
Fitting on the road
The rarest free days ... So you want to lie in bed, master the new toy on the computer or just read. But it was not there! Baby - to school! From school! I want to store! The mother-in-law must be taken to take another bunch of junk for the cottage! And these fitness clubs, the swimming pool of the risk to argue - Kara will follow immediate and terrible. Visit…
Follow the third time
The new generation of the popular model, the public first saw on the Russian VTosalone-99. The Primer was initially designed for the European market, therefore they make it in England. Naturally, the main work on modernization was also led in the old world, good, here the concern has several powerful technical centers (shopping center). Tsvezo wounded in November 1996, when Dave Godlashel from the shopping center ...