specifications Citroen BX 1983 - 1986 hatchback

Specifications Citroen BX 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986: Power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), radius of turn, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.9 D. 1905 48(65)/4600 L4 (inline location) 118/2000 Indirect injection Diesel
1.4 (62 hp) 1360 45(62)/5500 L4 (inline location) 106/2600 Carburetor Petrol
1.4 (72 hp) 1360 53(72)/5750 L4 (inline location) 106/3000 Carburetor Petrol
1.6 1580 69(94)/6000 L4 (inline location) 135/3500 Carburetor Petrol
1.9 (105 hp) 1905 77(105)/5600 L4 (inline location) 158/3000 Carburetor Petrol
1.9 (126 hp) 1905 93(126)/5800 L4 (inline location) 172/4200 Carburetor Petrol

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.9 D. Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 6-automatic
1.4 (62 hp) Front-wheel drive 4-mPP
1.4 (72 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.6 Front-wheel drive 5-MCP 6-automatic
1.9 (105 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.9 (126 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.9 D. Disk Disk no
1.4 (62 hp) Disk Disk no
1.4 (72 hp) Disk Disk no
1.6 Disk Disk no
1.9 (105 hp) Disk Disk there is
1.9 (126 hp) Disk Disk there is

Tire size

Modifications The size
1.9 D. 165/70R14.
1.4 (62 hp) 145SR14.
1.4 (72 hp) 145SR14.
1.6 165/70R14.
1.9 (105 hp) 165/70R14.
1.9 (126 hp) 185/60R14


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.9 D. 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442
1.4 (62 hp) 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442
1.4 (72 hp) 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442
1.6 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442
1.9 (105 hp) 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442
1.9 (126 hp) 4229 1661 1359 1410/1359 2659 160 442

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.9 D. 1045 1480 435
1.4 (62 hp) 870 1380 510
1.4 (72 hp) 874 1380 506
1.6 930 1430 500
1.9 (105 hp) 992 1460 468
1.9 (126 hp) 1010 1510 500


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.9 D. 157 15.5 0.33
1.4 (62 hp) 155 15.6 0.33
1.4 (72 hp) 163 13.5 0.33
1.6 176 11.3 0.33
1.9 (105 hp) 185 10 0.33
1.9 (126 hp) 195 8.9 0.33

Hardware Citroen BX 1983 - 1986