Mitsubishi Galant Reviews 1997 - 2004
Mitsubishi Galant1997 - 2004 are collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of the Galant operation.
Engine | ![]() |
Engine 2.4 DOHC is possible to break the timing belt. When the belt breaks during the movement almost inevitably damage valve. |
Transmission | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Management and suspension system | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Brake system | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Heated air and air conditioning | ![]() |
The servo control gear is recommended to glue. |
Start and Charging System | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Electrical components and other | ![]() |
minimum Repair Cost Problems |
Body resistance to corrosion | ![]() |
Corrosion usually begins with cups of shock absorbers |
* Information are collected from specialists from service stations
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Minimum Repair Cost Problems |
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Medium problems |
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Serious problems with high repair cost |
your comment
POMOGITE POZHALUJSTA RAZOBRAT'SJA S Problemoj! Mashina Zavoditsja No Peredachi Ne Mogu Stavit'.dumaju Vsja Problema v TroSike Perekljuchenija I Vybora Peredach! Tol'ko Kak Razobrat'sja! Mozhet Kto Stalkivalsja.
To answerNot enough information. Most likely, the working cylinder of the clutch and the chief cylinder itself was. If not, then in the near future will fail.
To answerlittle info
To answerNDA, about the break of the belt, the adevity infa. I broke out on the American. Repair was 60 thousand rubles somewhere
To answer60 thousand pure repair cost? How much did the engine have purchased? A friend has happened to a similar situation .. and the timing changed half a year ago. We planned to drive to the auto parts store, where the subject was bought, and it turns out that it is not in the belt.
To answer60 thousand, together with the engine, in 2008, Galant was 2003
To answerguys who can advise galant 99 gv engine GDI 4 G 93 when moving begins to stag, the pump has changed in the summer. And I started so much after frost, I thought the filter was replaced, the fuel washed, which could not know.
To answerto begin with, look at the fuel pump and the grid on it
To answerand the car is well warming up? and then I have a blind chalkhla until about 10 minutes I was still driving
To answerA friend of American is such a gallant and specifically began to rust, Europeans also rust or maybe he has no anti-corrosion treatment
To answerTell me pliz, Mitsubishi Galant 4G64, such a problem turned on the ignition began to start zero emotions, even the starter does not click when the ignition is included under the hood next to the engine awesome, threw the plus terminal from the ankumulator after a few seconds I put it after that What could be the reason?
To answerThis is a problem with a computer brain from the car.
To answeri had a belt broken with the valves, everything was fine
To answerHelp please Galant 1993 by volume 2.0 ... The problem is that on the cold start and how the car heats up does not start the starter changed the electrician showed no one dinks help please
To answerabarota Padi on the cold one you have 1000 And when it gets to fall up to 8000, here you will go to a hundred and ask you to raise you
To answerwhere it should be on the gallant. Somtator. On a hundred set on the engine, and stood on the body. Tell me?
To answerWhat kind of gap to put between valves and cams tell me? Galant 91g 1.8 so
To answerthe 4G-64 engine can be broken by the 4G-37 engine
To answeri want to buy Mitsubishi Galant 2004, advise a decent car, and better than an American or Japanese?
To answeramerican is easier to move but grill radiator and bumper spoil the car
To answerand 2.5l normal engine?
To answerdoes the engine work like a diesel engine? changed the hydrocompensator still to knock, please help
To answerGuys tell me when driving the car begins to pull, then it is that I can not eat the jerks, the new filter did not help
To answeradjust the carburetor
To answertell me, the fuel filter where it is located? 4G94.2-liter engine, Japanese. I think the reason in it. Motor works at idle, and it stalls on the revolutions. What can be?
To answerthrough a fine cleaning filter cut into the fuel supply hose before the Craboyurator, after the benzanasosoa, the company is standing in the gas tank. In your case, a few, air seats Check the fuel hoses, the carburetor grid (you seem there is no one-time filter, sealing) F.Idit Sailing Before the junction in the carburetor, at the inlet the largest bolt hat and there is a grid (spinning the imputatory rings crimp, watch the grid. We put on the mesh)
To answerTell me the boys, I have an American Mitsubishi Galant 2003 Shark, can I put a bumper and a grid of the radiator from the Japanese that you need to change what happened ????
To answer