Reviews Land Rover Freelander 2000 - 2003

Land Rover Freelander2000 - 2003 Reviews are collected from the masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of the reliability and features of the Freelander operation.

Engine In the gasoline engine 1.8 weak cylinder head gasket breaks through, and the oil begins to mix with antifreeze and, as a result, engine overheating (gasket - 2,610 rubles; work is 3.5 normal hours). Diesel engine 2.0 TD4 ROVER. Fuel nozzles often fail.
Transmission Quickly fails with a coupling of the rear axle. Often breaks automatic. Of course, there is often a failure of the Viscounts (Viscounts - 35 000 rubles; work - 5 norms-hours).
Control system and suspension minimum Repair Cost Problems
Brake system minimum Repair Cost Problems
Heated air and air conditioning In the absence of the Webasto system, the interior is badly heated.
Start and Charging System minimum Repair Cost Problems
Electrical components and other Over time, the mechanisms of the windows are faced (windows - 7 100 rubles; work - 1.3 norm-hours).
Body stability to corrosion There is no data
* Information collected from specialists from service stations

Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-18 12:02:52

Dvizhok 1.8 problema s sistemoj ohlazhdenija ... zimoj progorala prokladka dvigatelja i maslo poshlo v antifris posle chego sistema byla promyta no tak skazhem ne och kachestvenno ... nedavno edu u menja probivaet patrubok kotoryj idet ot pechki i mashina nachinaet gret'sja ... peremotal izolentoj dalee brosil mashinu na stojanke, priezzhaju na servis mne govorjat chto u menja maslo v dvigatele pochemu to net, zalil 3 litra ... pomenjal patrubok ot pechki doehal do doma u menja proryvaet ego v drugom meste ... chto jeto mozhet byt ' ? Snova Prokladka?

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2012-07-18 17:19:49

Most likely, due to a loose gasket, the GBC from cylinders breaks through gas. Check the candles on them on them can be determined on which cylinder breaks.

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2016-09-23 12:09:28

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2012-09-24 14:46:13

In fact, in the Freelander of this model, almost everything breaks - a very unreliable car.

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2012-10-04 20:08:58

A neighbor has such a car, lately he gained a taxi for a taxi, its repair

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2015-12-06 18:43:24

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2012-10-18 13:53:56

the car is not very reliable, breakdowns go one at one. Despite the cheap cost of the car itself, all parts in the original are very expensive, and not the original fails within a couple of weeks.

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2013-02-14 00:51:02

The British say: if your Land Rover does not eat oil - it means it ended there. Oh, as not in vain ...

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2013-02-14 04:06:37

In the States such a car costs only $ 2000

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2013-02-15 00:43:50

Yes, even the new oh, how break, a friend has a new Range Rover, from the first 6 months 3 weeks stood in repair ... My 8-year-old Ford, for 2 years of ownership stood (not because of the planned service) only 2 days in repair

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2014-02-27 16:42:35

Guys, requires a hint .. My Friel 2010 / B, 2.2td, European, caught fire engine chip and on the monitor is limited by the engine power ... What could be the problem ..? 4E service refer to 4E different reasons, one other more expensive ...

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2014-03-22 18:29:29

i had TD2l changed the grid of the pump in the tank after that, after 120km \\ h sharply throwing the pidal of gas lights up the chip. Salary has become 10N100 engine BMW 112Leschudes if you know tell me.

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2014-09-08 13:26:59

Help me please!!! I have Land Rover Freelander 2002. diesel, how can I find out the air conditioner on it? And where can I order it?

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2014-12-23 18:45:32

Put the full tank, dried in a gasoline salon and it was in the cabin. Tell me whoever be sinful onto a fuel pump, or rather on its mount. The car just bought 2000

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2015-01-08 23:24:03

i go on Frile for about a year, see the gasket on the fence under the posterior of the rear seat. See lucheck

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2015-02-21 10:04:26

On the first gear, if you start not smoothly and to the side, it looks like a feeling that the car slows down, and pulls back. What could be ???

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2016-03-17 17:46:32

viscounts died ... Next turn Distribution ...

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2016-09-10 15:28:53

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2016-09-10 15:28:55

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2016-09-10 15:28:56

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2015-03-15 20:47:10

freelander 2000 2 Cuba Diesel keeps big turnover what causes the reason

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Pensioner 52.
2016-02-24 10:27:43

Tell me please. How the thermostat is installed from the VAZ 2101-2110 on the Land Rover Flealender 1 with Move. 1.8 1998.

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2017-04-03 22:25:01

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