Land Rover Freelander LR2 2006 - 2009 SUV Land Rover Test

Land Rover Freelander 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009: Laborator Assessment of the Car Safety: Rating in points, a test report (photo and video of the crash test)

Driver and passengers

Protection of the driver and passenger

damage to the driver during a frontal impact
Frontal blow, driver
damage to the passenger during the frontal impact
Loba blow, passenger
damage to the driver during a lateral strike
Side blow, driver
Fine - Fine
Good - Good
Satisfactorily - Satisfactorily
Badly - Badly
Very bad - Very bad

Children's holding devices

Child up to 18 months Britax Römer Baby Safe ISofix Plus, face back
A child over 3 years old Britax-Römer Duo Plus ISofix, face forward

Safety of pedestrians

the result of the crash test is excellent - Fine
the result of the crash test is good - Good
the result of the crash test is less - Satisfactorily

Frontal blow:

The steering column, when hit, shifted forward, creating more space for the driver. A large pillow protected the knees and hips of the driver. The manufacturer was able to show the same level of protection for drivers of different growth in various positions.

Safety of passenger children:

The car scored the maximum number of points for protecting both young passengers. The safety pillow of the front passenger can be disconnected, which allows you to install in its place the children's chair “against the direction of movement”. However, informing the driver about the status of the pillow is not clear enough. Warning about the danger of installing a children's chair “Against the direction of movement” opposite the airbag is not clear. The presence of the possibility of installing a chair using the ISOFIX mount system in the rear seats is not properly indicated.

Side blow:

The car scored the maximum number of points during a side hit on the pillar, however, when hitting the overlap, several points were removed for protection of the chest.

Pedestrian safety:

The bumper and the front edge of the hood did not score points for protecting pedestrians. When hitting, the hood weakly protects pedestrians from head injury.

General information about the car

Type of body 5-door crossover
Year of data publication 2007
Curb weight 1820

Safety system equipment:

Front seat belts There is
Front seat belts load limiters There is
Front Pillow of Safety of the driver There is
Passenger front pillow There is
Side airbags There is
Side pillows of head safety pillows There is
Knee -off pillow and legs of the driver There is
ISOFIX behind There is

Photo of crash test

Video Crash test