Volvo 850.

Volvo 850: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on complete sets and prices.

Prices for Volvo 850 (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
1992 46 153 466 143 317 8 155 798 33
1993 66 162 989 164 323 20 163 058 48
1994 46 179 647 185 950 20 176 638 30
1995 46 199 688 209 514 10 196 270 31
1996 30 222 448 226 470 10 220 380 21
1997 20 217 155 221 745 8 214 682 10

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