Volkswagen Lupo.

Volkswagen Lupo: Characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on configuration and prices.

Video crash tests Volkswagen Lupo

Crash Test Lupo 1998 - 2005

Crash Test Lupo 1998 - 2005: Details
Driver and passengers

Prices for Volkswagen Lupo (Updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1998 7 197 633 - 6 197 633 7
1999 22 208 057 232 180 6 206 200 21
2000 22 221 199 262 087 7 213 850 21
2001 9 248 439 234 319 6 245 496 8
2002 10 244 232 287 467 7 231 332 9
2003 7 268 189 307 861 6 262 651 7
2004 7 263 515 255 270 6 264 889 6
2005 6 295 026 - 6 295 026 6

Buy Volkswagen Lupo.