Wilvo XC70 test drive since 2007

The price of the issue

Volvo XC70. Price: 1 393 100 rubles. On sale: since 2007
Audi A6 Allroad Quattro. Price: 2 132 270 rub. On sale: since 2006
Yuri Chekhov, 25 years old, the director of the company, travels to the Audi A6 Allroad Quattro, driving experience of 25 liters

I don’t know if I can be useful to you in this event. The fact is that for the past eight years I have been driving a lot of Audi brand cars a lot. Of these, five years on AlloD, and the last one and a half has been on a new model. I am an inveterate audience. And, of course, I will consider the new XC70 exclusively four rings. In this regard, I will immediately apologize if my test today is not very objective. However, I will try. I will try to penetrate the XC70 in the same way as I was imbued with my Allroad.
Let's start with the price. Undoubtedly, the new XC70 in this regard won by Allroad. It is clear that in a more expensive configuration they will be approximately equal, but still the basic set of the XC70 seemed to me not too expanded. So, for example, in my understanding, the base of the premium car should imply at least the rear parking sensors. He is not here. But this is on the one hand, and on the other, it is possible to order in the car exactly what really needs. This means that the price policy of Volvo can be recognized as democratic. Audi in this regard also allows you to adjust the car for itself, however, as a rule, the basic equipment is much wider, and therefore the price is higher.
We go to the appearance. I can’t say that I definitely like him. The previous XC70, as, however, the previous Allroad, I was impressed more. They had more muscles. The current cars began to gravitate more to pathos than to bravado. Although the XC70 compared to the same AlloD looks more sporty, or something. It is like a sophisticated backpack, which is replete with different pockets, loops, carabinets. There are too many details in her appearance, the purpose of which is not clear to me. However, my AlloD is not ideal regarding the appearance. And if the XC70 I compared with the backpack, then it will boldly like it to the armored case: solid, but, alas, without a highlight.
Now about the salons. Honestly, I will tell you: compared to my car, the XC70 salon does not look so rich. No, this in no way concerns the materials or quality of execution. However, the eye, accustomed to the abundance of displays and buttons, which my Allroad has in a huge amount, has nothing to catch in the Volvo XC70. Everything is too simple here, not counting the central console. On the other hand, there is a plus in this: there is no need to get used to it. And how the control of the ventilation and heating system is equipped, is completely admired. Know yourself to poke a finger in a stylized man, and the air begins to blow where necessary; Everything is simple as an orange.
But it is convenient to get a steam in Volvo due to my growth and a specific landing failed. The course of the seat in the horizontal plane was small. In Allroad, it is much larger, but there is a minus. In my car, with a driver’s seat convenient for me, I won’t fit in the second row. In the XC70, I sat down with me calmly. And this despite the fact that Volvo has both a smaller wheelbase and shorter Audi.
But the trunk in Volvo is more convenient. The reason for this is a more vertical rear stand. It is thanks to her that the XC70 trunk has an almost correct form of the parallelogram, and not trapezoids, like Alload. And his organization is also quite literate. If I am not mistaken, the previous XC70 model of guides did not have the guides in the trunk. However, this did not surprise me very much. There are the same pleasant devices in my car. But what is not and what I'm sorry about is a hatch for transporting long -breeders. To transport in the car, say, skis, I need to throw back the back of the seat and plant the rear passengers nearby on the remaining part of the seat. In the XC70, everything is much more convenient. Here, the middle part of the back of the seat is thrown back, which, in turn, can also be an armrest. Well, if this is not enough, then you can fold the back of the front passenger seat, and then in general, it is convenient.
I also like that the clearance of the XC70 is 210 mm. My AlloD can be lifted only to 185, and even then in this state it will not remain long. It is worth exceeding the speed by more than 40 km/h, as the electronics will immediately lower the car a step lower, and so on with an increase in speed, which, in principle, is very pleasant. On bad roads, I generally bother with the choice of the suspension operating mode. I chose comfort and go. Volvo,
i heard, there is also a system that changes the rigidity of the suspension. It is a pity that it is not on this particular machine, otherwise it could be compared. However, according to the sensations, the XC70 suspension is not even so bad. But, as it seemed to me, the car cannot stand the transverse seams. How the suspension practices in such situations is felt very well.
Allroad is not so sensitive to such obstacles. However, what is surprised: here, after all, the suspension is pneumatic.
It is not surprising that with similar in volume of AlloDA engines, the XC70 is much more dynamic. He has a higher engine power: 255 horses against 238. However, I need to pay tribute, if I had no experience in operating my car, I would be so satisfied with the dynamics of Volvo. The engine picks up, and picks up really. The car also behaves with dignity on the road. A little falls in corners, but my car also suffers with this ailment. True, only in the comfort mode. It is worth squeezing the suspension, as the car turns into a monolith, and nothing can turn it off the true path. XC70 also does not suffer from a departure from the trajectory. Now, if the steering was still more active at speed.

Volvo XC70
The dynamics of the car deserves a good assessment. The suspension is also good, but the car is afraid of transverse seams and trembles with the whole body.
Compared to Audi is modest, but everything is smart and most importantly high quality.
Even in such a modest configuration, the level of comfort in the car is quite high.
The basic configuration with security systems is quite extensive and is quite consistent with the machine class.

Audi A6 Allroad Quattro
An exceptional car controllability and dynamics. He is able to quickly move both along the highway and relative off -road.
Richly decorated in terms of design. Spacious and functional.
A very comfortable and quite thoughtful car in this regard. Pleases a huge number of servo drives.
At a decent level and corresponds to the capabilities and tasks of the car.
My verdict
Undoubtedly, the new XC70 car is pleasant and even interesting. Volvo managed to successfully combine in it the practicality of a universal car with the comfort of the premium car. And, quite likely, if I were familiar with Audi, not personally, but in hearsay, I would most likely consider this car today as one of the most acceptable options both in terms of consumer qualities and in price. But today my choice is not in her favor, may the admirers of this brand forgive me. It hurts painfully to Audi, and I think this love is forever.
Expert opinion
Oleg Kalaushin, journalist 5 wheels:

As you know, the conclusion of the invited test pilot was predetermined initially. However, we must pay tribute: Yuri managed to correctly place emphasis in this comparison. For our part, we are inclined to give preference to the Volvo XC70 this time primarily in view of a more democratic pricing policy. As for the sled characteristics, they also fully satisfied us.

A source: Magazine 5 wheel [February 2008]