Wilvo XC70 test drive since 2011 station wagon

Back to Sweden

Volvo XC70 D5. Price: 1 432 400 rub. On sale: since September 2007
Long-term raids sometimes allow you to look at the car in a new way, to identify the advantages and disadvantages that cannot be discerned within the framework of a short urban or even landfill test. To get to know the character and evaluate the expenses of the operation of the diesel Volvo XC70, we went to Sweden on it, having made a three -day mileage along the route Moscow Helsinki Stockholm
Test pilot
Vladimir Makkaveev, 31 years old, automobile journalist, driving experience of 12 years, personal car - Ford Focus
The financial crisis dictates its cruel rules both in business and in travel planning. In the strict savings mode, automobile warriors in Russia and Europe are a good alternative to the usual tours offered by tour operators. Many understand the benefits of such travels, but only units dare to go to them. Weak knowledge of foreign languages, the difficulty of planning routes, obtaining visas and ignorance of customs and border rules all this scare away many potential travelers. To resolve for you some of these issues and make sure that the diesel Volvo XC70 is ideal for long -distance travels in the most severe conditions, in the midst of winter we went from Moscow to a three -day mileage to the Volvo homeland.
The first distillation of Moscow Vyborg was decided to devote fuel consumption. At the exit from Moscow, we reset the on -board computer, add the full tank of diesel fuel and go towards the northern capital! Today we have to overcome the path to Vyborg 830 km, having lasted longer on one tank, so the speed, if we exceed, is only within the framework of the traffic traffic traffic: not more than 10 km/h. As an entertainment, we consider the number of DPS ambushes scattered along the roadsides. There are 14 of them to St. Petersburg, with the greatest concentration on the Novgorod District 4.
After a couple of hours, we are convinced that the choice in favor of the Volvo XC70 was absolutely true. In good configuration, the Swede is almost perfect for long -distance travel. 555 l of the trunk of the Scandinavian station wagon is quite enough to accommodate four voluminous suitcases, the owners of which, including the driver, spaciously arranged in the cabin. True, going on the road, it should still be remembered that the XC70 carrying capacity is 589 kg, and try not to exceed this limit and not overload the rear axle. As it approaches the critical mass, the reaction of the 185 -horsepower 2.4 -frail diesel engine D5 becomes more lethargic, and fuel consumption increases noticeably.
If there is nowhere to hurry, salvation can be found in the system of adaptive cruise control, which not only helps save fuel, but also significantly reduces the load on the driver during long trips. In 2006, Volvo became the first car manufacturer to adapt the system to work in Russia. To do this, the Swedes had to transfer the radar to 76 Hz, since the frequency of the European version of 2226 Hz in our country is prohibited due to the risk of interference with radio relay and astronomical stations. Gradually, other manufacturers follow the example of Volvo. However, the face of the heart should be recognized that this process is slowly going on, since adaptive cruise control is still underestimated by Russian consumers.
In the city, this option is really almost useless. But in long travels, it greatly facilitates the life of the driver. Using the buttons on the left knitting needle of the steering wheel, set the maximum speed and distance to the walking car in front. After that, the system independently supports the high -speed mode on the highway; Sluming, approaching a given distance to the walking vehicle in front; accelerates the car if you change the strip and go to overtake; If necessary, emergency braking activates light and sound indication. In a word, it takes on a good half of the functions of driving a car, significantly reducing the load on the driver. The only flaw that, we want to hope, will be corrected in the next version of the adaptive cruise control XC70, the lack of the ability to simultaneously program at least two modes of the system: urban and highways. On the highway Moscow St. Petersburg, and on other roads with a large number of settlements, the ability to change the set speed by pressing one button would be useful.
Despite the rational fuel economy, a 70-liter tank is enough only 750 km: we got to St. Petersburg easily, but we will not reach Vyborg. We turn for a refueling, although with less car loading on the first day, it may have been possible to do without it. The final section of the first day of the journey St. Petersburg Vyborg is the most unpleasant for our XC70. The short winter day ended in the St. Petersburg District, and Volvo for seven hundred miles along our roads has already stained. Fatty, saturated with chemical additives, winter dirt with a thick layer covers the car, preventing the normal operation of auxiliary electronics. For the time being, the Swede is attached, but the critical limit of the mass of dirt on board still clogs her brain. In literally 15 minutes, a cascade of mournful attributes of a computer informs of the refusal of almost all electronic systems: BLIS, parking sensors, an unauthorized care sensor from the strip, adaptive cruise all these benefits of civilization are now useless. But with the sinks along the road, we go less than 100 km without auxiliary devices, without losing the troublesome of the adaptive lighting system. An hour later we arrive at the Vyborg Center, stopping the stopwatch at 11:15. The odometer shows 833 km, a flow meter 9.2 l/100 km.
Without putting things off in a long box, we go to the nearest sink. While Vyborzhan free Volvo from the mud of Russian roads, resusing the electronic systems of the XC70, we, armed with the XDEVICE navigator, are trying to plan the crossing across the border. There are only two options for passing the border: through the gearbox Brusnice and peat. But a strategic mistake in choosing can result in a loss of extra 34 hours. The dilemma is surprisingly simply: a local customs officer, whose car was washed in neighboring boxing, assures that in a peat, the work boils several times faster, and at the same time advises to move towards the border at about 8:30 in the morning to find himself on the checkpoint for the end of the renaming. The advice is good! Having stood in line for only 1.5 hours (given the New Year's Plane at the border, this is nothing at all), we find ourselves face to face with the valiant employees of the border and customs services. Passports, TCP on Volvo and filled in two copies the customs declaration, that's all that was required to pass borders. Formally, they may also require a power of attorney if you are not the owner of the vehicle (if the car belongs to a legal entity, a power of attorney, certified notarized or seal of the organization). Translation of a power of attorney into English is not required: Finnish ministers of the law are enough TCP and green cards of an analogue of OSAGO for the EU countries. The latter can be purchased directly at the border, but in order not to overpay 4-5 times, it is better to take care of its design in advance.
After crossing the border, the average speed drops sharply. The fines for speeding in the former province of the Russian Empire are Dragonovsky 115 euros for 15 km, the police are at least often found on the traffic police on the Moscow Peter highway, not to mention dozens of television cameras, which are dotted with roadsides and intersections. In winter, the majority of Finland roads are partially or completely covered with snow, and in comparison with the speed of the speed mode, in places are reduced by 20 km/h. Spinned rubber in the winter is optional, but very desirable. But with tanned front glasses you will simply not be allowed to Finland. To ensure normal operation of AIDS camera, only the rear glasses are tinted.
Our first stop on the territory of Finland Leppyuyui is a small cottage village near Lahti. There are many similar villages in the district. Various chopped houses on the shores of Finnish lakes year -long surrender. Inside, everything necessary for a cozy rest of companies of 420 people, including a sauna and a smokehouse on the shore. Nearby, in a radius of 6070 km, several ski resorts of central Finland (you can climb further north, there are more hills, there is more snow, but the length of the route can increase 1.5 times). Under the side teeming in the lake fish. A weekly rental of such a cottage will cost from 100 euros per person.
You can get to Stockholm from Lahti both with a dish and a sea by sea. The first route with a length of 1700 km is long and tiring. It will be much easier to transport the XC70 to the homeland from Helsinki or Turku on a comfortable ferry. The morning 140-kilometer march to the Finnish capital takes about an hour and a half, allowing you to enjoy all the delights of northern dawn. The orange sun standing above the highway, with raspberry light is reflected in the fields covered with snow, gently dissolving with the blueberry blue of ship pines not the northern lights, of course, but also an unusually beautiful sight.
In the port, in the very center of Helsinki, to choose from two shipping companies that make a message between the Finnish and Swedish capitals: Viking and Silja Line. The ferries are sent at 17: 0017: 30, arrive in Stockholm at 9: 009: 40. The line for loading in the womb of the sea ship takes about half an hour. Leaving Volvo on the lower deck, we climb into the cabins. The most simple resemble luxury railway coupes. But there are also luxurious: in several rooms, with wide screen windows. It offers passengers with a dozen bars and restaurants, casinos, dance floor, saunas, walking decks, duty -free stores of word, real floating airport. It is quite possible to relax, the main thing is not to overdo it. On the exit from the ferry, the polite Scandinavian police officers will almost certainly meet you with a kind offer to breathe into the tube.
Unlike Helsinki, in Stockholm ferries are moored away from the center. Nevertheless, the path to the royal palace of the final point of our journey takes only 10 minutes. And here we are at the goal! For overcoming 1827 km (of which 564 km by sea) from the Moscow Ring Road to the center of Stockholm, Volvo XC70 D5 required 33 hours 24 minutes and two tanks of diesel fuel. In total, the return of the XC70 to the homeland of Volvo cost 150.

Numbers and facts
The total travel time* - 33 hours 24 minutes
The length of the route is the total/road part - 1827/1263 km
Average fuel consumption_x0008_ - 9.6 l/100 km
The average cost of fuel in Finland and Sweden - (95/d) 1.12/0.98/l
The maximum permitted speed (winter), km/h:
Russia - 110/90/60
Finland - 100/80/50
Sweden - 110/90/50
The maximum allowable level of alcohol in the blood, ppm:
Russia - up to 0.3
Finland - up to 0.5
Sweden - up to 0.2
Visa and insurance
Consular fee - 1400 rubles.
Green Card cost - from 2 per day
For the design of the Finnish visa, a passport, medical insurance and armor of the hotel/cottage/ticket for the ferry are needed. The design deadline is from 2 days.
Transport and accommodation
The cost of transporting the car Helsinki Stockholm - 42
Car transportation + 4 -seater cabin on ferry - 120
The cost of a weekly rental of the cottage_x0008_ot - 100 with people.

The cost of ski passes in the ski resorts of Finland, a day:
Sapphee - 32
Mestated - 29
Himos - 33

We do not love
DVD player with wireless headphones and monitors in the headrests of the front seats do not allow the rear passengers to be bored. NICE
The sound and projection signal on the windshield does not allow the driver to be distracted in the event of an emergency system. HEALTHY
The analytical system for control from the strip evaluates the degree of fatigue of the driver and issues recommendations on the need for rest. CAREFULLY
A wide range of auxiliary systems makes movement along the highway pleasant and stable. Full -wheel drive and high patency allow you to fearlessly go on long -distance travels even on killed Russian roads.
Swedish is prosaic, but as functional as possible. In long journey, it is easily converted into a small cozy room. Even a bulky at first glance, the bedside table between the front seats fits perfectly into the interior.
The driver's comfort is determined by a wide range of auxiliary electronics. Passengers have a modern entertainment system. Only a USB input is missing.
At the highest level!
Given the elitism of the brand is quite acceptable. Moreover, the diesel XC70 has many direct competitors.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Efficiency, high level of comfort and security, enviable cross -country ability.
- the lack of the possibility of parallel programming of two cruise control modes.

Mark and model - Volvo XC70 D5
Dimensions - 4838x1861x1604 mm
The engine is diesel, 2400 cm3, 185 liters. S./4000 min--1
Transmission - automatic, 6 -speed KP
Dynamics - max 205 km/h; 9.9 C to 100 km/h
Competitors - Audi Allroad, Subaru Outback

Our opinion
The VOLVO rally for the homeland proved that we were right in our choice of a car for a long journey. The diesel version of the Volvo XC70 is ideal, from the point of view of economy, patency and comfort, a compromise between an SUV and a city station wagon. In the wandering of northern latitudes, the XC70 D5 has not many worthy competitors.

Author: Vladimir Makkaveev


Source: Magazine 5 wheel [March 2009]