Test drive Volvo S60 2000 - 2004 sedan

Golden youth

Still compact, but already prestigious - this is about sedans from Gotheborg and Stuttgart.
Only fairy -tale heroes regain their youth in pike command. He ducked into the vat with boiling water, rinsed in the water of the jelly - that's all science, it remains only to glue a new photo into the passport. But not a single storyteller in the world even imagines what companies have to make their products more attractive to young people! Moreover, when it comes to such conservative brands as Mercedes-Benz and Volvo. Say, until recently, the average age of the buyer of the German Class was more than forty years old. What can we say about the cabinet Swedes of models 740 or 940! However, the new sedans, which Europeans call compact-overseas (in fact this category D), are suitable, as if, not only for official trips! Is it so? We decided to check ourselves by reducing our nose to the nose of the Volvo S60 and Mercedes-Benz-S200.

Down with officialdom!
With all due respect to the classically strict black costume, it is necessary to admit, it is best suited for wedding or funeral ceremonies. But here I am traveling along the streets of Moscow on a new Volvo, and those around are hardly suspected of belonging to the Swedish diplomatic center or trade. I can even give up the girl I like and at the same time I won’t be afraid to hear: is this a car of your elderly chef? Do you smile? Well, in vain. Ten years ago, to go to the girls at the 740th Volvo hardly anyone would decide. What has changed during this time? Almost everything.
I don’t know that Soviet officials of the mid -80s said about the brainchild of the new chief designer of Peter Horbury, but the general opinion of the modern press unanimously is a giant jump in advance. Fashionista this Swede, you will not say anything. A pretty face, bully rear lights, fresh lines and not a drop of conservatism. The car is longer than many competitors -classmates, but it does not look as a lanky or awkward - very small front and rear overhangs help. Yes, and a cheerful color adds peppercorn to the impressions. Bravo, Mr. Horbury, thanks to you, the phrase swift Volvo ceased to be perceived as old jokes from the Benny Hill show! Now the owner of the Swedish sedan can become not only in pre -retirement age.
The freshness of the lines and the brightness of the colors becomes the hallmark of the goetborg machines.
The original black and yellow upholstery visually increases the size of the salon
Climate control Volvo - five points for the efficiency and logic management
Little giant
True, competitors did not stand still. Mercedes-Benz in particular. It is only if the couturier Volvo, figuratively speaking, replaced the ceremonial tailcoat with a fashionable tracksuit, in Stuttgart was conjured over an increase in size. After all, even the brilliant and timeless design of Bruno Sakko did not save the 190th from the shameful label of the Baby-Benz. The C-class in the back of 201 could not get rid of it. And only with the advent of a completely new paw (W203) on the market, the stigma outlived itself. Yes, really, what kind of baby is this ...
Is that 220th? - the glass of the 140th body sank next to me at the traffic light. - C-class, you say? Look ... Away of cunning - he himself caught himself on a mistake several times, taking a chain in the city stream for an elephant -like S -class. A very common misconception - after all, for example, the feed in two Mercedes is only in size, and the door handles are completely the same. The general outlines of the body are also incredibly similar. I can imagine how black envy the owners of large Mercedes come when they see this baby: it looks the same, but two times cheaper. However, it is worth being inside, and everything becomes clear.
The front seats are simply striking in the range of adjustments - even a person in two ten ten at the wheel of C -class!
The wise climate control control unit - you won’t figure it out without instructions

Salon equipment includes a special jacket for a jacket
You can’t deceive nature
It is not so difficult to make the car visually large, but to give it the same huge salon - already from the field of fantasy. Although the C-class seems to have nothing to complain about. The driver's seat will easily take a two -meter giant into its arms. There are plenty of places on the back of the back sofa. At the back, however, the three of them difficult to sit down, interferes with the high tunnel of the transmission. But similar problems are experienced, for example, passengers of the BMW seven. Wide doorways, comfortable, although in German, harsh seats are excellent, the mosquito will not undermine. Well, a black salon is the same feature of Teutons as attention to the details.
But I did not leave the feeling that I was a guest in the C-class salon, and I am not too happy here. Well, of course, the Mercedes-Benz remains himself, that is arrogant and a little skin, does not push away, but, like a good boxer, holds at a distance. Want specifics? Here, for example, is a climate control control unit. Small and uncomfortable temperature handles are annoying. It’s even more unpleasant to feel stupid - I did not understand the purpose of some keys. Slurious icons - obscure functions. I had to get the operating manual. A trifle, of course, but in the end it is a civilian car, and not a strategic bomber!
Or here is a panel of devices. All testimonies are perfectly read - it is not surprising, there are only three devices. Huge, like a Big-Ben, a speedometer in the center, a tachometer and an indicator of the remainder of the fuel on the sides. Great? No, not great. Firstly, why are the last two devices equal in size? For me, it is much more important to know the number of revolutions. And then, why is there no coolant temperature indicator? Is the Mercedes-Benz so sure of the quality of his cars? But the stone that flew out of the truck and pierced the radiator can decide otherwise. Well, to blindly rely on the control lamp? But it is lit only when the temperature becomes critical. In a word, I got the impression that the car decides too much for me. To whom, but I don't like it.
From this point of view, Volvo is much closer. Open the door and just look into the salon. After the Teutonic dusk, the black-and-yellow palette of the interior seems to be the height of originality. Foreign colleagues sometimes launch an unpleasant pebble into a Volvo garden - they say, the quality of the assembly of Swedish cars, although at a high level, is still inferior to German. I don’t know, I didn’t notice. But in the cabin there is not a single key, the purpose of which would be a secret for me. The climate control unit is worthy of, if not the Nobel Prize, then the certificate for sure. If my will, would make all automobile companies produce the same. Dreams Dreams...
And in Volvo is more spacious in the back seat. Although the three of them are almost as unrealistic as in the C-class, but in the shoulders and over the head of the air, it would seem plentiful. Optical deception, not otherwise.
What is how much?
For the exclusivity of compact sedans, you have to pay in the literal sense of the word. The price of Volvo-S60 starts at $ 29,900. This is the basic cost of a sedan with a 2.4-liter engine and a 5-speed manual gearbox. The standard equipment also includes: ABS, six airbags, air -cleaning air conditioning, an electric package, a central lock. Automatic transmission will have to be paid. If you like hotter, then a 2.4-liter engine (200 hp) turbo control is estimated at $ 32,000. The most rapid sedan with the T5 index (250 l, p.) Dealers offer for 38 thousand. In principle, inexpensively, especially when you consider that the C-class even in the most modest performance C180 (2.0 129 liters, p.) Will cost you two thousand more. Well, if you sleep and see yourself driving a six-cylinder C-class (3.2 liters, 218 hp), then get ready to part with the amount of 50 thousand dollars. True, for this money you get a sedan, as they say with complete minced meat.

If the front seat is postponed to the stop, then the rear passengers will not say goodbye
Devices in the S60 are perfectly read both day and night
The rear lights on the sixtie are exactly like on a large S80
Take care of the nerve cells
All the tablets are driven, all the buttons are pressed, all the parameters of the cabin are dead - now you can go to the sled dessert. Only some too fresh third turns out. There is nothing to be done, models with the most modest motors, and even with automatic transmissions, visited our hands. Such a combination can be called differently - both the dream of a novice driver and a means of stress. Someone will be completely categorical and cut off that such a duet as non-alcoholic beer. You drink and do not get drunk - self -deception, in other words.
However, the Mercedes-Benz has already taught not to trust his own numbers. If the number 200 flaunts on the rear nameplate - do not despair. After all, this is a model with a mechanical supercharger that provides a car with quite convincing 163 liters. With. Nevertheless, no, C200 is not a king of dragster, but a very comfortable means of transportation in space. The motor confidently and unenceptionly spins in the entire range from idle speed to the limiter, telling the car a smooth, increasing, quite convincing acceleration. The long third and fourth programs are especially good in the city. And you do not experience much excitement for overtaking at high speed. Surrender the accelerator until the Kick -Dawn mode is triggered, the floor gas pedal did not seem very convenient -and in response you get acceleration from 80 to 120 km/h in just nine seconds.
Almost the same character in the S60 equipped with an atmospheric engine of 2.4 liters and a capacity of 170 forces. A flat, confident acceleration, an unnecessary achievement of maximum speed, overtaking safety. Those who want to get hotter, we recommend digging money - charged modifications, such as C320 or S60 T5, are much more expensive than cars on the test.

The quality of materials and the good -versed assembly in the C200 salon is beyond suspicion
The display in the center of the dashboard replenishes the information gap, thanks to it, for example, you can find out the level of oil in the engine
The back optics of the chain almost repeats the flashlights of the S-class almost by
There would be a little more, a little more ...
Aviation experts note how it is important that the main governing bodies are equally balanced. Not too clear? Everything is simple: for example, the force on the gas pedal, ideally, should be equivalent to the effort on the brake pedal. Are you catching? Just such a harmony does not have Volvo. You need to handle the brake pedal more carefully than with matches on a gas station. I went too far - and literally hang on the seat belts. Free move is as if completely absent. And the steering wheel here is too light and devoid of feedback. Therefore, sometimes you have to go into turns with jerks, making sure that the car is going to where you want. It’s a pity, because S60 has nothing more to blame. Predictable front -wheel drive habits, very moderate rolls, tenacious rubber - only the steering wheel spoils the picture. At the same time, the Swedish engineers managed to combine a bright and lively character with very good smoothness. This, of course, is not a lulling station wagon V70 and not Citroen with hydropneumatics, but somewhere nearby. The S60 suspension almost completely filters all small and medium irregularities, conveying only echoes of road flaws to the driver and passengers.
Although at speeds close to the maximum, the Mercedes-Benz behaves better, more important or something. The body does not swing at all on gentle waves and tells the driver complete calm. But this is not news. The new C-class was a real breakthrough of Stuttgart in terms of controllability and pleasure from driving. The character of the pawn is akin to the BMW of the 3rd series - when it was! The driver simultaneously feels absolute reliability and confidence and at the same time knows that the car is ready to fulfill any whim, instantly react to turning the steering wheel or an increase in fuel supply - this was not observed before the Mercedes. Already as the proper one treats the lack of rolls in corners and biting during acceleration and braking. The beauty!
Youth elixir
Summing up, we can say that both Volvo and the Mercedes Benets managed to make their cars more attractive for young buyers. There is only one catch - will the youth have enough money to try on fashionable updates? The sixtieth costs about six to eight thousand more than less prestigious classmates, such as Ford or Opel, the price of a Mercedes-Benz is completely exorbitant-over 40 thousand. But for this very serious amount, even a lady and gentlemen in years can feel much younger. In the end, you are as many years old as you feel. Or how much you can pay.
At first glance, the trunk of Volvo (on the right) gives the impression of a more sickly. In fact, it is 30 liters less than the luggage compartment of the C-class, the volume of which is 455 DM3. It is curious that the lid of the trunk volvo is entirely made of plastic
Friendly interior
impeccable ergonomics,
comfortable suspension,
logical controllability
Lack of reactive force on the steering wheel,
too sensitive brake pedal,
average dynamics with automatic transmission

Magnificent road behavior,
high image of the brand,
excellent posting assembly
High price,
average dynamics with automatic transmission

Mikhail Medvedev, photo Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine "Limousine" [05/01]

Test drives Volvo S60 2000 - 2004

Krash -test Volvo S60 2000 - 2004

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