Test Drive Volvo C70 since 2005 coupe

Civil War

Civil war war inside one state, covering a significant part of the population of one nationality and religion. It is caused by the need to redistribute power and property.
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In the past millennium, Russia flew often with Sweden. In the intervals between the wars, we increased the army power, raised the fleet and built MSU, despite the constant contradictions arising within the country. But the Swedes always lived together, not conflict. The split has emerged in our time, in the XX century. The cause and main acting persons of civil war were cars.
Saab and Volvo. Volvo and Saab. That these automotive brands come from Sweden, everyone knows, although now they are not actually so. Ask anyone even badly dismantled in the cars of the person, where do Volvo and Saab? In response, definitely hear: in Sweden! Between these two brands, starting from the middle of the last century, the rivalry and the struggle for leadership. Everyone wants to prove that he is the best and has the right to more. All signs of civil war are obvious: the nationality is one Swedes, religion one cars, and the redistribution of power and property and should not be explained.
Of course, Volvo was the first. When at the beginning of the 40s, the company developed folk models PV36 and PV51, airplanes were still built on Saab. But after the end of World War II, in 1949 the first SAAB 92 appeared. And went, went. Since then, these two companies began to exchange sensitive injections in the form of new car models. These cars were different and in design, and in fact, and on the target audience. As it turns out that Volvovod is good, then Saaberu is bad. Despite the fact that in the modern automobile world, the borders between the brands are rapidly erased, the Swedes are still true to themselves, trying to obey each other. Volvo and Saab are still different, still every blows their line. Today we will try to convey it to you through the conditional comparison of two models similar to the concept, in the class, but absolutely different feelings behind the wheel and mood.
When in 1983, at the Frankfurt Motor Show, Saab showed the prototype of the open version of the 900 model, in Volvo were occupied by others. Sales of Volvo 740 car legendary began, but so cubic that Picasso and marriage would envy themselves. With elegant forms 900 convertible it was not compared. But Volvo never preached elegance. His skate has always been reliability and safety, which is not least manifested in forms. In addition, time proved this Volvo is a more conservative and inert company than Saab, easily and carelessly walking through life. We are obliged to the appearance of a cabriolet on the basis of the 900th model. When Robert Sinclair demanded an open modification for the United States, her prototype immediately built, and after three years they launched into a series. Only after 11 years, Volvo twisted his car without a roof on the chassis of the S40 model. But now few people remember about this story, and our guest has two modern convertible both companies in the top versions of Saab 9-3 Aero Convertible and Volvo C70 T5.
Here they are facing me. One in a bright lemon-yellow color, the other, as befits Volvo, in a more restrained, but no less beautiful beige metallic. In the design of traditions honor both. Saab retained the branded grille of the radiator, pushing the headlights on the front wings and this sexy taking off of the windows line closer to the stern, which were still on the prototype of 1983. Volvo has changed more over time, although the front part, even thoroughly rolling, refers us to the ancestors. Smooth lines came to the change of cubism. Body C70 Share work of the Californian studio VMCC and Italians from Pininfarina looks just great.
Like all other convertibles, our best looks with lowered top. Approaches to folding-decomposition in cars are different. Here, oddly enough, Saab is more conservative to his roof of the fabric, while Volvo is tight. This three-section miracle stacked in the trunk in 30 seconds. Excess, compared to the Saab, 10 seconds with more than paying off by observing this fascinating action. The mechanism consists of more than 700 parts! But then the roof of 9-3 can be lowered on the course at speeds of up to 30 km / h (very convenient, you can add it, for example, driving around the yard to the entrance or to the office), and C70 requires it to translate the gauge lever in Parking and also Press the brake.
Lowered. The views of our Swedish subjects were revealed. War continues white against black. Here Volvo is out of competition. His delicious snow-white salon is perfectly perfect. Good leather, high-quality finish materials and excellent, specially configured for driving without top sound from Dynaudio. Saab, of course, is not such a handsome. The interior is made in black, the quality of the materials is worse. An enlistled interior of the insertion of the body color on the windowsill is sick, hello from the Soviet car industry, remember the vaza kopeck?
I open the C70 door. Wow, what a fatty! It has special bars that increase the rigidity of the body. Saab costs the doorstroeshe. Nevertheless, both models in different years were recognized as the safest convertibles. Here, both Swedish companies are preserved for safety. The body of both cars is significantly reinforced, a large number of elements are made of high strength steel. Both are equipped with funeral arcs in the case of coup. Volvo behind the rear seats the powerful partition so that the folded roof is flushed at the trunk at the trunk. Looking ahead, I will say that on the handling of the car does not greatly affect, with the lowered or raised top you are driving.
Slimming behind the wheel, you immediately understand what each of the cars is configured. Landing in one and in another is convenient, but if the soft comfortable chair C70 assumes a relaxed landing, the seat of Aero immediately grabs the body firmly, making it clear that it would not let go even with serious side accelerations. Volvo devices are simple and understood as an orange, which does not prevent them from look very elegant. Efforts on all switches and buttons of soaring central console are perfect perfect. Saab original. Branded ventilation deflectors, a large speedometer plate, ignition key on the central tunnel (real atavism: before, on cars with manual gearbox it was a kind of anti-theft system. It was impossible to pull the key, without turning on the rear transmission) and the famous function Night Panel as if shouting: I Not like all but the one who at least once sat behind the wheel of Saab, without difficulty will find a common language and with it.
Before going to the road, I will tell you a little about the arms arsenal of the opposing parties. Under the hoods of both convertible turbo engines. In 9-3, this is a V-shaped six, in the C70, the crown row motor about five cylinders. Engines different character. Of course, modern Saab is already deprived of that famous turbopin, following as an impressive lag, as in the former four-cylinder units, but the pickup after 3500 rpm is still noting. Motor T5 pulls exactly almost with idle speed, the school Low Pressure. The settings of automatic transmissions also differ. The five-speed ACP C70 moves the steps smoothly, and the manual mode does not particularly exacerbate the reaction, which is true, does not prevent a beige convertible to gain 100 km / h in 8 seconds. The Saab machine has six steps. It is more driving, but only in sports, and especially in manual mode, when you can switch to special petals on the steering wheel. In the usual Drive, the box is hardly distilled by Volvovskaya. Car suspensions are a mixture of standard McPherson front racks with rear-boring multi-dimensions.
I decide: the first will be Volvo. Roof, gas in the floor! C70 smoothly goes out of place, giving it to understand that any of my impulses to jog will finish off for the root. But speed is growing. Without fire, without darling, but grows. Only the machine managed to climb the second, as I understand that it's time to lift the windows wind touched the salon. I press a special key, it gets better, but while I performed these manipulations, the speedometer arrow has already reached 140 km / h, and again it became windy. I drop to 120, and here it is happiness! Slowly rush along the highway, taking sunbathing and enjoying what no closed car will offer a blue sky over head. Volvo does not want to drive. No, do not think that he is slow. Power in 230 forces is enough for in most cases the first to leave the traffic light or without any problems to perform a long overtaking. But there is no hot here. But there is reliability and foundation that are felt in each C70 movement. This also applies to manageability. The suspension is similar to other Volvo models. Even serious irregularities swallows, but sometimes scary throat. Get used to and cease to pay attention. The car follows the wheel with Lenza, it is necessary to twist it with ahead, but then it is clearly and confident in the specified direction. Does not scare, it does not irritate. Solid ride. Without fanaticism.
I replant in Saab and once again noted that the habits 9-3 after the last restyling became much better. Something even returned to glorious roots. Excellent chain, even despite the oversupports of the moment on the front axle. The steering wheel is not as clear as sedana or station wagon (see Motor, No. 12, 2008), but compared to Volvo, this is already a tool. You feel not only angle of rotation, but even slipping one of the wheels. The gas reactions here are much more sharp, the car without delay follows the pedal. Aero welcomes the active driver. Sacrificing to a certain extent of the smoothness of the course, 9-3 offers excellent feedback for the convertible on the movement by all authorities. What is there the wind, ruthlessly fluttering the hair, - I have no time to raise the roof, and on the speedometer already 200 km / h! So I carry further in a fully manageable flight.
There are no complaints about the brakes of both convertibles effectively, powerfully predicted. How there are no them and roomy salons. The rear row of seats is absolutely functional, it is not some plus two! That's just passengers there it has to fall out with lowered top blows! There is another problem, but it is connected not so much with cars as with the reality around us. After a day spent in an open car, the leather interior is covered with a thick layer of road dust, the hands become black, and the hair like a panel. What to say, the air in our megalopolis is transparent only on the view. Therefore, it is better to lower the roof only outside the city. In any case, I perfectly understand people driving without top: These emotions are incomparable with anything else.
As you can see, civil war inside Sweden continues. And so it happened that our today's heroes are capable of emphasizing the difference between the two legendary Scandinavian brands. Answer to the question of which of them is better does not exist. These two converts are excellent open tribe specimens. Each person himself will choose more suitable for himself in the measure of its temperament and needs. How there is no answer to the question when this war is over and whether it will end at all. For me, this is exactly the case when the war is a mother of native and the engine of progress at the same time. Make War, NOT LOVE!
Dmitry Krotov



A source: Motor magazine [September 2008]

Video Test Drives Volvo C70 since 2005