Test Drive Volvo C70 since 2005 coupe

Slaves on galley - on Volvo from Rome in Barcelona

Journalists who participated from 26 to 29 May in the Volvo Coupe Range Toor Run, assured all their friends that these days they had to work a lot. Well, who would doubt that the journey on the cabriolet with a leather interior along the smooth roads of Italy, France and Spain is hard work. Even more taught the expensive restaurants, the most steep casino in Monaco, during overnight stays in 5-star hotels. In general, Russian journalists worked no less than slaves on galley.
It all started in Rome. It is in this city that is rightfully called the eternal, a group of 28 Russian journalists arrived. They should have driven along the route Rome Monaco Barcelona and test on their skins, which is how to ride long distances on the Volvo coupe. Well, before [email protected], another task had to be understood whether it makes sense, resting in Italy or Spain, tear off his fifth point from the beach, to rent a car and ride in Europe. And if it has, then how much it can do it.
But to begin with, why now Volvo decided to ride journalists on their coupe. It turns out that in 2008 the Swedes celebrate the 50th anniversary of their legendary P1800 model, which was first presented in 1958. The Volvo P1800 coupe has enjoyed a huge demand machine turned out to be stylish, for that time it is quite comfortable and fast. Roger Moore introduced its contribution to the promotion of P1800. This actor was the main hero of the spy television series Holy, where he traveled to the P1800. The series, I must say, was very popular, and it was after the role in the Saint Roger Mura did James Bond. Then there were models of Volvo 262, 780, 480 and C70 of the first generation. In general, it is clear that the Swedes have a rich history of the creation of a coupe. And now Volvo produces two models at all, which are positioned precisely as a coupe. We are talking about Cup Cup C70 with a rigid folding roof and model C30. The last many is called hatchback, but the Swedes themselves insist that the coupe.
You can talk about Rome infinitely, and it does not make any sense. In this city you need to visit personally. In travel notes about running, Rome has already been said in Rome, it is necessary to carry out at least two, and even better three days. It is so much necessary to divert on Rome when planning your trip. But for Monaco enough and the day. This principality is actually very small. Small but expensive. Hotels here are not very much, respectively, and prices are decent. Therefore, our advice comes in Monaco early in the morning, leave the car on some paid parking and calmly walk. And in the late afternoon, inspected all the sights and play a casino slightly (for the entrance to the main casino of the city, there is a jacket, and the entrance is paid 10 euros there), you can already get behind the wheel again and go to sleep in the next hotel in some hotel on the shore Mediterranean Sea.
If desired, the distance between Monaco and Rome can be overcome in one day. However, it is not worth doing this. It is best to split this section into two parts. Thanks to this, there will be an opportunity to move from a paid route without any special problems, to swim in the sea, to travel to such cities as Genoa or Pisa. Yes, and small resort towns themselves are very interesting. For example, we stayed in Fort Dei Marmi a cute and pleasant place.
As for the site between Monaco and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen it can be driving the day. True, it will have to move on a paid track, where cars rush at a speed of 110-130 km / h. It is possible and faster, however, remember the very high fines (exceeded 30 km / h received a fine of 500-1000 euros depending on the country). Moreover, it is necessary to be afraid not only by police, but also camcorders. So, what we do. Rome for three days. Rome Monaco Two days, Monaco-Barcelona one day. Barcelona two days. And no less! Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere the great Gaudi worked, does not deserve it to be inspected by quick. Total eight days. However, if you take the car to the rental, then it is usually best to lay two more days on the march of Barcelona back to Rome. For rental of a golf class car in Rome with a refund in the same Rome will cost about 300 euros. But if you want to leave the car in Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou will have to give 1400 euros. Agree, the difference is decent.
Are there any features of ride in Italy-France or Spain compared to our? Russian drivers who came to the south do not find anything radically new for themselves. However, there are nuances. For example, a huge number of motorcyclists. They are so smart moving between the machines that the feeling constantly arises - now someone will die into the car and how it should scratch him. On paid highways, remember the best ride on average or right. But the extreme left strip on the unlawful contract between motorists is given for the liberals, which are enough. As a rule, drivers leave on the left strip only for overtaking, and then try to quickly go right.
If you see on the track, as one truck overtakes another, you can relax this process very long. It turns out that all large trucks in Europe have black boxes where the prohibition of motion with too high speed is established. And if any overloaded trucker rides on the highway 87 km / h, then the second truck will be very slowly overtaken by 90 km / h. And drivers of passenger cars are usually forced to just wait for this fascinating process. And flashing the headlights or bibeet in this case is useless.
What car is best to take for a similar journey? It is clear that we had VOLVO C30 and C70. And if you can rent yourself a similar car, you will not regret especially the convertible, thanks to which you can fully enjoy the sun, fresh air and beautiful views. Of course, you can save. True, only to a certain extent. For ride for long distances on small budgetary machines is very uncomfortable. And there is little space for suitcases, and also tired very quickly. Therefore, it is best to overpay and rent a car more.
We give prices for renting a car in Rome. So, the small and modest Fiat Panda will cost 218 euros for all 8 days, Ford Focus about 300 euros, and a class D model, suppose Volvo S60 or Alfa Romeo 159, about 500-560 euros. For 8 days of ownership, the convertible will have to give 500-650 euros. Approximately the same amount will cost a large one-unifier. Additional installation of the 80-90 euro navigation system in 8 days.
In detail to talk about what cars we are tested, there is no particular sense. And the one and the other models have been sold for a long time, and moreover, C30 managed to visit the test of [email protected]. True, then we experienced a gasoline version of C30 T5, and now we have a diesel C30 D5.
Volvo C70 - the car is really cool. He not only looks stylish. Here comfortably everything is in perfect order. It is immediately felt that this is a really good car. Our C70 was equipped with a diesel engine and a manual transmission. Acknowledge, a strange combination for a machine that is designed to enjoy driving at low speed. Still, the cabriolet needs an automatic. But Diesel liked. It works quietly, his traction capacity is enough for, in general, large C70, and the fuel consumption is pleased. Just remember quickly ride with the roof tedious. Somewhere to 70-90 km / h Driver and passenger in the cabriolet are not strained. But then on the ears begins to push the sound of wind, the music is heard badly, and there is no voice ligament with the passenger without tension. In general, an irresistible desire arises to raise the roof.
As for C30, there were some doubts that this small car will allow no tension in one day 700 km from Monaco to Barcelona (and our crew managed to overcome the day and at about 1,200 km). However, it turned out that Volvo C30 allows you to go without tension. At least together, but four in the car of this size will not be too comfortable. The car has excellent ergonomics, a very comfortable steering wheel, a decent sound insulation and a pretty comfortable suspension. As for diesel, it is great and has an excellent margin of torque. I was pleased with the fact that the car confidently stands on a straight line, even on really high speeds. And there is a merit of both Volvo itself and Pirelli tires that stood on all tested machines.
Well, the appearance is generally a separate song. From the front of the C30 is not fundamentally different from other Volvo, but here is the back, where instead of the usual trunk door there is only rising glass, it looks very interesting. Trunk, however, modest. Its volume is only 230 liters, and besides due to the designer sizes, the loading height of the trunk is large.
A couple of words should say about BLIS System (Blind Spot Information System). It consists of small cameras in the rear mirrors, which are followed by the so-called dead zone. And as soon as the car appears, a red light lights up on the mirror. I, confess, was sure that this thing is completely useless, and it was invented only to take extra money from buyers. However, several days behind the wheel of Volvo showed that BLIS is a beneficial will. Thanks to Blis, you begin to feel calm on the highway, because you know exactly, there is someone else's car or not. Very comfortably.
In general, it is clear that we had to work on the solar coast of the Mediterranean Sea in full program. True, people, for some reason, did not believe it. And, perhaps, correctly did. But, as San Sanych Piculento rightly noted with echo of Moscow, only fools will be envied, they will take and repeat.


A source: AUTO.Mail.Ru.

Video Test Drives Volvo C70 since 2005

Test drives Volvo C70 since 2005