Test Drive Volvo C30 since 2009 Hatchback

Need a car for wife up to $ 25,000

Dmitry Krylov, 31 years old, Personal fitness center coach. Rides (temporarily) on VAZ-2109. Wants a car for his wife. Budget: $ 25,000
I decided to make a wife surprise for the birthday. Help choose something suitable worthy of both externally and equipment.
My requirements for the car
New car famous brand. Pure girl.
Pleasant eye. Not bad if it is allocated from the crowd, but in moderation.
Dynamic, obedient, comfortable suspension and good noise insulation.
Of course, I want to spend on gasoline as much as possible.
Spacious interior, comfortable even for long-lasting seats trips. Big trunk is not the most important characteristic. Better more space in the cabin.
Equipment in standard
Good music, powerful air conditioning, preferably ABS.
Opel Astra.
Selected, because: a very practical car, moreover, still in demand among the female half.
When this car only appeared, he called many delights. He liked him with his wife. It was something that caused him to turn him out. The reason, in my opinion, is simple. Astra became not the same as it was before. Another approach to design forced many to look towards Opel with completely different eyes. Her design for his time was even avantgard. There is no less interesting to the salon. Let them be without special bells, but everything was very decenty. Such, of course, he is now, but I do not know, maybe over time and with the appearance in this class other, more advanced on the design of rivals it looks at their level somehow already poorly. It is probably precisely this conservatism today and moves astra to the background when choosing something for the money. However, I am not ready to finally say that I reject this candidacy as an option of a car for my wife. In Astra, there is something that I was practical, makes you seriously think about it. Moreover, the design in this regard has not the last value. As a rule, cars with a brighter appearance are popular with hijackers. The same machine is not such a rested.
However, if I choose this car for my wife, I would definitely not take a car with a robotic box. Some ripped ride with it turns out. I tried both so and soak, and all one in automatic mode the machine is strongly kept with a nose when switching. The same in manual mode. It is clear that before switching for a more comfortable driving you need to drop gas. But it is clear to me, the wife, I think, will not be delighted. Definitely robot I give a dive.
But I liked the work of the suspension. The car is quite comfortable working out our not the best road profile. Vehicle behaves and at high speed. Catching on her on the highway, I realized that in a long distance you would not get tired. In the city noted a good review. Of course, the rear could be better.
The rest of the car is quite worthy and comfortable, in any case, for its class. And finishing materials at the level, and the quality of the fittings of the interior elements. Seats are very comfortable. A fairly spacious trunk. The rear row of seats is also good. My daughter is ten years old, and therefore, for two more years she will have to ride exactly there. I think she would like in Astra. Surprised only a few wisdom central console. You need to understand. What, where, why? And how much will your wife like it? She, I have a person organized enough and loves everything to be understandable and in its place.
For his time was very interesting. However, now perceived already otherwise.
And the engine, and I liked the suspension. Non bad car ruls. Leaves to desire the best only work of the gearbox.
It is thought out well balanced, ergonomic. But not impressive.
At the level and quite suits.
Equipment in standard
In principle, everything you need in the car is.
Brand and model Opel Astra 1.6
Dimensions 4250x1795x1460 mm
Engine gasoline, 1598 cm3, 105 hp
Transmission mechanical, robotic, 5-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b185 km / h
Acceleration 12.3 s to 100 km / h
Like: practical, well equipped, rather balanced both in design and functional.
Dislike: Against the background of competitors, there are several archaic, too wisdom central console.
Honda Civic
Selected, because: a new car with a very extraordinary appearance, which does not prevent him from being practical and in connection with this very popular.
Initially, Civic makes a stunning impression. He is like another life. As if flew on this planet only for refueling and as soon as the fuel replenish its pots, he will again be in another galaxy. Single cosmic bot. However, the more I look at him, the more clearly I submit a rich student at the wheel with the wind in my head. Civic car for parties. It can be easily driven to a nightclub or all night drive around the city among her like, reflecting the brains by any energy. Civic in this body is not a car. This is a certain image that needs not only externally, but also internally. Brains must work in another format. It seems to me that one who buys him, no longer be, but seem. Does my wife need such a car? I don't know, most likely, she would rejected him. To a certain stage of life, each of us becomes those who are in fact. The wind is blowing out of the head, and life, routine and practicality occupy a place of recklessness. Apparently, this stage has come in our life, in connection with which, I think this car is not for her. Most likely, Civic initially would also make a strong impression on her, but over time, Euphoria would change the desire to return to the sinful land and look at this miracle with a sober look.
And it concerns this not only the appearance of the car, but also its interior. Looking at all the same space design, unwittingly want to put on his helmet, like a judge Dredda, Latvi from an unprecedented, strong, like armor, and flexible, like silk, material, attach to the forearm of blasters and go to conquer by no means of the city, but Explosures of the Universe. Where are you, others, others, predators or how are you there? I lie down to you that makes you surprise even you!
Nevertheless, I liked the car. Despite the unearthly external and inner world, it is worthy of becoming its own and on our land. In any case, all the prerequisites for this are. It is comfortable and projected. Like Opel, aggregated by a mechanical robotic box. However, the work of the CP does not have a comparison with the Opolevskaya. Switching is very smooth, in connection with which the desire to move to the manual gear selection mode did not occur. Perhaps this robot was even the best from the presented Trinity.
I did not like in Civic rear review. There are no front problems, but I didn't have any desire to turn back. All one can see anything. Wide average and rear racks are completely overlapped.
And it seemed that the car is harsh for our roads. Any Malyaalskaya pothole causes Civic to shock all the body. And this, as it seems to me, will inevitably lead to the fact that everything and everything will scary in the cabin. However, I can be mistaken.
Very intriguing, in terms of design, car. It is clearly ahead of his time.
Obedient and dynamic car. Perfectly ruling, effectively accelerates and slows down. The suspension works well without irregularities.
Everything is, everything is incredibly interesting, but I'm afraid, with time you get bored as a space shooter.
At the level of competitors.
Equipment in standard
There is everything for a safe and comfortable ride.
Brand and model Honda Civic 1.8
Dimensions 4250x1760x1460 mm
Engine gasoline, 1798 cm3, 140 hp
Mechanical transmission, robotic, 6-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b207 km / h
Acceleration 8.9 s to 100 km / h
Like: high level of equipment and comfort, good operation of a robotic box, handling.
I do not like: too shifted appearance, I'm afraid, quickly getting tired.
Toyota Auris.
Selected, because: a car of the 2007 model year with pleasant appearance and good deposits.
With this car Toyota, in my case, got to the point. I look at Auris and see how my wife sits behind the wheel. The machine in the measure is glamorous and in moderation is practical. On the one hand, it does not cling as Civic, but not so simple as Astra. It makes novelty from it, and at the same time she does not seek to be in the forefront. Auris 100% female car. It is female. The girl of the eighteen-twenty years later will look good in it, but it is precisely the restraint of the style that gives Toyota to the unique charm, characteristic of young married ladies. Nothing superfluous, but effectively.
The same can be said about the interior. Here, too, there is a certain chalk of Glamor, but he does not take, allowing you to focus on something more important, on management. Although, of course, some moments caused bewilderment. What were guided in Toyota when the control button of the route computer on the instrument shield took place? Sorry, but it's just uncomfortable. To press it and see how much, for example, it remains to drive kilometers on the residue of fuel in the tank, you need to stretch your hand through the steering wheel. It is clear that in turn it is me or my wife will be interested in the least, and yet
However, this is the only ergonomic miscalculation. The rest of the ergonomics of the driver's seat is excellent. The parking brake lever is very successful. Drech him without leaving and not looking for. A robotic box selection selector is also in place. In addition, like Civic, there is the possibility of switching gear by stealless petals. The box itself is also quite adequate, but the delays in switching and noddes are present. And I am very surprised very much that when I was released the brake pedal, the car starts moving. Neither Astra nor Civic did not allow so much. Immediately on the machine. On the one hand, it seems to be convenient, but if you consider that on cars, there are essentially mechanical boxes, rather strange.
I liked Auris and in motion. And the suspension is sufficiently comfortable, and manageability at an acceptable level. There are no problems with dynamics and maximum speed. The machine willingly accelerate, effectively slows down. There are no problems at high speed. The road holds canceled. In any case, 170 km / h to go on it neastno. It was surprised that it was at this speed that in some incomprehensible way almost blown down the lower plastic dirt protection of the engine compartment. Apparently, it was not securely securely fixed. Not a crime, of course, but how does Toyota's quality praised?
I really liked the car, especially if you abstract from it myself and transfer emotions to my wife. I think she will be glad to such a car.
Pleasant gaze. It is quite balanced. Real female car.
Good car. It is convenient to drive both around the city and on the highway.
It's pleasant as a gaze and body. Present elements of style. Surely spacious and quite ergonomic.
The same as the opponents. In any case, if there is a difference, then small.
Equipment in standard
Decent, especially if you consider as much as 7 airbags.
Brand and model Toyota Auris 1.6
Dimensions 4220x1760x1515 mm
Gasoline engine, 1598 cm3, 124 hp
Transmission mechanical, robotic, 5-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b190 km / h
Acceleration 11.2 s to 100 km / h
Like: balanced appearance, interesting and practical interior.
I do not like: the operation of a robotic manual box, the location of the button of the route computer.
Volvo C30.
Selected because: a stylish thing from Volvo. Popular among extraordinary individuals, in particular, in wealthy weak gender.
I really did not think that, choosing a car for my wife, I will find something that I am completely satisfied. Until that moment, until I encountered Volvo C30 personally, I considered it an exclusively female car. Maybe because before I did not see it in black. Now my opinion has changed dramatically. Well, what is it glamorous? She, I would say, Patzanskaya. And although this word I do not really like it, but it will still displays the essence of this car. There is also both strength, and pressure, and much more, which fully meets male character. Probably, if now it would not stand the challenge to choose a car for his wife, without thinking to take C30 to himself. Yes, it is not so functional as Astra, Civic or Auris. For example, there is practically no trunk here (I hardly imagine how to put something bigger brunette in it). Yes, it's inconvenient to sit on the second row of seats due to three-door layout. And sit there is not very comfortable: there is a place above your head, but it is clearly not enough for his feet. But these little things are worried about the least. From this car you are not waiting for functionality, it is waiting for a charge of positive emotions from it, and I received them.
I really liked how she rides. I am a normal, honest automatic box. Her work is adequate and quite fast. But most of all I liked how this car rests at the road. And the fact that at speeds in steep turns the rear axle demolides the driver even more adds the drive. In the end, knowing such a feature of C30, if possible, and cloudy. Oddly enough, even a squeezed suspension on this machine perceived quite differently than others. I like it in this car to feel the road not only by feedback with the steering wheel. It is like that that stiffness allows you to merge with the machine almost together, feeling it with all the body. I have good enough, due to professional activities, the vestibular apparatus is developed, and therefore, even the slightest deviation from the norm, I feel instantly. And it is precisely what allows you to drive the car literally on the edge of the foul, especially when the stabilization system is disabled. And although I am not an amateur to fade, C30 for some reason it pushes all the time. And why not, if it is pleasure and safely.
I think this car would like my wife. But no, for her I would not take such. Practicality is not enough, and after all, on his wife and the house, and the child, and I finally.
Strong things. Neither another car do not confuse. True, for this you need to look into the profile or from the stern.
See you with this car - I could not assume that Volvo can generally light so much.
Nothing special, but everything is strictly, concise and high quality, and it cares.
Quite adequate appetite for this engine.
Equipment in standard
It seems that everything is, in any case, everything is necessary.
Brand and model Volvo C30 2.4
Dimensions 4250x1782x1447 mm
Gasoline engine, 2435 cm3, 170 hp
Transmission automatic, 5-speed
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b215 km / h
Acceleration 8.9 s to 100 km / h
Like: Honest work machine, powerful engine, appearance.
I do not like it: in my understanding of the trunk in the car simply no, and the places behind the back is not enough for sure.
Choosing a Reader
After this event in my brain, two cars were firmly falling. The first Toyota Auris, which I definitely position as a car for my wife. The second Volvo C30. I think that in the near future I will consider it as a kind of goal, to which you need to strive for yourself. Honda Civic and Opel Astra are also good, but the first is too unearthly and, I'm afraid, it will soon be tired of this cosmos. The second, on the contrary, is too practical. However, if there is no possibility to take Toyota Auris quickly, I will consider the candidacy of Astra once again.
Editor's Choice
By consumer qualities, all cars are more or less comparable. Several separately in this four is only the Volvo C30 due to three-door body and an impractical trunk. Our selection This time Honda Civic. And the point here is not in the notorious cosmic design, and in the ability of the car to adequately respond to the fact that the driver requires at a particular point in time.

Text: 5 Wheel
Photo: Igor Kuznetsov

A source: Magazine 5 Wheel [29.06.2007]

Video Test Drives Volvo C30 since 2009

Crash Test Volvo C30 since 2009

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers
Active security system