Test Drives Volkswagen Polo 5 Doors 1999 - 2001 Hatchback

"Kids" in assortment
With the approach of March 8, a traditional question arises before the male population of Russia: what to give to your beloved. Abroad, the situation is completely different in any female day and in risen, so there the presents of wives and girlfriends do much more often and for other reasons. And it is not known who is easier. Our men must shoot seriously and ...
Old new Polo
Conduct the border between the deep modernization and the new model sometimes it is not easy. Where does the necessary quality erect and it begins excessively, which is no longer reliable, but for prestige? These questions were pushed by the author some innovations in the car. Polo now ...

Video Crash Tests Volkswagen Polo 5 Doors 1999 - 2001