Volkswagen Passat B7 test drive since 2010 sedan

New Passat. He parks himself!

I affirm Passat is the most famous Volkswagen model in Russia. Yes, it is Passat, and not Golf at all or some newfangled Touareg. If you are now over 30 years old, then remember the beginning of the 90s, which is now commonly called dashing. What did the people who managed to accumulate several thousand dollars dream about then? Not about Mercedes, BMW or Jaguar for most these cars were so cool that they were outside the fantasy field. They dreamed of Volkswagen. And not just about Volkswagen, but about Volkswagen Passat. For Golf and Polo is for girls. And real men had to ride Passat: large, comfortable, reliable, in the back of B3. Ah, you don't know what B3 Passat is? Well, my friend, then you went to the wrong page. There is no anime here

The dimensions of the new generation Passat remained almost the same as before. Unless the length of the sedan increased by the elusive 4 mm, and the height by 2 mm. The station wagon, on the contrary, became shorter. On the same 4 mm

Meanwhile, the new generation Passat was already the seventh in a row. Although, if you think about it, this is only Volkswagen marketers call Passat B7 a proud phrase completely new. Between us, it would be more correct to call Passat 6.5, well, okay 6.75. For Passat is based on the already familiar platform, and the shape of the doors and windows remained the same here. But recently, Volkswagen is another and do not expect almost all new models made on old platforms.

The Germans paid special attention to reducing fuel consumption. Now without this in Europe you can’t sell a single car. So, all diesel machines without exception have a stop start system (for gasoline cars it can be ordered as an option). In addition, Passat received a smart generator, which is turned on only if the battery needs to be recharged. Well, do not forget about a small modernization of engines and gearboxes.

As a result of all these measures, the Passat B7 fuel consumption compared to Passat B6 decreased by 18%immediately. Well, the most economical engine will be the tradition of a 1.6-liter engine with a capacity of 105 hp. spends only 4.2 liters per 100 km in a mixed cycle

However, for ordinary buyers, this lyrics will not have any meaning. The main thing is the Passat B7 in a new way. Better? Perhaps yes. And most importantly, the appearance of Passat practically does not cause irritation. This car cannot be called terrible or funny, no stupid nickname will stick to it. For a folk car, it is.

But the salon, admitted, is a little behind the appearance. If on the road anyone distinguishes the old model from the new one, then not everyone will be capable of this. Alas, the interior changes are not very large: the other was the shape of the doors and climate control, new chairs appeared, the parking brake button was transferred to a new place, and something else on trifles. In general, for a new generation, my friends, this does not pull. Therefore, inside it is only Passat B6.5, well, 6.75. Although there is no need to perceive these words as a negative. After all, the car’s interior is still good: there are almost no complaints about ergonomics, the chairs, as always, the Germans are a little tough, but very convenient, the steering wheel is nice to hold in their hands. And there is nothing to say about the quality of the assembly. But if you are waiting for something fundamentally new, then there is nothing to please. Unless the clock in the center of the torpedo. True, they just caused the negative. For some reason, the clock is looking somewhere in the ceiling and glittering in sunny weather. Say we are capricious? Yes. And we still find fault. But even small flaws do not say goodbye such a model as Passat.

The front chairs on Passat B7 became different. Moreover, if desired, the buyer can order seats with a ventilation and even massage function! Very convenient, I must say, option

Representatives of Volkswagen listen to all the accusations that this is not Passat B7, but only Passat B6.5, okay, 6.75, with Nordic resistance. After all, they have something to answer harmful journalists. All kinds of new bells and whistles that the car received is more than enough. Although there is no special sense in detail about everyone. For example, the lane control system in Russia will not be available. Like such a useful thing as the Automatic Distance Control system emergency stop using radars, it monitors the vehicles moving in front, and if they slow down sharply, then the electronics itself slows down. According to Volkswagenovites, if emergency braking began at a car speed of 30 km/h, then in this case the accident will be simply excluded! If the speed is higher, then the consequences of the accident will be minimized. Want to have Automatic Distance Control? Then you will have to emigrate to Europe the system does not work at those frequencies, and its use in Russia is prohibited.

The luggage compartment of the station wagon is with folded rear seats 1731 liters. This is only one liter more than before

But then we will have two very convenient systems. One of them will surely receive the name of the kick under the ass. Its meaning is that the driver, approaching the trunk of the car, can open the door with his foot. Yes, do not be surprised. To do this, you need to make movement, as if you want to hit the car in the lower part of the bumper. And the trunk is automatically (!) It will open. Myself! The truth is only if the driver has a ignition key in his pocket (thus, the situation is excluded when the trunk opens from a random cat). A thing, in fact, is very comfortable, especially when you go from a store with several large and heavy bags. But here there is a place to criticize the trunk with the help of the leg for some reason! The system works only in one direction even if the machine is equipped with a trunk electric drive.

This is how the trunk opening system works with a foot. Unusual, convenient, practical. But it is impossible to close the trunk with a foot. Apparently, this function will appear in the future during the modernization of Passat B7

But if the trunk opening system can be called pampering, then an automatic parking worker is a thing! Park Assist met on Volkswagen and before it began to install it on the first generation of Touran. And some other manufacturers created something similar. But, perhaps, it is Passat that will become the first truly mass model in Russia, which can be equipped with such a system. Moreover, it will cost relatively inexpensive, for example, in Europe when buying Passat in rich trim levels Comfortline or Highline Automatic Partener will cost 295 euros (for the basic version of Trendline - 815 euros complete with parking sensors).

Automatic parking worker is the most convenient option available on the new Passat. The driver during parking should only monitor the indicators on the instrument board and slow down in time. When you need to press the brake pedal also reports a computer

And having paid this money, you can no longer think about whether the car will fit into the hole or not. It will be enough just to press the corresponding button and calmly go along the street, and at a fairly decent speed of up to 40 km/h. As soon as smart electronics with the help of radars sees a place in the parking lot, where Passat will fit, she immediately sits signaling this. And after that, real miracles will happen. The driver will only need to turn on the reverse, remove the hands from the steering wheel (!), The brake pedal control the speed of the car back and follow the instructions of the on -board computer (at one point he will ask to turn off the rear speed and drive a little ahead). And all. The car will actually park itself! Moreover, the parking space in automatic mode requires very little only plus 0.8 meters to the length of the machine. Believe me, not every experienced driver will be able to park at a lower distance. But the parking worker is also able to leave on his own! Moreover, for this he needs even less space only plus half a meter.

The Dynamic Light Assist, which controls the headlights of headlights and does not blind oncoming drivers, has long been known. The thing is necessary and useful. Moreover, everything goes to the fact that Dynamic Light Assist will be available in Russia.

In addition, the Side Assist system, which monitors blind zones, and the system control system, will increase the movement of movement. The last thing is very funny thanks to it, some turns can pass without touching the steering wheel at all. Electronics for about 10 seconds herself steal and keeps the car within the strip. And only then, having made a loud sound signal, will it turn off

By the way, we have the second generation of Park Assist. And this means that Passat B6.5, well, is 6.75, is able to carry out not only parallel, but also perpendicular parking (though, in this case, it can only at a speed of not more than 20 km/h). To say that Park Assist is convenient is to say nothing.

The situation with engines is as follows. The old 1.6-liter gasoline engine finally retired. And thank God. For its 102 horses would clearly not be enough. He was replaced by a modern 1.4 TSI. The volume, at first glance, seems funny, but thanks to the turbine it already gives out 122 hp. But still 1.4 TSI has a completely adult torque of 200 nm (old 1.6 had 148 nm). In addition, the average fuel consumption, according to passport data, is only 6.3 liters here in the presence of mechanics and 6.0 liters with a 7-speed DSG with two clutches, which acts here as a machine gun (and will also sell Passat 1.4 in Europe TSI in the BlueMotion version with a slightly different aerodynamics, stretched transmission and low rolling tires, which will spend another 100 milliliters less). Do not be surprised, there is no mistake in the data on fuel consumption, modern DSG is really more economical than the usual mechanics. And faster (205 km/h, and in a machine with mechanics 203 km/h).

In the trunk of the station wagon in a special box there are hooks that can be strengthened in special rails on the floor. Thanks to them, the load can be easily fixed with a grid. And there is also a tape that is used for the same purposes. By the way, the station wagon can be equipped with a trunk closing electric drive

Passat 1.4 tsi rides and he goes normally! For the basic version of the folk car, the dynamics are quite an adequate 1.4-liter unit allows you to confidently stay in the stream, calmly accelerate (because 200 nm are available at 1,500 rpm) and, with a certain reserve of the space, overtake trucks. But, as you know, such a car will be without a light. Just a car.

That is why the most popular engine in Russia promises to be 1.8 TSI. Firstly, it will be already very powerful 160 hp. and 250 nm (the maximum of the moment is also available at only 1,500 rpm). Secondly, Passat 1.8 TSI can be ordered with both mechanics and DSG. Well, thirdly, 1.8 TSI will still be relatively affordable. A sort of gold is obtained.

The engine starts using a button that is located next to the gearbox lever

Passat 1.8 rides is very decent. Moreover, it is more pleasing not to accelerate to 220 km/h (doing this on our roads is dangerous and simply stupid), and the ability of the machine to respond quickly to the pressing of the gas pedal and accelerate powerfully, even when on a speedometer 100-120 km/h. Convenience of working with a traction for five points. And all thanks to the almost diesel moment on the bottom and in the zone of average revolutions.

The sale of the new Passat will begin in the first quarter of next year. We will have available cars with three gasoline engines (1.4 liters, 1.8 liters and 2.0 l), as well as with a 2.0-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 170 hp.

If this is not enough for you, then it will be possible to buy a car with a 2.0-liter turbo engine (211 hp) and even with an unit V6: 300 hp, all-wheel drive, 250 km/h, acceleration time to hundreds per 5 , 5 p. But there were no cars with such engines in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere the test of the new Passat took place. Therefore, I will not fantasize on the topic how cool the 300-horsepower passat is.

And I also managed to ride a car with a 1.4-liter engine that feeds on natural gas (this version of Passat TSI Ecofuel is called). You can distinguish such Passat primarily by two signs of the fuel level on the instrument board and an unusual gas tank, where there is a neck for both gasoline and gas. Moreover, gasoline is used as backup fuel, and the tank for it is very small.

Well, what can I say, especially when you consider the fact that the Russian representative office of Volkswagen considers the issue of starting such cars to our market? I would not recommend buying gas Passat to private individuals, even despite the formal presence under the hood of 150 hp. and 220 nm. The engine here is too sluggish on the bottoms, now and then there is a feeling that you are about to die out, and the likeness on a decent ride appears only if you constantly twist the motor. Moreover, the DSG box still copes with the heavy character of the gas engine and levels its work (at least you can’t stall at the traffic light), but with the presence of mechanics everything is completely sad.

However, this is if it is about private individuals. But as a corporate car, Passat with gas fuel is very suitable. The dynamics here is Nevazhnetskaya, but in this case, this does not need nothing to anneal on the road at the expense of the company. But at the same time, fuel consumption is only 6.3 cubes per 100 km. Moreover, I repeat again, we are talking about cheap gas!

Gazprom, some kind of, and you must transfer your employees to gas machines. Let them save budget money at least once in their life.

By the way, there will be another exotic version of Passat Multifuel. It will receive the same 1.4 liter motor, but which is eaten by bioethanol. The power of such an unit will be 160 hp, and it is supposed to sell Passat Multifuel exclusively in Sweden and Norway

But I think that excellent. At least with the controllability of ordinary Passat, everything is in order. As before. This model seems to have a great combination of Passat comfort and handling and on the serpentine rides great, allowing an experienced driver to enjoy the passage of studs, and besides, he swallows the fossa well. True, talking a lot about comfort and controllability should not probably be designed for Russia will receive a suspension adapted for our roads. Therefore, the character of the machine can also change.

Volkswagen Passat is impressive. Over 37 years of life, more than 15 million cars have already been sold! Когда на кону стоят такие цифры, дизайном, как вы понимаете, никто не рискует

There will appear in Russia and diesel engines. Moreover, we will begin to sell a car with a 2.0-liter engine with a capacity of 170 hp. and a moment of 350 nm (there is another 140-horsepower version and a 1.6 liter engine with 105 hp). A 170-horsepower diesel is just a song. A kind of good jazz. Power, pressure, rapid acceleration from any speed, a minimum of vibrations and noise, especially when the car is driving (you can still understand the parking lot that there is a diesel under the hood, but there is no longer a ride). True, at the start, the entire power of the motor is somehow not felt, and the car accelerates very ordinary. Apparently, this smart electronics specially protects the clutch of the DSG box and strangles the engine a little. But as soon as Passat accelerates at least a little, nothing restrains the diesel pressure. In general, class. But still, few will buy in Russia few diesel Passat. Alas.

As before, Volkswagen Passat will be equipped with a 4Motion all -wheel drive system. The most powerful cars with a 300-horsepower gasoline engine will receive it a priori. On the 2.0-liter 4Motion diesel engines will be set by order. But cars with gasoline engines with a volume of 1.4, 1.8 and 2.0 liters are still bypassed only to the front axle. True, on front-wheel drive Passat with a 2.0-liter unit and a 170-horsepower diesel engine will be an electronic imitation of the XDS self-locking differential

Although the 170-horsepower Passat diesel in the back of the station wagon with the automatic parking system is the real dream of any family person. And even if this is not a completely new generation, but only a serious modernization. The main thing is different. Passat B6.5, okay 6.75, became a little bit, but still better than the Passat B6 familiar to us. He had new very pleasant options, all engines without exception (natural gas engine is not counted) are suitable for everyday operation, and the price of the car will remain at the same level. Yes, the Germans promised that they would not increase the cost of the model. We hope this promise concerns not only Europe, but also in Russia.

Denis Smolyanov
Photo by the author

Passat: 37 years old in Volkswagen history
The Passat model can be considered a real long -liver. For the first time, a car with this name appeared in the Volkswagen model row in 1973 a year earlier than golf. However, the cars of the first and second generations were not their own development, they were based on the Audi 80 front -wheel drive platform and virtually very little different from it. Moreover, the body of the first generation was quite small by modern standards: about 1 cm shorter than the current golf.

The second generation (B2), which stood on the conveyor in 1981, is already much closer to the dimensions usual. But if today we know Passat primarily as sedans and station wagons, then initially it was a hatchback (including a three -door!). For the body, the sedan then even came up with a separate name Volkswagen Santana. Such an exotic modification as a two -door sedan was supplied to the markets of Latin America.

Only since 1988, the company began to produce passats developed on its own, and exclusively in the bodies of the sedan and the station wagon. If the previous models had a longitudinal location of the engine, then the third generation received a modern transverse layout. Models B3 and B4 are familiar to the Russians: in the 90s they were imported a lot from the European secondary market.

The fifth generation that appeared in 1996 was a real breakthrough for Volkswagen. The model was not only among the bestsellers in the West, but also actually became the legislator of the mod in its class: it was she who began to adopt many features of the main competitors, such as Ford Mondeo and Toyota Avensis of that time. It is not surprising that the car lasted on the conveyor for more than eight years.

Only in 2005 did the B6 version appear. This generation looked noticeably more solid: Volkswagen went further from the category of folk cars. The logical manifestation of this trend was that the sports version of the R36 appeared in the range of modifications, which developed 300 hp, as well as the four -door Passat CC coupe.

Almost one and a half dozen models are delivered to Russia, which can be recorded in competitors to the Passat, although sales of some of them (for example, Subaru Legacy) are calculated only a few hundred copies a year. We took the five models leading in popularity. Their account, like the Passat, goes to thousands, and according to the results of 2010, bestsellers are preparing to cross the ten thousandth mark.

Mazda 6
The Japanese woman is one of the most popular models of her class by right: she has an elegant and dynamic appearance, driverships and decent comfort in the cabin. This spring, the car received a number of innovations, all the details of which can be found in our test. The most affordable six is \u200b\u200ba modification with a 1.8-liter engine (120 hp) and mechanics, costing from 739,000 rubles. However, the optimal version can rather be called a machine with a 2-liter engine (147 hp) and an automatic from 914,000 rubles. Such a modification is well equipped: climate control, light and rain sensors, multifunctional steering wheel, dynamic stabilization system, 17-inch alloy wheels, an audio system with a CD changer, not to mention such an ordinary class of equipment as an electric drive and heating of mirrors. Although Mazda looks in sporting, but the Japanese do not offer such powerful modifications as Ford and Honda. Power ceiling 170 hp

Ford Mondeo
One of the main advantages of Mondeo is that in size it is comparable to business class models. For example, in length it is exactly like Lexus GS, and even surpasses it in width by 6.6 cm and at the same time thanks to the Russian assembly, Mondeo is one of the most affordable D-class cars. He boasts at a price of 689,000 rubles. Moreover, this version with a 1.6-liter engine (120 hp) and mechanics in the Ambiente configuration cannot be called completely empty: there is air conditioning, seven airbags, an audio system, electric mirrors and heating and four electric windows. Of course, a version with a 2.3-liter engine developing 160 hp, and an automaton (from 849,000 rubles) is of greater interest. It includes climate control, ESP and leather steering wheel. In general, the Ford has a very wide range of modifications (motors up to 240 hp) and options, including such rare ones as electric heating glasses. Recently, the supply of the restyled version of Ford Mondeo began, and the auto correspondent has already been able to try it out.
Toyota Avensis
The new generation of Toyota Avensis, which appeared on sale last year, may not have enough such bright solutions that Mazda and Ford have, but Toyota fans do not complain. Avensis still finds a large number of customers, although this model is not as affordable as some competitors. The easiest Avensis with a 1.6-liter engine (132 hp) and mechanics costs from 879,000 rubles, and a popular modification with a 1.8-liter engine (147 forces) and a variator costs already 999,000 rubles. However, for this price you get a richly equipped machine with a leather finish of the cabin, light and rain sensors, climate control, seven airbags and much more. What has Avensis deserve popularity? He is solid, comfortable and reliable. And if the previous generation from the point of view of controllability was nothing special, then the chassis of the current generation will not cause discontent among the sophisticated drivers. However, the sport ANENSIS is alien to: the most dynamic modification of 1.8 liters with mechanics accelerates to 100 km/h for 9.4 s. All the other 10 C or more.

Honda Accord
This sedan is more expensive than the listed competitors. Let the basic version with a 2-liter engine differ in a good capacity of 156 hp, but the price is from 985 300 rubles. For the version with mechanics on stamped discs, this is perhaps overkill. Although for climate control, ESP and other modern Honda equipment, unlike competitors, does not ask for surcharges. The version with an automaton costs from 1,047,300 rubles. And it includes additionally light and rain sensors. For the one who appreciates in Honda, first of all, high-speed qualities are offered, the 201-horsepower version of Type-S: from 1,172,200 rubles. With a machine gun. If you prefer manual transmission, you can save 29,500 rubles. These modifications already have a combined upholstery of the cabin, CD changer and subwoofer. And if desired, Accord can be equipped even more luxurious: Executive equipment includes a leather interior and a complete set of front seats electric drives. But the price of such a car is 1,224,000 rubles. Competitors offer the same thing cheaper.

Chevrolet Epica
This sedan is more accessible to all competitors. Prices for a 2-liter modification (143 hp) with mechanics start from 635,000 rubles. And at the same time it is not equipped with the basic Mondeo: also in stock air conditioning, an audio system, electric mirrors and heating and four electric windows. True, the pillows are not seven, but four, but instead of stamped wheels, alloy. Chevrolet version version is also cheaper than everyone from 710 560 rubles. But in design, comfort, quality of Epica decoration is more modest than all of the listed rivals. This is not American, but Korean Chevrolet. Epica is nothing more than Daewoo Tosca 2006. But still, the price is a strong argument, so according to the results of sales last year, Epica went around such more interesting, but also more expensive models as Opel Insignia, Citroen C5, Renault Laguna and Peugeot 407.

History and competitors Pavel Elshin


VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT B7 Crash Test since 2010

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
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