Volkswagen Golf V 5 doors 2003 - 2008 hatchback

Default choice
The fourth generation of Volkswagen-Golf had a few disadvantages, the new model almost did not have them at all. Your health, hello, arrived! I did not spent five minutes in the salon of the latest golf, as something has already broken. Not I broke, but it broke! Only twitched for a pretty metal jumper in a double cup holder on the central ...
The situation obliges
Fifth generation VW Golf will begin in January. To get acquainted with a living car early, we went to Golfsburg, where the world dynamic presentation of the new car took place. Yes, yes, it is to Golfsburg, not Wolfsburg: during the presentation of the fifth golf, the city, where the factory and headquarters Volkswagen AG are located, was completely ...
Kamo is fierce?
Golf is a little reminiscent of a famous actor who unexpectedly replaced the role. Its popularity still allows you to demand high fees and no longer work in the name. But did he choose the right path? In anticipation of the play was not yet born when Georgio Jujaro painted the first of them. I was very small when the second was released. I was lucky in ...
Absolutely correct
With each new generation, VW Golf is becoming more important and more expensive. If this goes on, you see, by the tenth generation, the people's Golf will begin to sit down the flagship of the brand - the representative Phaeton. Despite the fact that the ratio of consumer characteristics and the general quality of Golf V can be recognized as reference, the cost of the leader of the class named after itself really ...
One, two, three, four, five - no, this is not a children's counting. This is the evolution of Golf, one of the most popular models of the Volkswagen concern. It has been present in the market since 1974, and during this time more than 22 million copies of VW Golf have been produced. And the first, second, third, and fourth ...
Golf warfare field
The League of Real Champions Changes becomes better, more and their sales are constantly growing. Here they are the heroes of our time: Volkswagen Golf, Honda Civic, Citroen C4 and Peugeot 307. They are sold out so quickly that it was not easy to choose cars in the same trim levels for the test. As a result, we got Golf and C4 with volume engines ...
For 33 years, Golf has been playing the role of the Golf youth machine and will continue to grow at such a pace, it will catch up with the Touareg golf in the average configuration costs under $ 30,000. And it costs, despite the groans of customers, a lane variation looks stingy. It is noticeable that the five -door designers were primary. Although this is not characteristic of it now ...
The new generation VW Golf as a sample of subtle calculation did not believe his eyes, approaching the Volkswagen - Wolfsburg cradle by train: Golfsburg was on the platform shields. The right Germans can not be suspected of empty jokes, and even for temporary renaming the city should be good reason. They certainly are. Fifth generation Golf -...
Time forward!
Since the first Golf, 27 years have passed since the release of the first Golf. And no one is surprising that of many automobile classes, only one bears the name of its own Golf class. But time does not stand still, and last year Peugeot, sending the 306th on a well-deserved rest, shot from new weapons of mass defeat b ...
The arguments of practicality
The station wagon sounds in a businesslike way. Sergey Voskresensky met with an unusual 1.4-liter engine at the same time with an unusual 1.4-liter engine. Photo by the author and Volkswagen. I am all trying to dignify him with a plot for a family profile and very similar dimensions. He, without hiding the desire to get into a higher estate, in the same ...

VOLKSWAGEN GOLF V 5 doors 2003 - 2003 - 2008