Toyota IQ test drive since 2008 hatchback
Toyota IQ. Pokemon return

There is no doubt that a funny picamach will be a pet in a weak half of humanity. After all, he not only looks great, but is completely capable of some feats: for example, to translate three and a half people through the prairie of the stone jungle. Or take on board a couple of cardboard boxes from Lerua Merlen. So in the farm can sometimes come in handy
Use Toyota IQ as the main impact force will come to the mind or a spotted bachelor, which adheres to a simple block diagram of the city travel house-work, or a young housewife, in the family of which has a main roomy car for homework.
The Japanese explains the name IQ at all from the mental development ratio. Letter I indicates individuality and innovation. Under the letter q, the authors encrypted the quality (Quality). So, okay name. The entourage is, of course, well, but what is hiding behind the face of Pokemon?
Toyota IQ is a compact and maneuverable urban one-lifter with the plant formula 3 + 1. The purpose of jumping from a row in a row in the stream, scking along narrow streets, squeezed between tight moored machines. The conceptual version of IQ was shown in September 2007 at the Frankfurt Automobile Salon, remember how his zealo was compared with the famous hypercompact Smart?
The Japanese provocateurs, gave the crude intellectual name, but they are diverted from kinship with the European clench. Of course, on the layout and proportions they are very similar, but it does not say anything. IQ for the entire halfter longer and wider. In addition, in contrast to Smart, he can take on board not two seds, but four. Although, provided that one of them is a child.

Salon at the automaker asymmetric, on the right there is a little more place than the left. To free up space for right saddles, the cockpit of the front passenger was shone a little forward regarding the driver's workplace, which required the motor compartment seal. Mda-aaa, convenience of service and maintainability suffered. Well, oh well, all the same technical affairs will be engaged in servicemen liquid in the washer tank, you can pour, and good.
For the driver, if he is not Liliput's height, only children will be able to pressent. In extreme cases, this place can be used to transport baggage. After all, the trunk at the baby is a little more glove box, only a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, cable and bag with a laptop can enter there. Well what? So that means so. By the way, there was no place for the spray place, instead of it repairbox with a sealant and compressor.
Let's go behind the wheel! Uh-uh, Japanese, Japanese. At first glance, it is quite everything that is interesting design, flat plastic, resembling a bark of a tree, but it is worth getting into the machine, as the shortcomings come out. Door from inside slamming

How do you order to ride a tall driver? A? No, do not doubt, places inside for the front sedimons in all directions in bulk, but why is there no adjustment of the steering column on departure? I ask you, comrades engineers !!! If it is convenient to grasp what is called on the legs, then you have to stretch to the oval steering wheel and reversal. And where is the glove box? Instead, it is fastened to the front panel with the buttons, the damn is an uncomfortable tissue tablet.
But what about the management of additional equipment? The weather in IQ is ordered by a single handle, which is surrounded by three buttons specifying climate adjustment parameters. In general, logical! But with the music puncture. The only control body of musical streams is a multifunctional joystick located on the left knuckle of the steering wheel. To shift the whole functionality of him is not a very wise idea first, the driver is uncomfortable the joystick is overloaded! And secondly, it is not even an front passenger to manage the audio system modes. Guys, so soft!

IQ Concept submitted in France two years ago. He also possessed an emotional appearance, but unlike the serial car, which pleases a friendly smile, the prototype walked through the guide and zadia. If 17-inch wheels were installed on the conceptual version of IQ, then the serial machine decided to limit the 16-inch

But in the safety plan, the Japanese did not hit the face in the dirt. The kid got a security package, which includes a strict stabilizing transverse and longitudinal dynamics of electronics, straps with pyropolders, as well as a set of inflatable pillows (front and side airbags, side curtains, a pillow for protecting the driver's knees). By the way, for the first time, IQ found the use of pillows that protect the heads of the rear seedlings they are already available in the database. All this made it possible to get the IQ-neck of a five-star security rating according to EURO NCAP testing techniques.
Buyers in Europe are free to choose from three engines. Two of them gasoline, one diesel. But to us to Russia, IQ comes with the only VVT-I engine, the volume of 1.33 liters, which works in a pair with a variator. 98 strangled Euro horses for mass in 1005 kg somehow little! Buzz Motor, died. There is no sound, but there is no acceleration. A hundred arrow speedometer shows through long 12 seconds after the start. Empty. But he eats Pikachu for seven the same as he was in mixed mode, we had a consumption of 10 liters per 100 km. You can, of course, go and more economically, but who hunting to wear the title of snail?

Stickers for iQ option. Total is offered five topics. Optionally, you can enclose both the whole body and limit the composition of the composition like one or two elements. Appliqué will cost about 13-14 thousand rubles.
Interested in Pokemon? I do not have grace dynamics, noise, shaking is not the best ergonomics and course stability. And all this for 777 thousand 777 rubles !!! Not acid, yes? But this, for a minute, by 30 thousand rubles more than auris and 40 Corolors in primary performance. I would not bought such a car. The spouse is possible. But only if her emotions could not be killed by common sense.
Anyway he is hayo-e-ya! Paring the child's voice yellow, I want yellow
Let's buy a better toy Pokemon to you? We will put under the glass of some other representative of urban car fauna. C-class.
Vitaly Kabyshev
Photo by the author and the company Toyota

A source: AUTO.Mail.Ru.