Toyota Camry 2001 Test Drives - 2004 Sedan

Planetary scale
Toyota Camry: The most cosmopolitan car. Modernity is one very specific, but a fairly accurate indicator of the popularity of a car model called it conventionally coefficient of hijaciousness. According to the Chicago company CCC Information Services Inc., the Toyota Camry model is not only the most sold US car, but also the most hijacked. In Russia, at all ...
Equality on Camry!
The appearance of a new sedan of the Toyota Camry business class on the wave of current activity in this segment is quite a timely. The next flagship of the company was not just at the right time in the right place - it possesses many advantages ... Every time the Camry of the previous generation, I wondered: why this respectable car of a respected Japanese brand is so ...
Thirty two pleasures
In the European flagship of Toyota, the views of the Japanese on comfort, reliability and accessibility are connected. Royal to complete the car can be solved in different ways. And I, actually speaking, I understand those who live according to the principle of gas to the refusal and changes the tires of their 6-cylinder coupe twice a month. I am quite clear and the delights of the great economies, who, as if the salary fisherman, ...
Japanese House"
New Toyota Camry bribes comfort and price. Perhaps the reason for this was a blizzard and cold, but, after passing only the first few kilometers, I caught myself feeling that I was very hot and cozy in the new Camry. Probably, if the salon was covered with skin, and such modifications, of course, there, I would feel ...
Strawberry with cream
Business class sedans can be powerful, comfortable, prestigious, and at the same time ... Not too expensive. If it is impossible, but I really want strawberries with cream - the dessert is not very expensive and at the same time incredibly tasty. True, the delicate kiss of the air cream does not like the best way on the figure, but if it is impossible, but I really want, then ...
Image is nothing. Status - everything!
Winter and the new Toyota Camry broke into Russian expanses at the same time. With a couple of weeks ago, Volodya Smirnov, Rahwebs, told us about the first test sites on a Japanese novelty on the Harmist Golitis of the Mediterranean Principality of Monaco, and now at the entrance of the editorial office, waiting for a full-time betting with competitors.
Toyota-Camry - America's favorite Toyota Camri has a new generation replaces the predecessor produced in Japan and the United States since 1996. Official dealers are offered in Russia Camri only Japanese assembly in three options for configuration: with a four-cylinder engine 2.4 liters with a mechanical five-speed or automatic four-stage gearbox and a V-shaped six 3.0 liters. Toyota…
Appearing in 1980, this model has become a bestseller - sold more than seven million cars. Four generations loved her for reliability and comfort. Time will tell if a new Toyota Camry will love. A sharp drop in world (Russia is not counted) demand for business cars in 1990-2000 led to the fact that in the past ...
The advantages of this car are difficult to assess at first glance. They are manifested only during the operation of Toyota Camry. The model of the last generation (in the people - Camry in the twentieth body) made his debut in 1997 and was produced to this day. The car enjoys a huge success in America, but in Russia somehow did not discharge due popularity. ...
Toyota Camry Car Overview
Common Camry, who has already fifth generation, is sold in one hundred countries of the world. This is one of the few global goods even for the transnational Toyota company. In particular, in the American market, he develops tough sales competition with such models as Honda Accord and Ford Taurus, remaining the most-selling goods in the market ...

Video test drive Toyota Camry 2001 - 2004