Toyota Avensis 2000 test drive - 2003 sedan

Avensis from the azure shore

Toyota has made a European bet
Avensis was created in a corporate design studio in the south of France, gathers in England, and will be sold mainly in Europe. He received three faces - sedan, hatchback and station wagon. Everyone is peculiar, but everyone is made in a single corporate style, emphasizing modernity and dynamism. At the same time, in the appearance there is not a single detail capable of scaring the average client with excessive courage. Everything is thoughtful, logical, whole, everything seems to be talking about the friendliness and versatility of the car. This, perhaps, is the essence of the new Avensis: it can come up to everyone, and almost for all occasions.
Actually, the most difficult task is to make a car that would arrange, if not everyone, then the majority, and at the same time achieve expressiveness. It seems that Toyota succeeded. A powerful front bumper, merged into a single block with an original radiator grille, smeiling the upper elegant bend of the sharpness of the faces on the hood, large block fara - everything makes Avensis's face peculiar, but not too emotional. And let evil tongues speak of the similarity of a particular element to some recently appeared successful models, in general, the exterior of the car is quite original. And the creators themselves do not hide the fact that the machine is designed primarily for people who do not seek to stand out too much on the road.
Interesting, when last fall I first saw Avensis at a static presentation, I liked the sedan more. Now, during a test drive, that is, in real conditions, personal sympathies were on the side of the station wagon. The smooth line of the roof, wide and, at the same time, not a heavy fifth door, a thoughtful design of the rear lights - everything forms a very pleasant impression. Perhaps the hatchback is just as good. There was a feeling that the designers did the sedan last. However, if this is the case, it is also understandable: in the European market in the segment D, where Avensis clearly marks in bestsellers, most of the sales falls on cars with the fifth door.
Inner space
The same evil languages \u200b\u200bclaim that there are three countries in the world where to make cars on the conveyor, that is, in the mass order, and at the same time they cannot achieve high quality - this is Russia, Italy and Great Britain. Personally, I do not really believe in this statement, since the basis of success is not in the mentality of Russians, Italians or British, but in modern technologies and systems of product quality control. By the way, not only the Germans work at the leading German factories. But, nevertheless, I looked closely at the quality of Avensis assembly with special addiction.
Firstly, the internal space in a new car is organized very competently. This also applies to the location of all devices and controls, and the quality of materials, and the microclimate in the cabin. My colleague and I almost considered gaps under a magnifying glass - they are almost perfect. Unless a small influx of plastic was marked at the central panel below. If this can be counted for the flaw, then it is extremely difficult to find it. The overall impression of the interior is very pleasant. A huge range of adjustments to the driver's seat and steering column will arrange a driver of any build. At the same time, the very shape of the seats is successful, and although there is no lumbar valve, the back will not even get tired of long trips. The instrument shield remains black until you turn on the ignition. It is obvious that this function, which has recently been available only to Lexus owners, will now delight all owners of the new Toyota cars. The yellowish color of the scales does not irritate the eye. In general, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. So, it is convenient to use the climatic installation, and it is possible to read information from the display located in the center of the torpedo, you can practically not be distracted from the road. Perhaps that is why there is no small screen on the shield where the data is displayed from the on -board computer or navigation system - why overload the driver with duplicate information?
At least a few words should be said about the navigation system itself. Let this useful device are not too relevant in Russia. As a carrier of information, DVD is used here, and even if you missed the turn, the system will not hang - a matter of seconds go to calculate the alternative route. When I seem to be hopelessly entangled on one of the Spanish denouements, an electronic girl almost without delay and accurately up to a meter indicated a new path. By the way, on expensive versions of the car or for an additional fee, you can install a full-color 7-inch monitor, which, not only is it better read compared to the usual one, can still change the angle of inclination and generally develop if the driver wants it or is simply turned off motor. In addition, navigation understands eight languages \u200b\u200b(except for Russian, alas) and can be controlled by a voice. To do this, click on the corresponding button on the steering wheel. And the audio system can be controlled from the steering wheel, and it sounds great.
In the cabin - there are many compartments for any little things, and folding both the whole and units of the Hatchback and the station wagon significantly increase the already spacious luggage compartment. Yes, and the sedan has the useful volume of the trunk is 520 liters.
Finally, before moving on to the description of the chassis of the new Avensis, a few words about security. Unlike our consumer, the number of airbags, the presence of special systems for Europeans is a very significant factor. Therefore, Avensis boasts, except for the anterior and side pillows, also curtains that protect with lateral blows, and a fundamentally new driver protection system. In the lower part of the steering column, a small airbag was perished, capable of almost completely eliminating injuries of knees and legs in case of an accident. Add to this that the body rigidity of the body significantly increased compared to the previous generation of the car, and you will receive almost the safest car in the class.
Need a hot motor
Even at the first presentation of Avensis, I remember that I was surprised that the most powerful engine in the range is the 4-cylinder power unit, which issues 147 liters. with. But only now he was able to evaluate how common, let's say, the potential of the car surpasses the possibilities of motors. In any case, those that are currently offered on Avensis. The thing is that Toyota engineers did a huge job, setting up both pendants and steering precisely for Europeans. It turned out very cool. But among Europeans, there are many who want to grab with a breeze from time to time ...
However, about everything - in order. Having received the keys to the blue station wagon with this very 147-horsepower engine and settled on the seats, my colleague and I immediately got to the busy Spanish autoban. A small, but still inconvenience appeared here: with a quick change in the steps of a mechanical checkpoint, an armrest interrupted. It is convenient for long trips so that the hand does not get tired, but with a quick shift of transfers, you involuntarily have to raise the elbow higher. But the box itself is good: the course of the gear lever is clear and short. Acceleration is generally confident and even. The power unit does not guarantee bright pickups (and failures, by the way), it pulls in almost the entire speed range. This is the merit of the proprietary system for changing the phases of gas distribution VVT-I. But the noise, as soon as the tachometer arrow is selected at the mark of 4000 rpm, the engine becomes distinctly heard in the cabin. Acceleration is still even, but I would not name the sound of the motor, adding adrenaline to the blood. An electronic voice suggests that it is time to move out of the highway. It is a pity, and I only accelerated to 180 km/h and began to note the stability of Avensis.
With a leisurely urban ride, or if not to twist the motor too much, moving early from the transmission to the program, in the cabin you can speak at least in a whisper - it will be heard. But the mountain serpentine was a serious test - the engine roar scored even a melody from the audio system. Ahead is a turn, I squeeze the middle pedal, noting the magnificent configuration and operation of the brake system. This is the merit of not only disks on all wheels, but also EBD and EBA forces distribution systems (Electronic Brake Assist). I turn the steering wheel, and again - to the gas. There are no problems with feedback on the steering wheel, and the suspensions are the same as it is necessary. It was not without reason that the presentation paid special attention to the fact that the rear multi -link suspension migrated to Avensis with sports Celica, albeit with small changes (two levers were added). The cranes of the body are minimal, but there is no hint of loss of stability. From the family car, you see, you do not expect the handling of a sports compartment. Eh, such a car is still a powerful motor!
What is a sin to hide, to a large extent the engines killed environmental requirements. Complete compliance with Euro-4 standards, apparently, requires victims. It seems that it is simpler - change the engine control unit, and abandon at least one of two catalysts, and everything will fall into place. On the other hand, I also want to breathe clean air ...
In general, in the city or on the Avensis motorway, it pleases with excellent controllability, excellent stability and predicted behavior. Of course, on even Spanish roads it is impossible to check how the car will respond to our pits and potholes, but we can safely assume that it will cope with this. So, on the second day, a test drive, when we decided to once take a look at Barcelona, \u200b\u200bsewer hatches and other grooves did not deliver any discomfort. By the way, the next morning we tested Avensis with a 1.8 -liter engine, an automatic checkpoint and a sedan body. We did not notice the difference in the running qualities of the station wagon and sedan, as well as serious differences in the dynamics of two engines. Automatic transmission transfers quite quickly, in addition, it is possible to manually move from one step to another.
The price is still a secret
Representatives of the company do not yet call specific prices for the Russian market. However, it can be assumed that the new model will hardly be significantly more expensive than the previous one. Most likely, the starting price of Toyota Avensis in the salons of official dealers, where the car should appear closer to the summer of this year, will begin at 17 - 18 thousand dollars. For this money, the buyer will receive a very well equipped car - with an electric drive of mirrors and front glasses, air conditioning, salon filter, audio system, ABS, five safety pillows, central lock and immobilizer. For Russia, versions with any of three gasoline engines are provided with a volume of 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 liters. Moreover, the bet is made for the last two, and the car with the weakest engine can only be ordered.
Among the competitors, it is worth highlighting the new Opel Vectra, Ford Mondeo, Nissan Primera, Mitsubishi Galant and Peugeot 406. In short, Toyota will not be sweet, but its asset has amazing reliability and, which was also noted at a press conference, low cost of spare parts and service in general. So, instead of synthetic oil in the engines, minerals are used, and the design is such that many body elements change entirely and very quickly thanks to special mounts. Plus, almost zero body deformation at the frontal clashes at speeds up to 15 km/h.
Andrey Osipov

A source: Newspaper "Automobile Izvestia" [No. 6 (30), 2003]

Toyota Avensis 2000 test drives - 2003