Subaru Stella test drive since 2006 hatchback

Test drive a/m Subaru Stella Custom RS
Technical characteristics of the car Subaru Stella Custom RS: Length 3395 mm x width 1475 mm x height 1645 mm. Cure base: 2360 mm. Machine: 890 kg. Appendix: for front wheel assignor: working volume 0.66 liters, 4-cylinder with vertically - in a row location of the cylinders, two distribution shafts and a 16-valve gas distribution mechanism, forced intake of the Super Charm type with intermediate ...
Overview of the new Subaru Comania car: Stella L / Stella RS
Recently, it is generally accepted that the standard micro -lunch car with a configuration of its body should resemble a high passenger station wagon. Many companies have long been producing something similar, but recently, finally, such a micro universal appeared in the Subaru car family. This means that the micro -lines Wagon R, Move and Life have a new competitor who ...