Subaru Outback test drive 2003 - 2006 station wagon

Subaru Outback: Vyno -District

The idea of \u200b\u200ba multifunctional and comfortable passenger car of increased cross -country ability did not give rest to many engineers and designers. But it is completely embodied only in Subaru outback.
A five -door body of such as a station wagon, a constant all -wheel drive with a WISKOFTA, blocking a central differential, an enlarged road clearance - who will turn the tongue to call Subaru Outback non -functional? Add powerful bumpers, armor -piercing pendants, as well as the presence of low transmission on versions with a mechanical checkpoint, and you will receive a portrait of the perfect car for our difficult road conditions.
Genealogical tree
Experts of cars can doubt: I also achieve - all -wheel drive, increased road clearance. Yes, there is such a miracle on every SUV. And they will be right: indeed, all -wheel drive is now on many cars of completely different classes, and there are also enough models with a large clearance. But comparing Subaru outback with parquet SUVs is incorrect, because these are completely different cars. To begin with, Outback is a car, only with an increased road clearance. And the SUVs, whatever one may say, are not pulled on the title of a car. They have a completely different architecture, a more vertical landing, the center of gravity is located above, etc. As a result, it turns out that in the Outback movement is significantly different from all cars belonging to the class of pseudo -resistance.
Thanks to an enlarged road clearance, the car easily overcomes the most broken sections of the road, but it has no more rolls than that of an ordinary car. The car does not fall to the side in corners and does not swing at speed. The so -called Outback rearrangements are held without dangerous inclinations and separation from the asphalt of the inner rear wheel in the turn.
The SUV, like a car much higher, has always and still have problems with stability. No matter how the branded avenues are praised by their phenomenal controllability and confidence behind the wheel.
Good traditions
Subaru without all -wheel drive is, excuse me, not Subaru. I think that everyone who at least once traveled on cars of this brand will agree with this statement. For decades, the company brought the idea of \u200b\u200ba constant all -wheel drive to absolute perfection, once putting the world rally championship. But Outback is not crazy, in the good sense of the word, Impreza WRX STI. Her idea of \u200b\u200ba full -wheel drive is slightly different in the fact that on versions with a mechanical gearbox there is a lowering step with a gear ratio of 1.45, as in professional SUVs. This circumstance alone turns outback into a real rogue. Neither shaky sands nor snowy fields are terrible for such a car.
And also, for version 3.0 of Outback, an electronic anti -wings system is proposed, which allows you to feel more confidently on slippery coatings. Like the remaining Subaru models, an opposition motor is installed on Outback. In our case, it turned out to be a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine with a capacity of 156 hp, combined with a four-speed automatic. The order also offers an even more powerful version with a 6-cylinder 209-horsepower opposition.
Many call it the first in the world of an opposite six -cylinder engine, but this is not so, a 6 -cylinder engine of such a configuration was already produced earlier, and Subaru itself - it was installed on the futuristic compartment of the SVX.
Ovaluity of movement
In the movement of Subaru Outback, it really does not look like any of the SUVs, or even the Forester we had previously tested.
Firstly, it is much softer: comfortable suspensions thoroughly and carefully work out all the irregularities of the road.
Due to its impressive dimensions, including significantly protruding overhangs, the car moves more smoothly, comfortable, somewhere even imposingly. It is absolutely non -consuming to small and medium irregularities, only large potholes are able to make her startle. On the Outback highway, it looks like an American: he floats over the road, completely ignoring all its irregularities. And the higher the speed, the brighter this effect is. At a speed of 140 km/h you can fly our whole country in transit and at the same time never lose speed due to road conditions. But if the car is very good in one thing, it almost certainly loses the rest. Subaru outback did not lose, he simply did not acquire. I have not acquired the properties inherent in Forester: armor -piercing pendant, for example. The car is comfortable on the highway, just magnificent in the city, but on broken soils with it should be more careful. And all for the same reason: the supple of suspensions. If you go as usual, then there is nothing criminal in this: just a good comfortable machine. But if at Outback rush as they rush at other Subaru, trouble will quickly find you. The car has very large overhangs - both front and rear. And the road clearance, whatever one may say, is still just enlarged, but certainly not a complete-firm-resistant one. That is why, in combination with the above soft pendants, I simply do not want to travel off -road on Outback. There is little pleasure from such an attraction: you press on the gas and look so as not to hook some strongly protruding bump with a bumper. Reinsurance, of course, but still ...
The opposition mood in an unusual car is unusual. Outback, like a representative of an extremely colorful family, has many unusual chips. For example, door glass without frames is an interesting and stylish thing. It seems that it does not seem to be striking, but when you open the door, at first it seems that something is missing. And Subaru also has an interesting sound of the motor: the opposition, as always, stands out very much. Its sound is very different from the sound of the operation of the in-line four or V-shaped eight. The sound is unusual, deep and gurgling, a little reminiscent of Harley-Davidson or ... Zaporozhets. Only all this, of course, is in a different, more pleasant and expensive tonality.
The motor pulls simply perfectly, despite the fact that the peak of its torque falls at relatively large revolutions - 3600 rpm. The moment, by the way, is quite decent - 223 Nm, so the car is going to be healthy. Even with a machine gun. Despite the fact that it has only four steps, that by current standards is not enough, the machine is not going to restrain the temperament of the motor. Hurricane dynamics, as on Impreza, of course it does not work, but in general everything is very good. Switching is almost invisible, even in a kik downs, acceleration does not become protracted, but as for the convenience of control, then the machine is already out of competition for a long time. At the same time, the acceleration figures are more than acceptable: 10.6 seconds from a place to hundreds! True, there was no desire to verify the veracity of these data: the comfortable Subaru Outback has a quick but non -postal driving manner, without low starts and other pranks.
What for?
Why and who needs Subaru outback - I tried to answer this question during the test. The answer came at the end of the test of the car. Only as it should, having tucked to Outback, I realized: everyone needs such a machine. Businessmen, summer residents, tourists, hunters, just family people. Such a machine does not attract excessive attention as the same SUV, although it is very difficult not to notice outback in a two -tone coloring.
It does not require additional content costs, because in its design there are no many things that are unnecessary for everyday operation. Finally, it does not require addiction to herself: it is just a good all -wheel drive car, and not a clumsy and slow jeep. So the answer suggests itself: everyone needs a good car.
Help AG:
Subaru Outback as the development of the idea of \u200b\u200ban all -wheel drive passenger station wagon appeared in 1997. Initially, in his name there was even a Legacy prefix in honor of the model, on the basis of which Outback was created. Outback modification was primarily distinguished primarily by an aggressive off -road body kit and increased road clearance, as well as a slightly changed design. First, a station wagon was released, and then, on the next generation, the Outback sedan also went into production. But the progress of the model did not end there. For a long time, Subaru drove an exotic four -door Baja pickup, also created on the basis of the long -suffering Legasy. It is expected that soon this exotic model will also go into production: Subaru is not used to betting on unusual and original models.
Opinion Ag:
Subaru Outback is an amazing car. Full -wheel drive, an enlarged road clearance, a spacious interior: a really universal machine. She would still be a little lower.
+ Good controllability
+ Spacious salon and trunk
+ Excellent stability
- Large overhangs that reduce patency.

Source: Autogazet / N 12 (404) dated 02.04.03

Subaru Outback test drives 2003 - 2006