Subaru Outback test drive since 2009


Outback - (English) deserted, uninhabited space.

Subaru outback - a car, one might say, is a sign. Already, if only because it was with Legacy Outback and Volvo Cross-Country that the universal passion for universals of increased cross-country ability that found many followers began. Which is understandable: under Russian climatic conditions and the general condition of roads (especially at that time), it is difficult to come up with the best option for a roomy car for every day. Numerous Subaru’s victories in the rally, including Russian ones, played a significant role in popularizing the brand. One way or another, but Outback has been sold well before, and now official dealers about sales problems do not complain. Rather, on the contrary.


Last year, the light saw a new generation out-back. It is delivered to Russia with a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine (with a mechanical or automatic transmission) or a 3-liter six (only with an automaton). Of course, opposition engines (tradition of the brand), and cars are all -wheel drive.

Next, you should make a small digression and report that not everything that they usually speak and write on the subject of the all -wheel drive Subaru corresponds to reality. In fact, there may be not one or two, but three options here. Now attention.


Outback with a mechanical gearbox is equipped with a constant drive to all wheels - with a symmetrical inter -beard differential and lowering transmission (1.196). In machines with automatic transmission, not equipped with a stabilization system, the front wheel drive is constant, and to the rear moment is allocated through a multi -disc clutch with electronic control. And finally, the Subaru Outback with a 5-speed automatic transmission and the stabilization system are equipped with a constant all-wheel VTD drive, which implies an asymmetric (approximately 45:55) an interdose differential with a lock controlled by electronics.


You don’t have to be a seer to guess: for the first acquaintance, we took a top 3-liter outback with a 5-speed automatic, VTD drive system and the richest equipment of the salon. Such a car costs 49,800 US dollars.


This is not to say that the new outback is a sample style. But it will not be dishonest that, having preserved recognition, he looks much harder and more modern predecessor. Its appearance is very representative and at the same time radiates dynamics - a very good combination for those who profess an active lifestyle.


Even more interesting is the salon. It is already completely inappropriate to talk about all -Japanese uncertainty: now it is more reminiscent of European samples, and far from the worst. A solid, stylishly, excellent finishing materials, and I just want to take the magnificent steering wheel MOMO with you to hang on the wall - like a work of art. Some disappointment occurs when you get into the car. It is simply amazing that in such a large car it was not possible to ensure a decent range of adjusting the front seats. So it is not even necessary to complain about the lack of longitudinal adjustment of the steering wheel: in this situation, it, unfortunately, is meaningless. Yes, and not to say in the back, so that it was very spacious - neither in the legs nor in the width. Partially compensating the problem of long legs due to the tilt of the seat pillow, we set off.


Good motor, good! It seems that you understand the mind that serial machines are one thing, and sports are a little different, and yet some associations roam at the level of subconscious. Although, I admit, a considerable part of them - because the voice of the motor during acceleration is already heard too clearly. But this, of course, does not affect the dynamics, and switch the machine gun a little more careful, it would be very cool. In principle, there is a sports regime, in it the transmission becomes more active. But still, not in the way we would like: delays in switching down are reduced, although they remain. But in the window the numbers showing the current step are displayed. Comfortable! And you want independence in decisions - go through manual. The delays when switching in it are also noticeable, but at the maximum revolutions the gearbox does not switch arbitrarily to the next step, but is waiting for the driver’s command.


And also about the sports mood does not forget to forget the suspension: it is energy intensive, but you can’t call it comfortable and soft. Copying the profile of the uneven road, the car periodically reports unpleasant shocks and acceleration to the driver, and the rear wheels can be slightly giving in the bend. But the rolls are minimal and the controllability is appropriate. The sensitivity at the low angles of rotation of the steering wheel is not too large, but then it increases, the reactions are smooth and accurate, resistance at high speeds is good. And those who cannot without effects, the stabilization system allows you to famously slide with the rear wheels in a bend.

Well, if you want to spend time in nature, then at your service a very decent road clearance and help of electronics, thanks to which Outback, how we have seen, overcomes even diagonal hanging. However, do not get carried away: the overhangs of the car are rather big, so not everything that your friends do on SUVs do, you can repeat it with impunity. Moreover, scratches on bumpers painted in the color of the body are clearly visible, and their qualitative elimination, according to the employee of the dealership, is not cheap.


Well, now the conclusions. Outback trumps have always been the image of the brand, the hard work of technical solutions, the reliability of the units and the high quality of the assembly. But many buyers were frightened by a slurred design and far from the most exquisite interior decoration. Now a huge step is taken in this direction. The new Outback looks much more convincing than his predecessor, and although he doesn’t have so many direct competitors, they still have to still squeeze.


A source: Wheel magazine [No. 77/2004]

Video Test Drive Subaru Outback since 2009