Subaru Legacy West drive sedan since 2009 sedan

"Subaru Legashi" in the Russian field

Recently, the usual Subaru Legacy has changed their appearance. Skeptics can call it restyling. Fans of the brand are convinced of this change of generations. Let's figure out what has appeared in Model'2000.
As often happens, for the test we received a fully charged version of the GX sedan with a machine gun. But about the options a little later. First about appearance. At first glance, the body looks completely different. The face was seriously freshened, liberated, as if unclenching the dense Asian half-smile-half-fellow. Widely open eyes do not express, however, neither surprise nor fright. They look at the world with the confidence of the winner, and the lower lip, protruding a little arrogantly forward, opens a couple of diamond tributons.
The food was also transformed beyond recognition. Designers abandoned the narrow cracks-floods and combined all the luminetics of the Zake into a single wide plastic strip of complex and rather expressive shape. Of course, other, more stylish now bumpers, as well as plastic overlays on the thresholds that give the machine an aerodynamic appearance, but, alas, clearly reducing the road clearance. Casting wheels (large star), shod with low and wide rubber, make the appearance easier and more dynamic. But the silhouette, the profile of the car is familiar, because external changes usually relate to the front and back parts, and the doorways, the roof is all the same. But maybe they say the truth: an excellent enemy of good?
The salon, and previously cozy, became generally almost perfect. These sensations begin with landing: you do not hurt the door openings on the roof with high heads on the roof, and there is no window framework according to tradition. It is somewhat scary, leaving, to close the door, pushing it into defenseless glass, but it is nice to do it, as a boy who checks the strength of a toy steam locomotive and throws it with a greater and greater height. But the steam locomotive does not break, and the glasses of the doors bend, but do not give up.
Inside, the main feeling is spacious and logical. So, the ceiling does not press on the psyche, the front racks do not block the review. So, it is high to the roof, far to the neighbor, and to torpedo even further. Planting in leather, quite flat in appearance, is convenient initially, and the adjustment only adds some nuances to this convenience. You do not need to reach for the buttons and keys. Also traditionally, in Subarovsky, is convenient and the steering wheel. The leather steering wheel colds the palms and gives a wonderful, even with a margin, an overview of the entire dashboard. The landscape running past will also appear in all its glory, because the glass in a circle is large, the mirrors are panoramic, and the racks are thin and do not climb into the field of view. Airbeg, hidden under the Bibikalka, is not the only one, but one of four. The second naturally, over the mess, and two more rescuers lurked in the outer ends of the seats. God forbid that they always doze in their nests! But if ... meticulous and picky Americans, who are fucking in the side by unhappy, doomed experimental machines and a crushing cube and a unsteading vertical pipe, are not yet invented to come up with a safer of the Legas of a mass machine. True, at the forefront, the insurance association on high-speed roads put a head of Crash test at a speed of 40 miles per hour (64 km/h).
Now, in one breath, about small shortcomings on the cabin. You regularly touch the elbow (without noticing!) The heating key and from time to time begins to bake you, as they say. In my opinion, the automatic lever is too closely moved too intelligently from R to fixing in lowering gear. But nearby there is a key with three positions (Power, Normal, Hold), which is responsible for the activity of switching. By the way, it is impossible to manually manage the automatic transmission here, but the programs themselves are quite promptly climbing both up and down. The instrument panel, with all the laconicism, can not be called empty. It is decorated with a climatic installation, simple and comfortable, and ... a tape recorder plug. Let me, because there are speakers with appropriate filling in all corners of the cabin! Yes, but choose a balalaika to your taste.
In the trunk, not at first glance, at first glance, you can place, for example, a baby stroller, disassembled in two, or teenage is large, which, of course, indicates a successful layout of the luggage compartment. Under the rug, we disappointed with disappointment. It would be good to look under the hood. It is quite flat and low, which is due to the opposition engine, in which four pots look at each other in pairs under 180. Naturally, the engine is located longitudinally, which positively affects controllability, weightlift and maintenance. In the collapse (that on top), the entire Liver is compactly attached. There is a turbine there, but, alas, such a motor does not come to us. There are only two and two with half a liter.
By the way, the hood, although low, is not too sloping, as it often happens, and the car does not suffer from a mirror disease: from the driver's seat, you clearly see the anterior edge of the hood, which, in our opinion, helps to feel the dimensions better.
Legacy can be not only an ordinary comfortable sedan, but also the Touring Wagon station wagon, and, as a rule, with an enlarged clearance, other bumpers and expanders of Outback arches. However, there is a high sedan, but, unfortunately, Russian official dealers do not receive this car. A simple unreliable salon without skin, an automatic machine and part of the electricians also meets and makes the car cheaper, but most of Legacy customers choose a complete minced meat. We, as we have already said, received 2.5 liters and 156 forces. I think it will be useful to remind you that all Legacy has a complete permanent drive.
Let's try to give free rein to our own temperament. Of course, on such a sports, dense car, I would like to independently twitch the handle of mechanics, but most customers prefer the machine gun. We will follow their example. Even when you drown the gas to the floor, there is no feeling that you are raping the car so easily and at ease, jump the programs, and the tachometer arrow, without a stranger, selected to the red zone of the scale, instantly falls to the middle and immediately begins a new ascent to heights.
What is pleasant, with a sharp set of speed there is not the slightest hint of the scumbag of the front line, characteristic of the front and unstable-filled cars. But the flat tires for 16 are noisily no childishly and beat off the tap to the beat of all seams and bumps.
The radius of the turn was somewhat upset, small in theory. In practice, the wheels turn to a smaller angle than we would like, although the transfer number of the steering rail allows you to twist the steering wheel in order to change the trajectory, completely slowly.
However, our test specialist more objectively talks about the behavior of the car, but I even assure you of an inexperienced consumer who does not distinguish the front-wheel drive from the rear, he will experience a big buzz as they say now.
I also want to note the highest quality of fitting parts both inside and outside. Passing with a palm at all the joints of the body and salon, you feel that you are touching a high -tech product. In general, it is difficult to compare Subaru with other Asian brands. The style of the model is more likely a European restraint-reservable.
So, the next Subaru Legacy started we witnessed that. And, it seems that although in the global car pie the share of Fuji Heavy Industries is relatively small, here in Russia this piece may not give in to those slices that belong to auto gigants.
Vladimir Smirnov
Photo by Alexander Nozdrin
Road behavior:
evaluation of sledges and recommendations to drivers
In the respectable appearance of Legacy there is nothing emphasized, which would talk about sports ambitions. Unless low -profile tires on alloy disks, between the knitting needles of which is clearly visible that the 4x4 formula in this case applies to disc brakes. However, external restraint is deceiving: while the wheel of this modest, it is quite possible to remember the quiet pool with its inhabitants to place.
However, the duality of Subaru perception is not accidental. As you know, this relatively small company conquers the hearts of its admirers not only and not so much in the form, but by the content that absorbed a lot of what Subaru managed to make a brilliant sports career.
The driving properties of Legacy at the height from which you can call yourself potential rivals for a duel among leaders in the classroom. If we proceed from the fact that the competitor is armed with all -wheel drive, then the most interesting is the omniscient version of the Audi A4. On the other hand, I must say that it is not a single drive ..., which means that the main condition for the correct comparison remains in force: cars should be classmates. Therefore, in addition to Audi, Legacy may well compete with both BMW rear -wheel drive threek and with front -wheel drive Mitsubishi Galant. Indeed, in the end, the level of properties is more important than the way to achieve this level.
From the first kilometer of acquaintance with Legacy, this, apparently family sedan, unobtrusively sets a very frisky pace, starting its strong sports potential. At least for a short while to imagine himself a person who is in no hurry, it does not work. Probably, one must be finally exhausted in order to remain indifferent to the characteristics of the company opponent in combination with all -wheel drive, which is impregnable for rolls with a suspension and the severity of the steering.
At an active pace of movement along a narrow winding highway, Legace pleases with obedience, which remains at high speed. At the same time, all the signs of car behavior indicate that the marginal capabilities have not yet been achieved, and to remove a decent full-wheel drive from balance is not so simple. More precisely, not for everyone to just calm the car, slipping at high maximum speed. Although, however, this is already a matter of skill. As for Legacy handling, besides the advanced advantages, we note a couple of disadvantages. Firstly, there is a small gap in the information content of the steering, especially with the small angles of rotation of the steering wheel. Therefore, the feeling of road is partially blurred. The second nuance is noticeable on an uneven road, when an overly detailed read by a car of numerous asphalt folds, gives rise to a small scan, not dangerous, but clogging the trajectory.
To evaluate the maximum possibilities of Legacy, we call on a closed route. The main feature of behavior is immediately clarified: in the bend, with excess of the maximum speed, the car demonstrates neutral rotation, that is, it slides, not trying to leave the arc directly, and at the same time does not break into the skid. In addition, even sliding by all wheels is safer and the fact that the car loses excess speed faster.
Along with the quality of rotation quality so important for security, Legacy leaves freedom of action for an enthusiast. If desired and skill, it is not difficult to control the artificially given skid, regulating it with a gas pedal, and even an automatic transmission is not a hindrance to this. By the way, we note the cleanliness of the work and responsiveness of the machine. The only thing that announces at times, especially with close overtaking, the slowness of the Kickdown mode. Fortunately, in addition to the usual and slippery programs of transfers, there is also a powerful one, in which the process is significantly revived.
The brakes liked the accented effectiveness. At first, even seems unusual sensitivity with which the car reacts to the pedal at the very beginning of the move. But on the active move, the upsurge of the car is unmistakable, with good feedback.
Speaking about the driving comfort of Legacy, of course, you can complain about the stiffness of the course on bumps. But I do not want to hurry up to criticism, if only because the car was tested, recall, on low -profile (205/50R16) tires that are good on smooth highways. A simple measure that allows you to soften the driving along other roads that we do not choose to prefer an option with a high altitude of the profile from the tire company. It is impossible not to note the energy intensity of the suspension, which speaks for itself at the intersections of the rails and the sections of roads disfigured after winter and spring.
And, finally, for those who value pleasure at the wheel, the active nature of the car is for which you can at least do a little comfort. Acoustic comfort is also at a decent level. Of the main noise components in the first place, rolling tires. With a sharp acceleration, of course, the initiative for a while intercepts the engine. In moderate driving modes, you can catch, as a characteristic singing of an all -wheel drive transmission is mixed with the sound of the motor. And in the last place is an aerodynamic noise that occurs at high speeds, which in the general spectrum does not make. With all this, the sound insulation of Legacy is more than enough so that none of these noise interferes with a calm conversation.
Vladimir Yakovlev
the test engineer


A source: Cars

Video test drives Subaru Legacy sedan B4 since 2009

Subaru Legacy Subaru Drive B4 since 2009