Subaru Impreza sedan test drive since 2012 sedan

Review of the car Subaru Impreza, Subaru Impreza Wagon, Subaru Impreza Wrx

A series of Subaru Impreza cars has passed small modernization and from July 1 already on sale! This time, modernization has come down to the following changes: bringing the explosive qualities to the level of the configuration from the WRX STI model; cessation of installation on a car of 2-liter engines without boost; Improvement of equipment of a 1.5-liter engine and increasing its functionality.
In a vehicle of configuration with a torque, increased to 42.0 kg/m, reinforced wheel hubs and hub bearings, the PCD distance (a circle diameter passing through the center of cross -sectional of the wheels fastening bolts) is increased from 100 to 114.3 mm, the fastening of the wheels' wheels became tougher. These changes, as you can see, are, so to speak, a power character, but they are based on the desire to bring the characteristics of the machine to the level of the car of the WRX STI model. If we talk about the engine, then the changes made to it touched exclusively a turbocharger. In particular, the compressor of configuration C now has a ballpoint bearing, the type of adjustment is practically no different from the one used in other STI series machines. The power characteristics also became the same as in the set of configuration C, namely: the maximum developed power of 280 hp. at 6000 rpm, and torque - 42.0 kg/m at 4400 rpm.
If you look at the changes in the body and the chassis, you should pay attention to the aluminum spoiler used in the triggers on the trunk lid, aluminum longitudinal levers in the rear suspension, vertical levers of the front suspension racks, the rear crossbreak of the body and other partially enhanced, partially lightweight details. Touching upon the steering mechanism, it should be said about the method of fixing the fasteners, called Cannon Mount, and the diameter of the steering rack, which became the same as in configuration C. The diameter of the cross -stability rod and the angle of the longitudinal inclination of the turn of the rotation also have the same with the equipment of the configuration C value. In addition, the manufacturer offers the option of the DCCD machine in the form of the option, with the installation on the main differential of the sensor sensor of the distribution coefficient of traction force. It goes without saying that the PCD distance has been brought to 114.3 millimeters, and the size of the tires is now 235/45R.
The main attention is paid to improving the equipment of the WRX model. The 15I series car acquired a sports view characteristic of Impreza machines. In addition, an additional category of the 15i Limited machine has appeared, on which equipment is installed for a sports car.
Moments worthy of a positive assessment
A very few buyers group who, looking for a car from the WRX STI series for themselves, opt for themselves, opt for a too frisky setting model C, in which even the air conditioner may not be (it is installed as an option of the manufacturer). Most of the potential owners, of course, choose a more awkward WRX STI model. And here's what is interesting: during the current modernization, as if in response to the wishes of such potential owners, the developers decide to supplement the already high potential of the STI adjustment, which is used in the Cuts of the COM CALLETION. I made a trial trip without prior acquaintance with the specification of the machine. But even without this, it immediately became clear to me that the STI car significantly added in speed. These speed qualities are quite comparable to what we had in the previous machine S. setting at the speed of the engine rotation of 3,500 rpm. The torque is made saturated, and the acceleration intensity increases. And if you take into account that in this machine the weight of the body is quite clearly felt, then the acceleration intensity embedded in it can be estimated as even higher than before. For comparison, I will allow myself to recall the expression light-light acceleration. But for this machine it is not quite suitable, since the intensity of its acceleration, even by the standards of such easily dispersing machines, simply stunes.
The same can be said about its controllability. The machine on which I made a trial trip is equipped with a DCCD differential in the form of a manufacturer’s option. After that, I specially got on a C. Car S. I can say with confidence that there is practically no difference in handling between these two modifications. But in comfort, the car grew by several points, if we compare its current condition and what was before small modernization. The tires of the car hold the road as if sticking to its surface. As a result of the fact that the tires became larger by one size, their coupling with a roadway grew an order of magnitude. At the same time, as a result of the fact that the car provides for a DCCD machine with a built -in sensor sensor of a distributed force, the machine has become incredibly stable. Of course, until you try to make any risky maneuver, it seems that the car simply slides along pre-laid rails and it is on these rails that this or that turn makes. Drivers with the same preparation, who would compete alone, sitting behind the wheel of a car of the previous configuration C, and the other by driving a new STI machine with a DCCD differential, would immediately feel that the new car confidently wins in terms of high -speed qualities. And at the same time, he became easier to manage.
Here I will allow myself to change the subject of the conversation and go to the 15i Limited sports station wagon. This car is one of these station wagons with a 1.5-liter engine that do not give themselves any special if they do not switch to an active driving manner. But the comfort of this car is simply outstanding. I believe that this is due to the fact that the valves changed the shock absorbers. Therefore, the extinguishing of the oscillations has become more smooth and, therefore, the car itself clearly added in comfort. But, since the hardness of the body remains at the level of the WRX STI brand machine, then, in relation to a car of class 1.5 liters, it is estimated as very high. This is immediately felt, even if you do not specify its numerical meaning. It is enough only on an uneven road to tear your left leg from the floor of the salon. I mean that in this case you can easily feel that the body does not vibrate at all. In addition to this, on a winding road, it seems that hands are completely feeling the work of the suspension of each of the four wheels. This, I will tell you, evidence of excellent quality, which is perceived as the main advantage of the 15i series.
What are the problems?
If we talk about what looks most controversial in the WRX STI series, then this is, without a doubt, brakes. During the low modernization, the material from which the brake hoses are made was replaced. Apparently, therefore, the feeling of braking has become better. But if you choose such a driving manner, when the brake has to be used many times, for example, in competitions or in real races with obstacles, this can easily lead to damage to the brake disk. From the point of view of evaporation temperature (we are talking about the danger of gas plugs), the Brembo brake liquid used in the STI machine is not the most ideal option. With the normal operation of the machine, a cause for concern, it would seem, is not. But maybe it should be displayed by the brake support of the caliper outward, or maybe the thickness of the brake disk should be increased, that is, still somehow strengthen the brakes? It is clear that this will affect the cost of the machine. But maybe this should be offered as an option for those who are used to a sharper driving manner? At least I am convinced that this would have found support from those who are trying to join a vehicle.
Of course, for the series of the series 15i, the power that is due to the working volume of its engine (1.5 liters) looks clearly insufficient. If you add a little torque, then, I think, the attractiveness of the Impreza style would become even stronger.
I have already noted in the previous paragraph moments that are worthy of a high assessment, that the desire to bring the characteristics of the STI series to the baseline machine for racing with worthy assessments. But at the same time it is impossible to sacrifice the sharpness of the car, given that most of the time it will be operated on city roads. Therefore, the manufacturer, trying to take into account the wishes and urban categories of drivers, applies in the car such an adjustment that allows owners who choose the purely urban model of STI., At the same time, to receive the qualities that are characteristic of the Car of S. is the best demonstrates all the solidity of the company Subaru. In addition, I would like to highly appreciate the fact that in the 15i series, great attention is paid to improving the quality of the course. I do not want to spend in this report a description of all those devices that allow the driver and passengers to ensure the safety in the car, but this also shows the Subaru approach to the development and production of cars.

