Test Drive Subaru Impreza Sedan since 2012 Sedan

Subaru Impreza 1.5R car overview after low modernization

Specifications of the model Subaru Impreza 1.5R (2WD):
Length 4465 mm x Width 1695 mm x Height 1440 mm.
Wheel base: 2525 mm.
Machine weight: 1230 kg.
Drive: on the front wheels
Engine: 1.5-liter, 4-cylinder with horizontal-opposite cylinder arrangement, DOHC, developed power 81kw (110 hp) at 6400 rpm, the largest torque 144 Nm (14.7 kg / m) at 3200 rpm.
Transmission: 4-speed automatic transmission
Machine price: 1 million 533 thousand yen.
No changes, and progress is obvious.
The main surprise that lies anyone who meets the Subaru Impreza 1.5r car is the lack of visible, or, it is better to say that changed the changes. I mean changes in external design. As for the internal content of the car, here, thank God, without innovations it did not cost. You know how often the fact that we are habitually call a small modernization: a cosmetic surgery is made on the front of the car, and that's it! And update the running part, or the engine is no longer reaching the hand. To the honor of the engineering and technical group Subaru, even to small modernization, they try to attend the appearance of any technical innovation.
Not appeared in this regard with the exception and updated model Subaru Impreza 1.5R. In fact, the appearance of a new sample machine passed unnoticed against the background of a large-scale advertising company, which was awarded the new Microlrease model Subaru Stella. Yes, and then the appearance of the IMPREZA 1.5R machine has not changed. And so what, on the occasion of small modernization, it was decided to prepare two fresh bodies of the body - gray and reddish - pearl? Changing the color design can not compensate for the absence of novelty in appearance. And even if you compare it with the WRX model, which borrowed a lot from the sports car of the participants of the World Rally Championship, then the comparison will not be in favor of Impreza 1.5r.
Meanwhile, I come to the car, swing a massive door, I sit in the driver's chair, and here I am visited by an unpleasant idea again: there are no visible changes not only outside, but also, in all likelihood, from the inside!?. However, how well keep the side calipers backing my torso. So, - I continue to understand, - the dashboard is very simple, three round dials, the speedometer is the biggest, performs the function of the unifying center. On the left, the wide central front panel console presses me, playing the role of a kind of visual driver's seat limiter. I start to suddenly feel in some isolation from the rest of the cabin, but this isolation is pleasant to me. In fact, see what principle is currently seeking to equip the car, how much the designers spend the designers to make it as convenient as possible - in general, how much, not only, which would allow the driver to exhaust them from the objects around him and fully immerse in driving. It seems that it should be so, and most importantly, you begin to believe that it cannot be otherwise. And suddenly suddenly find themselves in such a salon, where the driver means the driver, and everything around for him, and not for the sake of a nearby uncle. And his chair is located in such a way that he can simply lead the car to his pleasure and was not obliged to simultaneously act as and the interlocutor, and a member of the company (from the team not to disappear!) And there is still noone else! And, as whom it will seem strange, this conquest for me was made by the most favorable impression.
Horizontal - the opposite engine at a reasonable price.
I touched the key in the ignition lock, and the engine of the new development with the opposite position of the cylinders, which their creators are so proud of, came to life. I need to tell you, I have some engineering training, and therefore the term opposite engine for me is not an empty sound. So, how is this type of internal combustion engine differ? The fact that his cylinders are located strictly symmetrically, the pistons move in opposite directions and therefore balancing each other. From this vibration that is inherent in any motor, it is reduced here to a minimum, and therefore it is just an extraordinary smoothness. Everything seems to be true. Yes, and also, there are only two companies in the world that are engaged in the mass production of such wonderful power units. This is Porsche and Subaru.
All this, at one moment flashed in my head, and between that lateral vision I noticed in someone's hand the elegant Akiba lighter (well, of course, to give out something deeply, pre-smoke!). After that, I hear my comrades who accompanied me on the trip, disappointed disappointed: Yes, everything was as it was, and remained, and what is the novelty?. However, I have already become accustomed to this habit of exposing everything and doubt, so I decided to take it calmly. Okay, I thought, "let them demonstrate disappointment, do not pay attention!.
After that, I made myself dramatically rebuilt and switched my attention to the road. The time has already exceeded half a day, the car went along the highway in the vicinity of Oodiba, and I decided that it was time to press the gas pedal as it should. Yeah, I thought satisfiedly, - here's you and experts! I used to be right before!. No, I do not want to say anything wrong, the car and previously demonstrated good pickup. However, the new DOHC gas distribution mechanism engine with a 1.5-liter working capacity is not just throws a car forward, it demonstrates precisely smoothness in increasing the speed of rotation of the crankshaft, and the intensity of increasing revolutions is the higher, the more you chew on the accelerator pedal. And along with increasing revolutions, the engine developed in the same way smoothly increases. Such a smoothness, I assure you, before it was not. Accurately fix when the engine reaches the peak of its power in 110 hp And torque at 14.7 kg / m, of course, it is impossible, but it is not necessary, since the automatic 4-speed gearbox is perfectly coping with the work itself, moving to increased transmission exactly when necessary. So I never felt any failures or jerks.
As you know, the Rainbow Bridge (Rainbow Bridge) is straight, as an arrow, so it can be given to yourself and accelerate, as it should. I, however, was a clear task to determine how long the engine can provide an uninterrupted increase in speed. It turned out that right up to critical revolutions. Turning the steering wheel from side to side, I tried to determine for myself how well the car is listening to the steering wheel. With satisfaction I can report that the feeling of manageability of this car is not worse than at the most sporty (and the most expensive) modification of Legacy. The speed grew significantly until the moment when the engine speed reached the mark of 7000 rpm, and all this proceeded in a good pace. At the very end of the bridge there is a spiral congress, where I had to sharply press the brake. As soon as the leg gave a slightly brake pedal, I had the feeling that the pedal is almost directly related to the brakes, it was so significant to oppose my najm. I just felt it my foot. And that's what I thought. Somehow it happened that lately there are less and less machines, the steering of which can still be felt that such an old, non-stipped electronic car control systems! As for the price. Judge for yourself: the engine with the opposite-horizontal location of the cylinders plus a four-wheel drive, or, if desired, drive to the front wheels. All this, you see, looks pretty attractive. And for all this pleasure is asked even less than 2 million yen! You can say, give at a reasonable price.
Acting a gas pedal caution is not needed.
You know, the representative of the Subaru Sunaguti engineering department began his speech, which manages the development of new SUBARU brand engines, "we have long been agreed that for the LEGACY family machines we develop high-speed engines. If you want to re-equip the Impreza model range, or when it is necessary to supplement this series of an additional model, we proceed from the fact that the motor must produce a fairly decent torque when the machine moves on a small or medium speed. That is, figuratively speaking, for SUBARU Motorists Machine LEGACY Machines are naughty creatures, while Impreza cars are adults, solid representatives of the Subaru car family that will not be gubed just for fun. If you continue this thought, it turns out that the engine of the new development, which began to equip the Impreza 1.5r machine, should give the car even greater foundation, so what? See, the workforce of the pistons has become greater, in addition, the engine is equipped with the AVCS system, which provides for automatic change in the phases of gas distribution, is all as it should be to spend less fuel and impress the very balanced member of the SUBARU motor row. Here, apparently, it is apparently to remember that the latest models of Legacy are equipped with a control system that has been named Subaru Intelligent Drive or simply Si-Drive, in which special mode I (Intelligent, or simply speaking, balanced). Turning on this mode, the driver independently limits the engine appetites, well, in part of the desire to pinch the car in the active manner.

Before that, it was like? You sit behind the wheel and begin to put pressure on the accelerator, feeling that the slightest change in the position of the pedal leads to a rather sharp acceleration. This time, you need to notice you, everything went differently: the pedal is already pressed, the speed is growing, but not impossible, but gradually with some stretching in time. And what about this says already mentioned Mr. Sunaguti? The fact is, - he explained, - that the throttle control is now in a different scheme. Previously, any pressing of the gas pedal immediately led to the opening of the throttle valve. And now, by clicking on the accelerator, the driver seems to indicate the control system, which power growth rate is needed. The same capacity extension, nevertheless, still passes smoothly, without a jerk. In other words, the relationship between pedal and throttle valve is mediated. By the way, this is the basis of the Si-Drive system, it is just such an indirect management principle. And then Mr. Sunaguti opened to all those present a small mystery. He noted, in particular, that in some extent the accelerator had to be done less active, including because the steering wheel often turns out to be in hand not only men, but also women. And the woman, often, does not comply with the effort applied to the gas pedal, and their intentions. In addition, these high heels! Now the process of increasing speed will leak more measuringly and will not require too cautious accelerator treatment.
But be that as it may, "our instructor said in conclusion," our opposite engine continues to remain fast enough, up to the moment when the turnoves reach the critical mark. Therefore, despite all mediated management schemes, the main thing is to learn them to manage!. In his voice, so calm throughout the entire press conference, with these words there were notes of pride.
But I think that this pride has the right to exist. After all, it is precisely such researchers - innovators like Mr. Sunaguti and ilk with him and made it possible to appear such a machine debugged in all respects. It concentrated so many technological innovations that, whether her designers are more sophisticated in advertising their achievements, everything would be only about these achievements.
But, whatever it was, one can say firmly: lovers of the car genre of Subaru should be satisfied. Still, a model intended for a massive buyer, the cost of which does not reach up to 2 million yen, - and you look at how much it turned out to be perfect! And at the same time its appearance is still furnished so modestly! This modesty, of course, makes honor to the creators of this car, but, in general, should be regarded as a phenomenon completely unacceptable. In the end, buyers have the right to know who is who.

A source: Carview.co.jp.