Subaru Impreza sedan test drive since 2012 sedan

Ex-champion of the world

Subaru Impreza -Turbo is the most powerful modification of the Impreza model debuting in 1992. The family has three types of bodies: coupe, sedan, station wagon. Engines - opposite, four -cylinder with a volume of 1.6 and 2 liters. Drive to all or front wheels. The gearbox is a five -speed mechanical or four -speed machine (not supplied to Europe). For sedans and station wagons, there is also a two -liter version with turbocharges, but only in all -wheel drive. In 1995, the Scottish racer Colin Mc-Roy won the world rally championship.
Leaving on the road on such a famous car, we, having believed in our own significance, did not doubt that others would show increased attention to our apparatus and in it. Where is there! Not a single reverent look, no reverence from the road users - cut, cling on their Lada, strive to become ahead of a traffic light. Only twice it was possible to meet a surprised -humble look - the traffic police inspector, who, turning to the bass rocker of the motor, forgot to switch the traffic light and nervous from the place of the stream of infinitely long yellow, and the guy on the gas station, in which the fan of motorsport was guessed in terms of awareness.
It's a shame, of course, that our viewer was so inattentive - they do not notice such a car. Nevertheless, the appearance is not the most important thing, the main thing is the content.
The body is 3.6 points. Beautifully and non -classily - the question is controversial, you can’t please all tastes. Impreza is a tightly tailored car with a raid of healthy conservatism, a kind of slightly rude stronger. The turbo differs from its low-power brothers with the front bumper with large round fog of the A la Rally and an impressive rectangular hole, behind which the radiator is visible, and also the intercooler air intake on the hood, the threshold overlays and the baggage cover on the lid cover. 15-inch alloy wheels with low-profile tires of Michelin-pilot-NX-standard equipment. As a result, already muscular, Impreza acquires a rather evil look.
An interesting feature is almost everyone who was asked about the dimensions of the car, quickly casting a look at Subaru, cast: like an eight, only slightly wider. This is exactly the case when the first impression is deceptive - in fact, the improvisa repeats the dimensions of Moskvich -2141, but 20 mm lower.
From a rather large car, you can expect a spacious salon. Indeed, there are a lot of places in it, but the process of penetration in the rear seat causes difficulties: with all the cunning of the doorway, a narrow is enough.
Fans of transporting bags with potatoes will not delight the trunk - only 355 liters. This is the indicator below the average in the classroom. But transformation is possible: the back of the rear seat folds both in parts and entirely and the volume increases to 600 liters. A rich set of tools not a single car from the west or east is different - this rule applies to Subaru. The full -fledged spare wheel of Imreza -Turbo is not supposed - its sizes will devour the already modest volume of the trunk.
The driver's workplace is 3.8 points. As they say, in general, everything is correct, but small flaws spoil the picture. A short and almost horizontal pillow of a driver's seat provokes a slide forward, which cannot be eliminated by adjustment. The sports car should also have a full -fledged platform for the driver’s left leg, and not a kutsy patch, where only the foot of the child will rise. The gear shift mechanism is accurate, but the lever itself, even with a tanker from Nardi, is unpleasantly spring at hand. The location and visibility of the devices do not cause complaints, but the fuel level indicator strives to underestimate the real indications that, in the absence of a control lamp, it often makes you rush to the nearest gas station with a fair still reserve of fuel.
Separate gourmets are not averse to having a more dietary panel with pointing pressure indicators and oil temperature.
Movement - 4.7 points. Brief, but in Russian, well -aimed expressions of delight, which fell from the mouth of everyone who sat at the wheel of impermances, will not lead - not a single editor will miss this. And there was something to admire - how many two -liter serial machines that are gaining a hundred from a place for six with half aTina? Acceleration is characteristic of cars with turbocharges. At first, nothing special, then a sharp pickup in the region of 4000 rpm, after a moment the arrow is already dancing on the border of the red tachometer zone and a revolutionary limiter is triggered. This makes you carefully choose the transmission before turning, otherwise at the most crucial moment you can face the most pleasant dilemma: to be left without a stock of rod on wheels or switch on a turn of a turn. We note, however, that such problems arise only with a very aggressive driving style. In the daily operation, Impreza -Turbo does not scare the driver with his capabilities - the car is predictable and light enough in management.
We celebrated the amazing obedience of Subaru a year ago during the tests of Impreza-1,8GL. The modification with a boost also clearly performs the driver’s commands, but do not forget that she has 211 horses of a violent manner under the hood, and a certain skill is still required to manage this herd. So you have to soberly evaluate your capabilities against the background of the capabilities of the car. Even the champion can not always curb his combat horse - the titled Colin Mc -Roye has more than once ended up outside the highway.
The disc brakes of all wheels with ABS (front ventilated) without problems take on difficult work with the most aggressive driving style. The pedal force allows you to clearly adjust the intensity of slowdown, but in general, it is difficult to talk about how good brakes work.
Subaru -Turbo suspension is a successful compromise between running qualities and comfort. On the one hand, the quick reactions of the car to the driver’s actions, small body rolls, a reliable grip of wheels on an uneven coating. And on the other hand, the suspension confidently swallows the small bumps of the road, and on serious potholes of the inhabitants of the salon, it shakes less than one might expect. Movement on broken roads is rather limited by the possibilities of suspension, but high -profile high -profile high -profile high -profile.
Comfort - 4.0 points. As already mentioned, the smoothness for a car with a sports slope is quite acceptable. As for noise and vibrations, a powerful motor is clearly heard, especially at high speeds. At high speed, aerodynamic noises and rumble tires are noticeable, but they do not annoy. There is one claim to the heating and ventilation system - the rear lateral glass sweat in rainy weather.
The decoration of the salon is by no means the top of the grace - in it a certain deliberate rudeness is noticeable, as in the whole appearance of the car. But upon closer examination, there is nothing to complain about. The finish is high -quality and pleasant to the touch, in a word - Japanese.
The standard equipment includes sled options - ABS, steering wheel, headlight washing, and powerful fog -tulriers. For comfort lovers - air conditioning, electric package and, for surcharge, heating of mirrors and front seats, and also good music. Fans of natural materials - leather and wood - will have to be content with a minimum - a custom -made leather steering wheel and a gear handle from the company Nardi. There is no talk of a leather salon and wooden inserts - they are not provided for improvisation.
Operation, service - 3.3 points. In the conditions of the capital, the daily operation of the Subaru-imprecial-turbo does not promise difficulties. The commercial maintenance station, unhealthy 95th gasoline, high -quality oils, tires - all this, although not cheap, but affordable. But in the provinces with such a machine, problems characteristic of most imported cars may arise.
As for the fuel consumption, it, like on many other powerful cars, depends quite noticeably on the driving style. If you want to hit those around with dashing starts and high speeds - get ready for a frequent visit to a gas station.

The editors thank the Asia-Aliances for the car provided.
Technical characteristics of the car Subaru Impreza-Turbo
General data: number of places - 5; Equipped mass - 1235 kg; full weight - 1700 kg; maximum speed - 230 km/h; acceleration time from a place to 100 km/h - 6.6 s; The average fuel consumption is 9.3 l/100 km; Fuel supply - 60 liters. Dimensions, mm: length - 4340; width - 1690; height - 1400; base - 2520; The track in front/back - 1465/1455. Engine: gasoline, with distributed fuel injection and turbocharged, opposition, located in front, longitudinally. The number of cylinders, valves and working volume-4-16-1994 cm; cylinder diameter and piston stroke - 92x75 mm; compression degree - 8; Power - 155 kW (211 pp.)/6000 rpm; Maximum torque - 270 N.M/4800 rpm. Transmission: constant drive to all wheels; gearbox - five -speed, mechanical; Transport numbers - I - 3.55; II - 1.95; III - 1.37; IV - 0.97; V - 0.74; h. X. - 3.42; The main program is 3.55. Suspension: front - independent, such as McExon, a reptile stabilizer; The back is independent, multi -link, with a reptile stabilizer. Brakes: disk for all wheels, front - ventilated, with an amplifier and ABS. Tires: 205/55 VR 15 (Michelin-Pilot-NX).
Press about Subaru Imreza-Tourbo
Surprisingly, the vast majority of European automobile publications passed by this car. None of the German magazines conducted the test of an impecient impresence. True, the English Otkar even took Subaru Impreza-Turbo into a long-term park, but not for long. He reported that the Subaru asset is a low price, excellent dynamic indicators and controllability on any road surface, and operational reliability. In the liability - rubber gear shift, hard, insufficiently comfortable suspension and modest interior decoration. However, with the help of small additives from tuning firms, this is easily eliminated. The general conclusion is a great car for a serious driver. Its price kills the only competitor in Europe - Ford Escort RS -Cosvort on Satter: Subaru 30%(!) Cheaper.
Summary. The car is for an amateur, and well prepared. To the one who can reveal the abilities of the Impreza-Turbo, she will deliver the maximum pleasure from the ride. We note along the way: in our market it is impossible to find a car with similar running qualities for 40 thousand dollars.
Anatoly Fomin,
Igor Solidov
Photo by Vladimir Knyazev

Source: The magazine "Driving"