Subaru Forester 2005 test drive - 2008 SUV

Test A/M Subaru Forester Cross Sport

The history of the appearance of the Subaru Forester Cross Sport is simple: the engineers took the already existing Forester model, which was considered a real car for outdoor activities (SUV), and brought a number of improvements to it to give this machine a little more sports. The result was a car, designed mainly for driving around the city, but not lost the qualities inherent in the SUV category. Well, those drivers who would like to say, always kill two birds with one stone, such a universality of the Cross Sport car will have to liking. But what, in fact, is this machine? This is told by our reporter, who made a trial race on it.
A car for the stingy.
Carefully familiarizing himself with the cattle data of the new Forester Cross Sport car, I remember, I thought: it seems that in this car they decided to make everything so that the buyers received two in one for the same price!. It seems that the engineers decided to satisfy the desires of those motorists who are always trying to get something and save something. Squealing, in a word! You may ask what exactly gave me a reason to think so. I answer: a combination of an unknown all-wheel drive (Full Time 4WD) and a powerful, but low-volume turbo, DOHC with 16 valves, which can develop a power of 220 horses. Yes, here's another thing: a rigid system of all -wheel drive, which is usually used in real SUVs, in this machine is combined with a purely urban body version. So urban that even its height (1550 mm) turned out to be neatly adjusted to the dimensions of the usual multi -tiered parking for any city.
Everything seems to be clear. But at the end of June (referring to June 2005), Cross Sport was partially improved. This circumstance aroused in me a natural interest for a journalist, but what and what? So I was once again driving this car.
The Forester Cross Sport engine is already a well -established turbo motor, which, having only 2 liters of working volume, can develop a power of 220 hp. And its greatest torque is 31.5 kg/m. There is hardly anything new about him - so much has already been written. One has only to crush the gas pedal, and the power will immediately increase, and the car will run forward with such lightness that you do not expect from it. In fact, cars with such angular forms of the body, as a rule, do not have such abuse. And here acceleration proceeds so intensively that it is already breathtaking. However, I think that it was possible to do without such a powerful craving - this is only an extra waste of fuel! But what about the wrestling struggle for energy saving? So it may be better not to be luxurious, but to limit yourself to a modification of 2.0i with a simple (non-turbo) engine?
If you look at the Subaru car family in general, then in it you can find several options for cars with a wagon type body. There are, as they say, what to choose from. In particular, you can take a Forester car with rude body forms and increased cross -country ability, which allows it to be attributed to the Cross Country Vehicle. And if such a rude form does not like, then there is another version of the station wagon model Legacy Outback, which is more consistent with our idea of \u200b\u200ba typical city version of the car.

Universal machine.
I, your humble servant, have been constantly using the Legacy Touring Wagon 3.0R car lately. In this car, I must tell you, sitting behind the wheel, you experience some discomfort, due, in particular, by the fact that the driver's seat is located too low, not like usual in the universal salon. Of course, when you follow the suburban road, and a winding section meets you in the way, the driver’s low landing, along with the low suspension of the car itself, is perceived very positively. But I do not think that this baseness can be considered an ideal option when you have to drive along the city streets.
And so, having left my Legacy’s salon, I immediately find myself behind the wheel of a Forester car. Yes, yes, I thought, what a wonderful overview and clarity in determining the dimensions of the machine!. For the city streets forever clogged with cars, such a high landing is just what you need. I'm not talking about the fact that such elation greatly facilitates both the landing in the car and the landing from it. Yes, of course, if you try to list all the advantages that the SUV gives when driving around the city, then a good, at a large angle of the road should be called one of the first. But now this imaginary list is supplemented by another paragraph with the opportunity to park the car in a standard multi -tiered parking lot, which, as has already been noted, is due to the appropriate height of the machine. Does this not make such a car an even more attractive vehicle option? I think the answer suggests itself! But this is not enough! The undoubted advantage of the Cross Sport car can be considered a special reconfigure suspension, which allows, despite a considerable height, to move confidently at high speed along the highway. This reconfigure was performed so successfully that, for example, I used to drive a Legacy Touring Wagon 3.0R car, which, as everyone knows, has a pronounced sports character, at the wheel of Cross Sport also did not feel concern about the behavior of the machine on corners.
There is information that the Forester’s lineup cars generally diverge well in the North American market. In fact, it is generally accepted that the Americans are very outlined in the eyes of the eyes of the eyes. And the fact that they reacted very favorably to the Forester machine was not this consequence of it, so to speak, universality? And does this not mean that the desire to satisfy the requests of a certain category of drivers, which at the very beginning of my report, I called the mean, in the end led the fact that the wagon cars became even more attractive for all customers? But be that as it may, and one thing is undoubted: those who constantly need a good universal car, do not have to drop the Forester Cross Sport car.
Technical characteristics of the Forester Cross Sport 2.0 T:
Length 4455 mm x width 1735 mm x height 1550 mm.
Wheel base: 2525 mm.
Dry weight of the machine: 1460 kg.
Drive: 4wd
Engine: 2-liter, 4 cylinder, equipped with an intercooler turbocharger, developed power of 220 hp. at 5500 rpm, maximum torque 31.5 kg/m at 3500 rpm.
Machine price: 2 million 625 thousand yen.
The price of the machine on which the test trip was 3 million 3 thousand yen.
The list of additional equipment that the test was equipped with:
-a built -in onboard navigator of the HDD type, specially designed for Forester lineup machines;
-leading chair with 8 types of adjustment (moving forward back, tilt back, changing the height of the seat up and down and tilt of the seat back to the stop and vice versa);
-comprosion complex of overall lanterns; Side pneumatic airbags that protect the head of the driver and front passenger.

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