Renault Laguna test drive since 2007 hatchback

Olympic Laguna

The test drive took place in Sochi and its picturesque surroundings, so the name of the material occurred once immediately, even before a tight acquaintance with the car. I still remember, immediately mentally discarded this option too superficial, attracted by my ears, it seemed to me. However, in the evening of the next day, when a couple of hundred kilometers was left behind, I returned to the original heading. It seemed not to be devoid of meaning, because the French company, in my opinion, in the new lagoon managed to achieve many and really Olympic parameters.
What is good
To begin, perhaps, with what I liked most from the convenience of the salon. Believe me, reader, I have something to compare with the last generation in Renault Laguna. So, the current Laguna is a completely different car that differs from the previous one, like a computer from a typewriter. To the devil, the difference in millimeters is clear that the car has become larger. I will say about the difference in sensations. Now my legs, when I am in a driver’s place, are not in a narrow tunnel, but in a wide niche. I do not get confused in the pedal node the distance between the gas pedals and the brakes are sufficient so that even my wide foot does not run into both when you need to press one. But before this happened.

The seats are wider, softer and more convenient, and in addition with noticeable lateral support and a lumbar subpoor. The control range is quite enough to get a better way. And the steering column adjustable in height and departure is crowned with a chubby three -spoke wheel with comfortable bulges under the grip everything is correct, such a steering wheel corresponds to the temperament of Laguna with any of the two -liter engines. And it will definitely not be just a decoration in a version with a 1.6 engine.
The instrument shield with large saucers of a tachometer and speedometer, saucers of indicators of the temperature of the power unit and fuel level will diversify the small square of the trippe compounded display. The front panel, reminiscent of the now fashionable sandwich, is arranged very well, to use the controls built into the central console, and even in the tunnel between the driver and the front passenger, the control panels are quite convenient. Information on the screen in the center of the torpedo is read in any light. And the finish of the panel is aluminum or wooden looks very pleasant. And in general, in my opinion, there should not be to the quality of materials and the accuracy of the fitting of each detail of the interior of claims.
More important is the fact that in the new Laguna one is felt in the front and back seats. And yet, the interior somehow inspires calm. Firstly, everything is quiet inside, with noise insulation everything is in perfect order. Secondly, both in the hatchback and in the station wagon is very good visibility. Finally, you know that there is not only ABS and ESP (option for versions 1.6), but also the required number of airbags, including innovative lateral ones, that is, they protect not only the chest cell, but also in the event of an impact The lower part of the body. It is not surprising, therefore, at the independent crash tests of Euroncap, the car received 36 points out of 37 possible.

It would be unfair not to mention the three-level Soft-Auto-Fast climate control system, which allows you to quickly cool (tried) or warm (still try) the salon, and it may not work noisily. Finally, there are many clothing departments in this car: under the central armrest, next to the steering wheel in the form of a pocket convenient for the driver, as well as in a glove box with a cooling of 9.2 liters. Holders for bottles and glasses are placed on the front side of the front panel, they are in the rear central armrest. The volume of the trunk of the hatchback is 450 liters, the station wagon 508 liters. Of course, the rear seats are folding, so it is not difficult to turn Laguna into a van.
Beautiful and fast
I haven't said anything about the appearance of the novelty yet? So after all, we specially publish big photos so that the reader can make our own idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the model. I only note that the cars alive look no worse.
I personally looked especially at the station wagon, although I would not refuse the hatchback. The front end is quite expressive, although I had a special impression of food, and primarily the storm of the station wagon. The main thing is that both cars look quite modern, and it literally blows from them dynamics. In general, I will never dispute the opinion of the jury, who recognized the station wagon in the most beautiful car of 2007. By the way, Renault Laguna also received the Grand Prix in the nomination The most beautiful interior of 2007.
And all this beauty, I hasten to notice, behaves very well on the road and can move quickly enough. In one day, it was not possible to test all versions properly (it doesn’t matter, there is a reason to return to the new product), so I focused on a station wagon with a 2.0-liter 140-horsepower gasoline engine. And he greatly pleased me on the highway and on the winding mountains.
Honestly, I did not even expect from the car such agility acceleration is quite decent, and the pickup is provided in a fairly wide range of revolutions. The 6-speed mechanical gearbox, which works clearly, has the short passages of the lever and does not suffer from the slightest blanket.
In general, I would call the settings for the control mechanisms of the new Laguna sports. First of all, this applies to the pendants of the front type of Macpherson with the reptile stability stabilizer, the back of the H-shaped half-dependent beam is also with a stabilizer. Plus, springs, the rigidity of which, compared with the previous version of the car, increased in front by 20%, and behind by 50%. As a result, the car practically does not roll in steep turns, and does not peck with sharp braking. But at the same time, in an amazingly way, gives a feeling of comfort. And the settings of the steering now they were pleasing much more acutely, there is feedback on the steering wheel, and the hydraulic booster does not lubricate the picture at all, allowing it to be extremely accurately determined by the angle of rotation of the steering wheel before entering the turn.
It is clear that it was difficult for me to resist how to properly grab on Sochi serpentines. Fortunately, there were few cars on the route. I tend to turn before the turn, I undermine the second forward, with a slight demolition of the stern outside the turn and, until the gas stabilization system caught on, then immediately the third gear. Excellent! I would like to do these exercises more and more, but here my neighbor, a girl in a century, prayed, demanding at the first opportunity to stop for a moment. The poor thing rocked and okay, and so it is clear that Laguna is able to please the drivers with the acceptance and the predictability of behavior.
But there is also a 170-horsepower engine, however, working only in pairs with a new 6-speed automatic. But I deliberately left this version for later, so as not to mix impressions.
Finally, I really want to get acquainted with diesel modification at the first opportunity (it was not offered on the test). Renault for the first time takes such cars to the Russian market. In addition, the turbodiesel promises good impressions: 150 hp, 340 Nm of torque. The company promises that in dealerships such a car will appear in the second half of the year.
Yes, I almost forgot about the brakes: grip, effective, working even in an obviously overheated state, which was checked. If a 3.5-liter engine suddenly turns out to be under the hood (after all, there is one, from a Nissan alliance partner), they will not let you down in this case. As, however, other mechanisms.
Costs and prices
You know, reader, I understand why the development of the new Laguna Renault took 32 months and a rather large amount of 1 billion 52 million euros. The car turned out in many ways and what is very pleasant in all respects. True, her competitors are very, very serious. Suffice it to say that in dimensions Laguna is very close to Ford Mondeo and Toyota Camry. As in the price. In the Russian market, it will be offered at a price of 694,625 rubles per sedan with a 1.6 -liter engine. The 2.0-liter version with the manual transmission will cost 758,225, and with a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine already 841,700 rubles. Prices for the diesel version are not yet known. True, the company promises at the same time attractive lending conditions.
Oleg Osipov

Source: Magazine Automobile Izvestia [June 2008]

Renault Laguna crash tests since 2007

Renault Laguna Crash Test since 2007

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers