Renault Laguna configuration

Information on the basic and optional settings of the Renault Lagoon: specific information about installed equipment and other characteristics.

Prices for Renault Laguna, on average, in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
1994 22 154 430 173 808 7 151 702 22
1995 25 167 436 169 319 7 166 491 22
1996 21 159 826 197 035 6 158 355 20
1997 20 188 275 202 309 7 184 141 16
1998 21 202 510 222 072 7 199 733 20
1999 35 230 188 237 304 8 227 765 30
2000 33 253 782 242 711 9 257 630 25
2001 82 313 026 345 606 7 310 805 80
2002 67 328 398 322 471 16 329 545 57
2003 46 345 566 351 367 16 343 308 35
2004 37 378 048 382 821 20 373 970 25
2005 20 393 632 394 919 8 392 523 9
2006 37 436 425 470 055 8 427 171 31
2007 38 478 677 514 591 8 472 150 35
2008 89 590 903 658 704 22 573 050 72
2009 65 607 122 632 129 8 604 281 62
2010 67 639 374 779 263 6 636 801 66
2011 8 626 843 782 461 6 645 985 8
2013 6 1 844 586 1 844 586 6 - 6