Test drive Porsche 911 Carrera 991 since 2012

911. Save our souls

What associations do you have the word Porsche? Right. What other associations can there be? This is car. Everything else is design, style, image, glasses, pens, telephone TVs-all later.
Porsche is a car that does not require discussion. Personally, we do not know a single person who would say: I do not like this car. But what is Porsche on the roads of the Fatherland? How does he behave? Who drives it and how to ride? For what people are ready to pay round sums, sometimes to abandon everything, just to own this car?
We tried to find answers to these questions, taking the classic in black-the legendary 911th. For more than thirty years, he has embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Porsche is.
Swift dwarf
Describe the appearance of the 911st lesson. For thirty -three years, she ceased to be just an appearance, turning into an image, becoming the face of the company. And thirty years ago, and now it is admired, although it does not correspond to the classic canons of automotive beauty. Just as the layout of the car itself is unconventional. The six -cylinder air -cooled opposite, located behind, to this day remains an original solution.
For all the years of production, even the salon has not undergone significant changes. Formally, it is four -seater, but it is better not to try to travel in it more than together. If you have enough spirit, you can use rear places as a baggage shelf, folding that in theory should be backs. Moreover, the size of the trunk is designed for a couple of codes.
Sitting in a chair you are literally squeezed by elements of lateral support. After the seats are adjusted to your complexion, I no longer want to get out. Very comfortably.
There are five impressive dials in front of the driver. In the center of the tachometer. To the right of it is a speedometer and a watch, on the left are four signs - two in each saucer. Three of them display the condition of the engine lubrication system: level, pressure and oil temperature. The last device, of course, is an indicator of fuel level.
Where a normal car has a hood opening on Porsche - the drive of the trunk castle. And in order to look into the engine compartment, you need to pull the handle similar to the one that the boat motor is made. She is in the doorway of the driver's door. The gas tank hatch on the front left wing. (Some kind of behind). Under it, two gas stations are found - one for the fuel, the other for the water water washer system.
The pedals are pretty tight, especially the clutch. But this is natural - after all, the moment transmitted by him is huge. It is unusual that they stick out of the floor as on the Soviet trolleybus production of the Uritsky plant.
I'm going to take off
Who had to fly on fighters will understand us. The sensations in the accelerating Porsche are much stronger than those that the passenger of some starting Boeing experiences. I would like to take the helm on myself and break away from the ground.
The car accelerates up to a hundred kilometers per hour in five seconds, and acceleration from a place to a speed of 200 km/h takes only 21 seconds!
The power supply of the engine is such that it allows you to tear the wheels into the slip in the second or third transmission even on dry asphalt. However, if you do not abuse, you can move in the city stream. True, the left leg gets tired. And except for the second gear, it is hardly possible to move - traffic lights interfere.
A hard suspension and powerful rubber are well held in a bend. But this is on a dry coating, and again, if not abused. On a snowy road, the picture changes to the exact opposite. A small base and a light front do their job. The car begins to swim, the Ryskaya from side to side. Not riding, but torture: you have to constantly adjust the trajectory by the steering wheel. ABS in such a situation is not superfluous at all. In general, in winter, Porsche is better to leave in the garage.
Carried away
Owners say it is difficult to get comfortable with Porsche. It takes at least a year to get addicted. All the more interesting to find out the opinion of those who are already used to.
Who are they? Al Pacino, Chris Ri, Carolina Monak and ... Pierre Richard ride Porsche. It is Richard, not his cool partner. The same Richard, who seems to be not able to drive the car, but if he sits behind the wheel, will certainly fall into some ridiculous and absurd accident. And he not only travels to Paris, but also regularly chases Porsche Cup (the right to participate is worth, by the way, $ 300 thousand). Yes, the appearance is deceiving.
In Moscow, Porsche is few - about three hundred. And the 911s, which are discussed in our test, are no more than a hundred. If you think that only bandits drive Porsche, then you are mistaken. For some reason, these cars are very fond of actors and in general people who have to perform a lot in public-director Ivan Dykhovichny, TV presenter and producer Dmitry Zakharov, opera tenor Mikhail Kotlyarov (he has two as many as two) ...
I generally like such cars, with character, says Ivan Dykhovichny, owner of Porsche 911 Targa. - They, of course, are more moody- more often break, less reliable. But it is from them that you get a grandiose pleasure. As with women. Cars can also be divided into calm and nervous, temperamental and hot. Now I am in love with Porsche - this is a nervous, hot Arabic horse.
A lot of Porsche, oddly enough, among large government officials. Which (why would it?) Do not really like to advertise it. We will not. We better find out the opinion of the President of the Moscow Porsche club Nikita Kiselev (the club is his hobby, but in general he is the director of the motor transport services of Almazi-Sakha). Who to understand the Porsche-911 Turbo, if not him.
This is a car that behaves like a man. For me, he is the only one. There is no other and will not happen.
I am a former athlete. I go to Porsche for 7 years and I can say - the difference between Porsche and a real sports car is minimal. Crazy dynamics! Indescribable elasticity! But Porsche requires its approach, it must be traveled like a wild horse. It's difficult. And right away you will not understand anything - tough, shaking.
Flaws? Porsche? ... Well, it disappoints that in the sake of aerodynamics the company departs from traditions-the latest models are some kind of licked, there is no former, familiar courageous angularity. Too much hinged plastic has become too much. All of this thousand after 50, it flutters and rattles. Heating is a sore spot. It is designed for a soft European winter and, frankly, not very reliable ... The previous models had a simple, but a reliable injection system. In the current, computer brains do poorly with poor -quality gasoline. Headache of the owners.
It is bored that everyone is looking at you on the street and at a traffic light is sure to chase - and you may not want to at all. And you have to refuel every 300 km ...
Well, okay, this is all trifles, it does not apply to business at all. Do you know at what speed can it take a 90-degree turn? 190 km/h!

A source: "Autopilot"

Video test drives Porsche 911 Carrera 991 since 2012

Test drives Porsche 911 Carrera 991 since 2012