PEUGEOT 605 test drive 1994 - 1999 sedan


$ 6500 he wanted a lot of car for little money. Moreover, one that would not have found on the streets with a frequency of Lada. I advised him PEUGEOT 605.
This top model from Peugeot, a real representative class, stood on the conveyor for almost 10 years-from May 1990 to the end of 1999. All cars were produced in the sedan back, had a front-wheel drive and a rich gamut of engines: three 2-liter fours, carburetor, injector and injector with turbocharged. In addition, two 3-liter sixes (12- and 24-valve), a 4-cylinder atmospheric diesel diesel engine, as well as two turbodiesels (2.1 and 2.5 liters).
What is under makeup. The technology of body examination is already well known to us and is not much different from what we do on other brands. In the case of the 605th, the remark of our consultants Maxim Ivanov and Boris Nesmeyanov should be taken into account that most of the cars sold in Russia were a bit in the face. We will examine it with special picky. Near the hood lock there should be a nameplate with installation data. His native rivets have through holes. The absence of a nameplate or continuous rivets is an occasion for serious reflection, as well as the absence of paper stickers. This means that the panel was changed. The whole muzzle, that is, a bumper, a decorative lattice and a radiator frame are plastic. During the repair, they can put in place an old, cracked panel, disguising the flaws. And replacing all this design with painting will require $ 300. Glasses with different years of production can also say about the repair of the body. But the rear window, as a rule, is not changed, and in most cases it is possible to determine the year of release - it corresponds to the last figure in the marking after four points. In conclusion, look at the front left cup of the shock absorber. There should be a colored stamp with a paint code. If it is not, the engineering space was unambiguously painted. And the cracks in the windshield (the new costs about $ 300 with installation) should make you seriously think about whether this car showed the ears. And then - either refuse the car, or go to the service in order to examine the body and the bottom in more detail.
What is in the heart. Our consultants are actively not recommended to get involved in 3-liter engines. But if you really want to get the car more powerful, and the heads of the working motor emit characteristic knocks - it is better to refuse, otherwise you will face big problems. With its repair, due to the specifics, few are associated (in France, for example, it is not subject to repair at all). Too troublesome and roads - up to $ 6,000. However, it depends on the mileage - Peugeot, subject to neat operation, lets the lives with gasoline motors up to 300 thousand km. A 2.5-liter DK5 turbodiesel turbodiesel is also not recommended. Good, in principle, but very capricious and roads of fuel pumps. We advise you to opt for a 2-liter four with an injector. This is the most reliable and trouble -free motor in the range. And if the dynamics and speed qualities of the car do not really bother you, the 2.1-liter diesel XUD11 is suitable-reliable and unpretentious. The technique of checking the engines is common: of course, there should not be leaks of oil and other operational liquids. But it is better to go for diagnostics: having spent $ 40, save about $ 800 for the repair of the head, or even all $ 3,000 for the bulkhead of the motor. After all, real mileage, and then approximately, can only be determined in the service center.
What is in the soul. Turn the ignition key and look into the soul of the 605th through the eyes of the control bulbs. The absence of a yellow icon with the image of the engine among them will warn that it was most likely disconnected, since a constant glow speaks of difficulties. That is, about problems from about $ 800 to $ 1000, per catalyst or control unit, or almost $ 2000 for both together. The ABS light bulb is very relevant (as, indeed, the nature of the work of the brakes), since on cars until 1996 the Bendix Block is one whole with the main brake cylinder - more than $ 1000. In cars with Airbeg on the lower steering knitting needles there are two bulbs - red and green. When starting the motor, red shines, then goes out, and it is replaced by the green. If this does not happen, we subtract $ 400 for the restoration of SRS performance. Be sure to check the electric drive of the seats, if any. A faulty memory block can drive the seat in motion at speed - it is very dangerous. It’s cheaper to replace - about $ 80. Until working drives of the drive is more expensive - about $ 200. Be sure to believe whether there are leaks from the heater radiator (the floor carpet will be wet), because the part is not so road (about $ 45), how much it is costly in a replacement - about $ 300. In the presence of an electric lover, you need to make sure his performance, because very often the mechanism acidifies, jams it, and the pleasure of seeing the sky above his head will cost at least $ 250 with work. In many 605, there is a programmable immobilizer (the control panel is between the front seats, see photo). If the previous owner cannot issue the code, it is better to tightly block the cover, since an accidentally knocked down code will entail a replacement of the engine control unit (over $ 1000).
What's underfoot. With a working motor, we twist the steering wheel. The obvious screech of the Gur pump will announce to you and the seller that you can throw about $ 380 to replace it. And if they felt difficulties in rotating the steering wheel, knocking and biting in the rake - even more, about $ 800 (it is possible, however, a low -term option - $ 250 for replacing only the gearbox). However, if the machine is equipped with a variation rail (with changed effort), and the steering wheel is very tight, then the situation is more difficult - the treatment will cost at least $ 750 (replacement of the control unit). It is better for all these positions to be checked by the doctor. Together with our consultants, we recommend a small test drive-first on a good road at speed, then a few cool turns, in order to identify the condition of the drives and shus. This node changes only assembly and costs $ 500 (for the same reason, we advise you to call on the lift, visually evaluate the condition of the anthers). On a bumpy area, check the suspension. It is very powerful and reliable in the 605th, it serves for a long time, at least 100 thousand km. But if characteristic knocks appeared, keep in mind that the front lever assembly will cost $ 130, the rear lever-$ 300-350, a set of silent blocks-about $ 140 (with work), and stabilizer racks-$ 40. The 605th was equipped with two types of shock absorbers-adjustable or ordinary. The former can be identified by the presence of a superstructure-drive at the upper mount. If they ordered to live long, decide for yourself: replacement for similar ones will require more than $ 300 by one, but you can put ordinary ones - no more than $ 100 apiece with work. We recommend using only native Peugeot. Practice has shown their superiority, at least for this model.
Ponte is more expensive than money. Do you still want to drive a car, like an ambassador of France in Russia? Be prepared to fork out. Although the presence of a certain assortment of non-original spare parts and craftsmen can half reduce expenses. It is advisable to choose a car no older than 1994-1995 with a mileage of about 150 thousand km. And finally, we advise you to pay attention to the following: the 605th is often found, where the body is from one, the motor from the other, and the salon is from the third. There is no particular crime in this, but problems with the order of spare parts are possible. It is possible to find out the equipment of the machine by VIN only in an authorized technical center. And yet, if the documents indicate the engine number, then certainly check its presence on the motor itself (on 4-cylinder until 1995, this is an aluminum nameplate, riveted in the corner on the engine block under the valve lid, after 1995-it is knocked out on the site Under the starter at the bottom right.) And if the motor is 3-liter and its number is indicated in the documents, serious problems are possible during re-registration, because it is inside the collapse of the blocks, under the injector, and reach it is a whole story.
Text Andrey Timofeev, photo Alexey Ilyin


A source: "Autopilot"