PEUGEOT 307 CC 2005 test drive - 2008 convertible

Autumn marathon

This year, autumn broke all the records of the number of sunny days, and the proposal of Peugeot to make a two -day voyage along the route Moscow Uglich Myshkin Moscow on the updated Peugeot 307 was joyful. However, the weather here is not the main thing.

We were collected at nine in the morning, distributed roadmaps, a route with control points and, after a short parting words, gave out the keys to the cars. There were four cars, first of all, the updated version of the 307th and the Cabriolet Comprilet 307 SS, the keys to which I immediately got it.

The first desire was to quickly break out of Moscow traffic jams and be outside the bustle of the metropolis. But Moscow just did not let go. From the nervous rhythm of movement, the traction motor saved (by the way, quiet at low speeds), which allowed to go in traffic jams in second gear. The road was brightened up by an audio system with a JBL amplifier and a subwoofer.

Having got out of the city, I realized that I had slipped the right fork. On the sign, a wedge, but a Uglich is needed. We'll have to push. At high speeds, it becomes obvious that the body lacks stiffness, you have to catch the trajectory with a steering wheel. Driving at 200, you involuntarily recall that the car is equipped (already in the base) with six airbags, belts with pretensors and a telescopic steering shaft. It soothes a little. Confidence is also inspired by tenacious informative brakes, slowing down can be successfully predicted.

Uglich showed a calm way of life. This is the oldest city of the Upper Volga region, everywhere museums, monuments of architecture, cathedrals. Handsomely! But Peugeot is not bad. I go around the car around, admire. New headlights of head light, rear lights with the effect of LED glow, the front part also modified and somewhat resembles the open mouth of a lion. Innovations in the cabin devices and a control panel, as well as a separate climate control unit.

The next point of the route is Mysoshkin. Let's hit the road! The weather is magnificent, I, without hesitation, put the upper hand, and then I notice that passers -by begin to slow down and look around. Surprise on their faces was the same as if they saw the UFO from which the staircase was advanced. Spectacularly screeching with farewell tires, I am hiding from their sights.

In Myshkin, dinner, football and sleep were waiting for us, tomorrow home.

I made the return trip to the top version of the Peugeot 307 Feline with a 2 l 180-horsepower engine, which is usually put on a sports version of the capricious compartment and original 17-inch wheels. She also has chrome linings with an inscription of 180, a chrome tip of the exhaust pipe, a wide apron. Inside the leather two -tone upholstery, a leather steering wheel, pedals made of polished metal, a dashboard with white dials, plus chrome rims of scales and a gearbox lever.

At maximum speeds, Feline behaves more collected, more confident than 307 SS. Apparently, the differences in the rigidity of the body and weighting (a cave-cabriolet is heavier due to the mechanism of folding the roof, and the back is more loaded than the front). The hatchback accelerates easier and slows down more clearly. But, as in the case of the compartment, on irregularities, the suspension breaks through. Therefore, it is better to move at a more or less calm pace, so that the suspension manages to process all the bumps without informing the driver and passengers about them, or to choose smooth roads on them for active driving, by the way, the car showed itself very gambling.

I returned to Moscow closer to the evening. It is necessary to give the car, but there is no desire to do this to travel on Peugeot longer, you can’t feel fatigue, despite the rather long route. Good days turned out to be good, the journey turned out excellent, and with the 307th we managed to get to know each other quite closely and chat quite closely. I am very happy with this acquaintance.

Vladimir Rodyshov

Source: Motor magazine [November 2005]