Test Drive Peugeot 207 CC since 2009 Convertible

Roof, Kysh!

The perfect passenger Kostya agreed in the seat, threw back his, seemed to be a very heavy backpack, put on sunglasses and a little hastily said: I went, went! And I all got sink, setting up the steering wheel and chair. Let's go! - again, he repeated, as if she was chanting the security of the bank, which we just cleaned. And I also wanted to wear dark glasses, but I safely left them in Moscow. And I no longer have anything left, how to quickly leave the parking lot.
But not in a hurry was the case. And in the fact that he did not speak phrases like you are early throwing gas in turn. He just looked around. And on the sides was Andalusia. Therefore, most often he concisely said: how beautiful! And it was obvious that here and now, namely, in Peugeot 207 CC on a winding road somewhere in the vicinity of Jerez de la Frontera in early spring, he is very good. And then it became clear, from what we rushed - quickly and somewhere away from the ubiquitous Moscow affairs.
Now, having broken off, we stopped at the curb. The right to click on the most important button in this car I had (in the end, who is the driver here?). The roof fluttered slightly, and did not go twenty-five seconds, as the blue Spanish sky was blurred over our heads, absolutely cloudless. How easy!
All the models of the Twentieth Series Peugeot were produced in a convertible version: 206 SS appeared folding hard top with an electric drive, on the 207th coupe-cabriolet no longer left for the driver - well, if you only click on the button. It is strange that the rear screen, thanks to which the twist of the air does not blown from the heads of Panama and baseball caps, goes here as an option. And so - except at the speed of the safety belt Treplet on the shoulder.
The small roof of the 207 SS, fully developed by the engineers of Peugeot, is in a small trunk, where the spare wheel is already harnessed. And there is still 187 liters of free space, where a couple of not the most surround bags will easily fit. Something you can shove on the rear seats, because otherwise it is impossible to use these two mini-space for baggage. If only put a cat back and put a geranium pot. Animals, flowers and fresh air - this is what always lacks a city inhabitant.
Meanwhile, we, urban residents, all fled from the bustle of the metropolis on winding mountain Spanish tracks. And, despite the quite vigorous 150 horses under the hood, we didn't have it in any way, until the mobile phone was turned on by the bone. For about once a fifteen minutes, he privally reminded itself from the rear seat. Relax! - howled the MP3 melody mobile phone. - Take IT Easy! I shuddered, and the owner without a hint of ease of communication spoke sullen, I listen! After a couple of hours it was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And then said: how they are all tired! - And stopped shooting the phone. We just sang she, and when they finally relaxed, we went to drink local orange juice.
The fact that this car is created for the city is obvious. Well, of course, when this city is for example, Primorsky Cadiz. (This is only Trotsky could be dissatisfied that he had to live there - briefly after all). Tight embankment easily accepted 207 ss when we decided look over the surroundings from the Toppe de Vigia tower. Thought immediately, as beautiful this combination of the embankment is a convertible. And if you get up on the only way out of the city in a traffic jam, then in 25 seconds you close the roof, and stiffing the poisonous wagon is no longer bothering you. PEUGEOT 207 CC Climate Control Sensors are able to distinguish between the configuration of their body and work with reference to the top or not. But the flavor is working without any accounting. And to enjoy alive smells, it will have to turn off forcibly. However, our homeland does not replete pleasant smells.
But the main thing is that it was disturbed by the constructors of Peugeot, is the safety of 207 SS with an open roof. Chrome arcs behind the rear seats are not so much design as an element of an active protection system when tipping over. The electronics 207 SS is able to recognize the situation preceding the overturning, and after 200 milliseconds the safety arc is shot up by 20 cm. Simultaneously with the activation of the arcs, the pretensioners of the front seats belts are triggered. In this cabriolet five airbags: two adaptive front, two side drives, hidden in the backs of the front seats, and the cushion for protecting the driver's knees. The car body has a number of reinforcing elements, which, when they hit, compensate for the absence of the roof.
You know, the speed in Europe is not in fashion, as all the time my passenger repeated. But the new 207 SS is reduced by 75 mm height of the driver's seat, and such causing seats with side support! Therefore, Kostya eventually did not have anything against high-speed overtaking on new Spanish autobah, built with such speed that the navigation is sometimes not familiar. And he did not even upset when we walked past the right turn, and he had to take on the role of the navigator.
Once again, wandering in search of the desired junction, we discussed the trend of Muscovites to move to live for the Moscow Ring Road. They do not spoil their lives morning traffic jams at the entrance to the city and increased by a couple of tens of tens of kilometers a route one way. They want to walk with a dog along the snow-covered mature forest and drink wine on the veranda with warm summer evenings. But there are those who do not exchange the scented center for country freshness. They have dinners with friends in a restaurant around the corner and morning coffee with a girlfriend to any of the surrounding caffeine. When this city is bored - and he annoys it sooner or later to everyone, - then you can ventilate a couple of days at the dacha with friends. Three days in the separation from civilization they are already boredom mortal, so it's better than 207 ss, the avid citizen and not to find. He does not need to score indifferent trunk bags with food from the hypermarket - it went. He most importantly is to be attached to the parking in front of the office and breathe the night cool on the way from the club home. And if we will now have winter with a climate characteristic of Europe, then 207 ss with their tough roof will be quite comfortable all year round.
Gasoline engine, 16V
Working volume (cube. Cm) 1598
(Hp at rpm) 120 at 6000 150 at 5800
Moment (nm at rpm) 160/4250 240/1400
Drive front
Gearbox 5-st. MCPP 4-st. Automatic transmission 5-st. MCPP
Length / Width / Height (mm) 4037/1750/1397
Mass Curb (kg) 1352 1391 1418
MAX. Speed \u200b\u200b(km / h) 200 195 210
Acceleration up to 100 km / h (c) 11.2 13.5 9.1
(City / highway, l / 100 km) 8.8 / 5.3 10.0 / 5.7 9.6 / 5.8
Price in Moscow from 722,000 rubles.
Anna Kilimnik text
Photo Peugeot.

A source: "Autopilot"