Test drives Peugeot 207 CC since 2006 Convertible

Vitamin SS
Removes chills, improves the well-being and complexion. Eliminates the symptoms of understated self-esteem and solves the problems of an intimate character. Acts in 25 seconds after the start of use. The drug is based on a rigid enhanced body, which provided the possibility of operating a car that has been deprived of an important ribbon rib. That is, roofs. Motion coupe-convertible will be two 1.6-liter engines, ...
Roof, Kysh!
The perfect passenger Kostya agrees in the seat, threw back his, it seemed, a very heavy backpack, put on sunglasses and said a little hastily: went, went! And I all got sink, setting up the steering wheel and chair. Let's go! "He repeated again, as if we were chanting the protection of the bank, which we just cleaned. ... ...
Women's Day
What they can arrange, having gathered together, three men, two of whom female wigs were tapped on the heads, and the third shepherd is put to shoes on the heel. Read and find out! Boris Muradeto Morning did not differ from all others. In addition to one: I woke up with the realization that today I had to become a woman. ...
Open Sun.
Peugeot 207 CC. Price: from 722,000 rubles. On sale: since 2007 it's time to shift the winter to the trunk! Peugeot issued 207 CC. Young Lionan with a pedigree: His ancestor was elder in the tribe of compact clamshells. 10 km / h This is very slow. I go very slowly and put on the key to lower the top of the new ...
I felt a stranger on this female holiday. The only pleasure folded roof. What darkened the joy of communication with the new French SS? No dynamics. The car is pretty weighs, the outfit mass is 1352 kg. At the same time at the plant under the hood, they put the engine with a capacity of only 120 hp In addition, the 1.6-liter engine was supplemented like ...

Video Crash tests Peugeot 207 CC since 2006