Test Drive Opel Tigra Twin Top since 2005 Hatchback

Evil Tigra ...

... or Opel in sport style.
She naturally roared when, after the next magnitude, I pushed the reduced gear and the tachometer arrow jumped over the mark of 5000 revolutions. And I didn't want to calm her at all on this desert winding track under Hamburg. They were rare minutes, when you catch yourself feeling that everything is wonderful - a good car, a magnificent asphalt, affectionate morning sun over your head and a refreshing breeze, walking around the salon without a roof. And not devoid of the friend of the colleague on the right: a sports anger is inherent in this baby! This is he about Tigra Twintop 1.8, with which I absolutely agree.
There are cars that have to themselves at first sight. Just saw, and somehow it immediately becomes clear - you will like to have a deal with him. Opel Tigra from their number. This double coupe-convertible has a special charm. Describe its quality only with dry digits - power, torque, overclocking dynamics - it's like to get acquainted with Joconda in black and white photos. Emotions are important here, direct sensations from the drive.
Tigra starts with half a turn. Little, helply, invariably attracting attention to himself, she rushes forward with such a hot, that it seems that you don't manage it, but quite the opposite. I do not want to find fault. That's, let's say, I would like a little more acute steering wheel. But I already know without sure - to what angle you should turn the Brank here before that cool turn. And Tigra passes a turn, with truly catchain holding a soft rubber asphalt on 17-inch drives (optional). In such situations, you give proper body rigidity even with a folded steel roof. Well - yes, somewhere in the middle of the arc, the rear wheels are barely noticeably begin to shift outward turns, but the car makes it possible to feel well this moment. Is that the movement of the steering wheel to straighten the trajectory is not as short as I like. But, I can extract the reader that all this is the living little things against the background of driving pleasure. In addition, Opel promises in the spring of next year to supply Tigra with a special sports suspension, and I think that without additional steering settings, the engineers will not cost.
It's nice that the roadster holds well and at high speeds - the steering wheel is poured by weight, the car does not grow, and it goes quite confident. Is that the breeze becomes all tangible (in the version of the cabriolet, of course) - I would have put a curtain along with elegant safety arcs. However, without it completely tolerant, the aerodynamics are greatly thought out. In general, Tigra impress the firmly shot and fast car.
Form and content
It's funny that, strictly speaking, without having left for the road, Opel Tigra Twintop won the 2004 convertible title. It happened at the Geneva Motor Show in the spring. Personally, I do not have the slightest reason to doubt the competence of the jury, especially after the test drive. The car looks extremely harmonious. And even the flirty raised back does not violate this impression due to the successful form of the lanterns and an elegant overlay from the matte chromium on the bumper. The same lining decorates the predatory front with a trapezoid grid of the radiator, large air intakes and bulk combined headlights.
Sports theme continues in the interior, Gleie also did not cost without chromium (numerous overlays, rims of dials on the dashboard) and metal (pedals). The seats have good lateral support and a good adjustment range, despite the limited space. But - this is what is important - even with a raised roof in the cabin there is no feeling of cramped. And you can get driving with maximum convenience.
The roof of Tigra Twintop deserves a separate story. Equipped with electrohydraulic drive, it is a sample of advanced technical thought. Because, first, turn the coupe into a convertible, or - on the contrary, you can simply press the button. True, it is necessary to stop for this, raise the handle of the parking brake and wait 18 seconds. And in the version of the coupe body gaps are simply perfect. Secondly, the folding roof did not deprive the car of practicality - the volume of the luggage compartment is with a raised rolling of as many as 500 liters, and with lowered - 320! No other classmate can boast such a litter. This is achieved at the expense of two sections: the first is the trunk itself, the second (70 l.) Is a niche behind the seats.
In general, Tigra Even in the basic version is equipped very well: electric drives and mirrors, two frontal and side airbags, ESP systems, ABS, disc brake mechanisms on all wheels, emergency braking system. Sewing and list of additional equipment: air conditioning, heated seats, 17-inch alloy wheels, multimedia interface designed for the new ASTRA, and much more. You can even order an individual trunk finish.
As for the motors, there are two of them, both gasoline. And with a 1.4-liter engine Tigra demonstrates a living character, but in my opinion, it is still more suitable for a more powerful (125 hp) of a power unit with a volume of 1.8 liters. But only a 90-strong version can be under the order equipped with a non-standard 5-speed mechanic, and an automated EasyTronic KP, well known, for example, according to the CORSA model.
Again by?
According to journalists from Europe, who participated in the test drive, the prospects for Tigra Twintop in the old world are very rainbow. Yes, and Karl-Peter Forster, head of Adam Opel AG, no accident said that in the near future, this model will be able to take 20% of the European Coupe-Convertible Market.
As for Russia, Tigra will again pass by. In any case, General Motors The CIS has not yet plans to supply this model to our market. So it was, by the way, always: Tigra was not officially imported, but it is difficult to notice it on our roads. Why there: my neighbor on the garage cooperative goes exactly on this car, and intends to order twintop immediately as soon as the car appears in German dealers. I reassured him about the report that widespread sales will begin in September, and the price range is from 14,950 to 17,770 euros, depending on the engine and configuration. By the way, his prices were more pleased than they were upset.
In conclusion, let himself express the opinion that such models like Tigra still makes sense to bring to the Russian market. They, no doubt, strengthen the new image of the brand. Already not to mention the fact that you can make a worthy competition with similar coupe-convertibles from Peugeot, which in Moscow are more and more. In addition, it is not less convenient to exploit such an all-weather front-wheel drive in Russia than in Europe. My neighbor, for example, has never complained ...
Oleg Osipov

A source: Newspaper "Car Izvestia" [№15 (61), 2004]

Video crash tests Opel Tigra Twin Top since 2005

Crash Test Opel Tigra Twin Top since 2005

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