Test Drives Opel Frontera Sport 1998 - 2004 SUV

Service compliance
Updated Opel Frontera without a small four years. And he still does not complain about the Russian market. What is the reason? We will try to figure out. Opel Frontera was presented at the Geneva Motor Show in 1991 and was a good Europeanized version of the Japanese SUV ISUZU. The model was produced with two types of body - short-pass three-door and ...
Continuation of the holiday
Last spring in the days of the border guard took part SUV Opel Frontera TN. The second series with 2.2 liters engine (Motor E 5, 1998). The updated model of this car appeared on the market, but it was not immediately reached. It seemed to us (based on publications and photos in the Western Automotive Press), ...
Days of border guard
Since his debut in Geneva in 1991, SUVs of General Motors - Opel Frontera and his Japanese analogue of Isuzu Rodeo - acquired a reputation as reliable and unpretentious machines. This is evidenced by the fact that they are still in production to this day. Of course, it would be naive to think that cars are all ...
Border control
The border, as you know, should be on the castle. To pick up a key to him, you can leave the years. As in the case of Opel Frontera, the 3.2-Rising Opel brand is not a beginner in our market. But still the fronter was on our territory without official registration. The park was formed mainly from the used ...
The right, tired of being an eternal asterian and a passenger, going to fish for a thousand kilometers from the capital. Friends are good, and the company has ceased, but the driving itself is familiar. And yet - cottage. Total one and a half kilometer from the Moscow asphalt, but you and the car are completely extinguished. The detective and practicality of the thought of the jeep ...
Huge investments, a newly built plant, four years of work of an international team of specialists. And all this in order to release the second generation of the car Opel Frontera. Costs, of course, are great. But the centenary anniversary is a good reason to remind themselves about himself as one of the world's leading automakers. It is global. No wonder the new Frontera is one ...

Video crash tests Opel Frontera Sport 1998 - 2004