Test Drive Opel Corsa 5 doors since 2011 hatchback

Asphalt Corsar

Already ten minutes after the keys to the new Opel Corsa left the pocket of the representative of the auto show, it became clear: the future owners, or rather - the owners will reward this car with all sisyoking names and plush nicknames. Why? Everything is simple: Opolev designers dropped quasi-politocarity and with Teutonic straightness rushed: This car is for girls!
And right: there is the concept of Driver's-Car, why not enter the term Girl's-Car? Corsa will perfectly fit into this class: recall, in which car the driver's visor is equipped with a cosmetic mirror, and passenger - no. Difficult? Me too.
Turn in the ignition lock key-miscarriage - we touch. The machine is equipped with a 1.2-liter gasoline heart and a robotic mechanical gearbox Easytronik. CORSA price in the enjoy configuration for us - $ 14,640. KP is funny: despite its mechanical origin, there are only two pedals in the cabin - gas and brake. You can go like a car with an automatic box: transmissions are switched according to a specific algorithm for electric drives. And you can go to manual switching mode: I swung the knob KP forward - rearranged to transfer above, swung back - here's a reduced one.
Go. To begin with - on the machine. Immediately, without a swing, from a quiet harbor of parking car dealerships fall into a dense flow on Yaroslavka. It is urgent to accelerate up to speed as everyone. Otherwise, and looked at some crazy gazelle will roll. Gas to the floor ... The box was thinking. But the motor cheerfully fell, accelerate, tangible push-braking - what's the case? Again, the speed set: A, we are so switching to the next gear. It's clear. An isolation, exit to the Moscow Ring Road - arrived: the tap.

What do not say, and in a traffic jam, an automatic - almost happiness. Once again, he was convinced of this, having hired in the sluggish, the stroke from the Yaroslavl highway to Strict. The thoughtfulness of the nesting somewhere under the floor of the isitronics in this case does not strain at all. Yes, sometimes thanks to him in front of you, some particularly nervous from the neighboring row has been doing. Yes, and God with Him: We are all in deep traffic, as they say. And between spasmodic jerks, autotopes we find a mass of time to study the car's salon. The first, as well as the second and all subsequent impressions of the stay in the arms of this Opel Corsa can be described by a couple of words: Quality and reliability. Keep in mind: Quality and reliability The author wrote in capital letters and bold! The three-spin rabbar is a plumpy such - pleasantly lies in his hands. The steering wheel is adjustable in two dimensions: above-lower and further closer. Forward-back front chairs move traditionally - with an arc under the seat. The angle of inclination of the back changes twisted on the sidewall. The driver is also laid and adjusting the seat height. This is the way: I, you know, possess the atavista to overlook the front edge of the hood. Diligently subdominating your fifth point up. M-yes: To see the hood from the salon, my six feet of growth and the upper position of the chair is clearly not enough. It is characteristic that, at the same time, no question of the macushi and ceiling is not even a speech. By the way, it turned out on the road that the elusiveness of the hood in everyday ride with her avalanches in the stream, parking and the like maneuvers does not interfere. The dimensions of the car are starting to feel very quickly and organically.
And in general, a review from the salon in all directions is very good. Since we have come about parking matters, I can not not report that in this element Corsa feels more than confident. To capture the car on the background of the gateway, I had to go to the embankment going along the channel. Removed the car on the one hand, you need to deploy it. The walkway is five meters wide. Well, maybe six ... although it is unlikely. Before entering the mound of the meters of four hundred, and there is no desire to undergo this distance. Let's try to turn around? The funny thing is that the car quietly unfolded 180 degrees in two receptions. Although I confess: Yes, it was terrible, because the slopes on both sides - wow! Another zest Corsa is in the luggage compartment. He is doubled! The depth of hidden under the fake floor of the compartment is such that by folding the back seat, you get a flat surface - it is very convenient for the transport of dimensional folk-household goods.
But back to the topic of the route. When you choose from the congestion, I want to start riding again. In arsenal, the wisdom of the CP is found sports regime. It is activated by a button with an S pictogram, which was attached near the handle of the box. Press. On the dashboard next to the burning letter A (the signal that KP - in automatic mode) also lights up and small S. Davim on the gashchka, the motor now before switching to increased gear is unwinding not up to 3, and up to 4 thousand revolutions. By the way, the box also has a winter mode. A similar button with drawn snowflake lights up on the panel, as you guess, snowflake. Shift shifts here on lower revs than in the standard. But back to our sports branches. Yes, with a burning s, the machine began to accelerate noticeably resume, but also the shocks when switching became much more sensitive. No, I do not like to ride. Uncomfortable. Let's try to across the transmissions yourself. The push of the handle of the KP, and the tidy tagged with the tidy 3 - it turns out, we are now going to third gear. We accelerate, in front of the red tachometer zone, the gas pedal is slightly released, push the handle forward - the next transmission. The motor cheerfully buzzes, there are no joy of delay! The beauty! As adults rolled up to the left row. Yes, in manual mode of the gearbox, the machine is rude very nice. At high speeds, the machine behaves absolutely predictable. Clearly listens to the sick (thanks to adequate GUR) of the steering wheel. Does not react to the appearance under the wheels of deep killers and chosel in the asphalt. By the way, even in manual mode, the gearbox may intervene in the actions of the driver.
For example, if, moving on the fifth gear at a speed of 100 km / h, in an attempt to sharply accelerate to try not less sharply pressing the accelerator pedal. KP immediately throws off the fifth transfer to the third, and the machine is cheerful to gain a move. The passport of the car declares the maximum 168 km / h. To get to these heights did not allow road conditions, alas. But 150-kilometer bar (sorry, traffic police) was easily overcome. And at such speeds, the machine behaves very reliably, everything is in order, but ... perhaps, 120 km / h is the border of some psychological comfort at Corsa. If you drop up to typical zero, let's say that after four thousand revolutions, the engine noise causes noticeable discomfort. Multiple motor reduces almost no engine braking. In the process of driving around the evening, the city was lucky to meet as many proud owners of jerpets-styled front-wheelwater vases, which were struck to demonstrate technical and moral superiority over Corsa Castoms with test drive stickers. And every time - on the traffic light. Without going into details, I will say that at the next crossroads, the average yard strengther usually drives up a minute after a minute after CORSA. This is that in the city torn mode of the movement of the dynamic qualities of Corsa is enough for more than. In manual mode of gearbox, naturally.
In a word, during the test, the car either focused gasoline in traffic jams, or she was erected on turns in the area not lower than 3 thousand. What do you think, how did the average consumption of gasoline? The correct answer is 4.9 liters per hundred. And this is despite the fact that the manufacturer promises consumption of 4.8 liters per hundred with economical country ride!
Text: Alexey Batushenko

A source: Mkmobile magazine [11.12.2006]

Video Test Drives Opel Corsa 5 doors since 2011