Test Drives Opel Combo since 2002 Minivan

Square Round Table Knight
Large cities require small cars. Lack of parking spaces, road traffic jams. And here you, please, - the boom of small female. Almost all European companies gave tribute to this hobby. And the cities were flooded with machines capable of driving a fairly decent distance at one refueling for the Zippo lighter. Naturally, their sizes are quite consistent with this device. Good.…
With benefit for business
For many years, the concept of the heel was associated with us with the nettical creation of the Izhevsk Machine-building plant and the Rodonachar of the domestic class of light trucks IL-2715. The tribe of entrepreneurs originated in our time also used this unpretentious old man in their market and larcous purposes for a long time. Our today's guests are a kind of reincarnation of the Udmurt car. They completely reflect ...
Opel Combo: First Commercial
Commerizing Russian business requires compact commercial vehicles. They will be delivered to pizza, deliver correspondence and auto parts; Perhaps even to transport people though, passenger versions of cargo compacts are less in demand. Such trucks are not terrible low bridges, close parking and rising fuel prices; They are maneuverable and inexpensive. They are economically beneficial. Latest ...