Test Drive Nissan X-Trail since 2011 SUV

Mini Test Drive Nissan X-Trail, 2006

Engine operation and some other moments are very given old
As you know, the Nissan X-Trail car is equipped with a 4-cylinder gasoline engine of the QR20DE model with a vertically ordinary position of the cylinders, the working volume of which is 2000 cu. See in a series of 2-liter gasoline engines, which are currently produced by Nissan, the engine used by the X-Trail car is perhaps the most, if so can be expressed, the backward, as if transferred to our time from the previous era. This backwardness is felt in everything: and in what a noise he makes, and how he reacts to teams, and even in the nature of vibration. For all listed indicators, the motor is clearly lagging behind the modern level, which makes it possible to call it no other than yesterday's day.
It is true, equipped with a system that continuously changes the gas distribution phases and adjusts the valve disclosure value (the so-called CVTC system). However, in fact, the effect of this system is reduced not so much to the development of the maximum torque on any revolutions, how much to develop maximum power on the small and medium speed. Because of this circumstance, when driving on the city streets, such important elements, as the start and the next acceleration, are performed more or less successfully and should not cause special complaints from the driver.
I would also not argue that the engine's reaction to the driver teams wears a pronounced slowdown character, although on the other hand it is impossible to call it instantaneous. At least when it was necessary to give a car an additional acceleration, and it was as soon as possible, the car performed everything that was required of it, and it did it so that I didn't have any reason for irritation. In other words, a car, more precisely, his engine in a practical plan deserves a completely satisfactory assessment. At the same time, as a result of such an orientation on the most frequently selected high-speed modes, the high speed engine, as it seemed to me, suffers the power deficit. Thus, I can assume that in some cases, for example, when a sharp acceleration requires, we assume when the machine moves through the speed highway and it is necessary to overtake anyone, sitting behind the wheel driver can experience something like stress.
And it would be okay, he lost to engines of the same class produced by competitors. So there is no, even against the background of their meetings of the new generation motors, which are equipped with such cars of the Nissan brand, like Serena or LaFesta, the X-Trail engine seems like a typical representative of the former generation. Of course, you can proceed simply: make the engine of a forced intake system with a turbine, and now you have another representative of the model range of X-Trail, which is at the expense of the available capacity of 280 hp It will show such a dynamics of overclocking that it will not seem little to anyone. But is it worth striving for such achievements if such important characteristics are sacrificed as simplicity in operation and efficiency!?
The X-Trail car has a complete drive of the All Mode 4x4 system, which is controlled by electronics. There are three modes of operation: 2WD, AUTO and LOCK. Modes are switched using a rotating switch. Why was it required to include 2WD mode in this list? Everything is very simple: their all three options movement in 2WD mode allows you to achieve scoring fuel economy.

A source: Auto-g.jp.

Video Test Drives Nissan X-Trail since 2011